Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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Local Time:
12:55 PM
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Man, you made me wait all day NoN, and I did get sleepy too
    2. KeybladeMasterJoe
      the goodbye post is on my profile
    3. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Is still passed out, and starts to die slowly.*
      Me- *Snaps out of it.* Waa... Wat the hell is going on here... Hey wait...*Starts to cough* Kim, NoN... WHERE ARE YOU?!!! KIM!!! NON???!!!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME WHERE DID YOU GO!!?!*Starts to charge up, but then it fails.* Wat the hell is going on here? Ican't charge up at all.
    4. KeybladeMasterJoe
      i'll pm you before i leave to let you know to check it out ^_^
    5. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      I'll remember not to take a nap tonight
    6. #8-Axel
      hey still there ain't you gonna check the group
    7. #8-Axel
      ha just depends what i put there, no? *bumbs that kid into you*
    8. #8-Axel
      *Bumbs you in the back to* Are you trying to get us in the group
    9. #8-Axel
      *go bumbs another guy*So how did we start/
    10. #8-Axel
      ah heheh *chase you and finally bumbs you by going in front of you*
    11. #8-Axel
      Um yeah i'm fine with it *bumbs you*
    12. #8-Axel
      *gets a blue car with number 1 on it* So are you ok with me telling someone?
    13. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*She then becomes in a dazed state of mind.* N-Noo wats going on?
      Me- I'm gonna die now. I have to except my fate.
      Kimberly- Ihave to help my kids, but I can't move my body... Its feel so heavy, I can't control my...*Then her body goes into shock, causing her to cough up some blood,and then she passes out.*
    14. #8-Axel
      um ok sure
    15. #8-Axel
      you choose
    16. #8-Axel
      um...yeah k *follows you*
    17. #8-Axel
      #8-Axel yesterday i thought you were talking about that group
      and you said is there more
      when i said more i ment in that group hehe ya'know
    18. #8-Axel
      hehe*blushes*so what do you wanna talk about
    19. KeybladeMasterJoe
      well tonite's my last night.
      dont forget to check out my profile to see what i posted on there
    20. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Then starts to have flashbacks playing of wen she lost you guys and she starts to go cazy. No leave them alone.... They have nothing to do with this.
      Me-*Is on a bed were I'm still bleeding, and no one is there for me.*