Last Activity:
Sep 27, 2011
Apr 7, 2010
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Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
Hobo? Well A student I guess.


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D

xtakeda was last seen:
Sep 27, 2011
    1. #8-Axel
      um tired whats a senpai
    2. #8-Axel
      Waaaaazzzzz uuuuuppppp bro
    3. Aura
      I want the PS3 just so I can be able to get Versus XIII on it but...I'm poor and can't afford it. But it might take a little while longer for Versus XIII to come out so hopefully I'll have money by then. But I'll be buying a laptop first if I do get enough money for a PS3. >>
    4. #8-Axel
      cool sp whats new
    5. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      This Eurovision. .I wish I had BBC news.
    6. Aura
      I only really play FFXIII and Devil May Cry 4 on the 360. And well, The Beatles Rockband too, but I haven't played either of those games in a while. >< Only game I've actually been playing are the LoZ games. >>;; And...ah. Well, then that's good. If they don't get scratches, then they'll last longer. The Wii doesn't really have any good games. Only game I'd be willing to play on it is Twilight Princess but that's for the Gamecube so...yeah. Lol. <<;;
    7. walkergirl-_-
      Heh!! Nailed him in the face!!! I am so awesome!!! -strikes a pose- ehh?? is that some history about spain? I don't get it... Explain!!!

      Yay for cookies!!! wait!!!!........you want me to give them up!!!! -thinks about it- o.n.l.y. ONE!!!! ok one and a half...BUT THAT'S ALL!!! hey you maki and cici help way more then I do so I don't know what your talking about...>< I only make people stupid and silly!

      um well the anime is exactly like the manga and it only has a few fillers not to many but man primo was just so cool!!! My puppy is gurring and I am laughing like crazy!!!
    8. walkergirl-_-
      Yay pillows are fun to huggle and throw at people!! ohh ohh!!! pillow fight!!! -throws pillows around- That's cool!! I wish I could speak my language all pretty!!

      DING DING DING DING!!!! YOU ARE RIGHT!!! ^______^ I do trust you cause your a great friend!! haha You really have changed!! =DD your way more positive!! that's great!!

      Ohh Ohh I was neglecting the episodes but the primo is on the episodes now!!! I spazzed cause he is just so cool!!! and his guardians are there to!!!! -dies from epic fan girling-

      ohh nos!!! don't let the guy with a mask and a chainsaw get you!!
    9. Aura
      Really? @-@ I think all discs should get scratched at some point, especially if they're old. But I don't have a PS3 so I wouldn't know. I think I have all systems except for a Wii and the PS3. ...The PSP as well.
    10. walkergirl-_-
      Pillow?? Cooooooooooolllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!.......hahaha ohh so it's the fancy version of spanish!! I see!!

      Haha I wonder?? -smirk- I guess that's up to you to figure out!! don't you think? I like a good challenge!! You tell me for as long as I have known you...do you think I trust you?

      You = SMART TO THE EXTREME!!!! haha reborn!!!! It's eally easy to relax yourself!! just be like....well me!!!! be crazy!!!! as for not thinking well then think 'i am so not going to die from being on a roof'
    11. walkergirl-_-
      That's funny cause I just said it and your right!! I do have a really funny lisp when I say B!tch!!! that's awesome!!! I am cooler now!!! XDDD Wait you want to learn what now!!??you lost me on that one!!! XP

      Yay!!! the harder it is for people to read me the better!!! ^____^ I actually think that's better no?? If your to easy to read then it's easy for a person to manipulate or use you so make sure to build walls and well when the time's call for it act fake!! or at least that's what I think...>____> I don't like to be open unless I trust the person first...Yay you learned something!!!! XP I'm being stupid again!!

      Haha you worry to much and stop thinking about the little things jeez!!!! relax and do what I do!!! don't think!!!!! hehe being so on edge is no good!!!
    12. Aura
      That too. ._. A game must be new as well. I don't want a game I really wanted to be scratched already when I get it. Everything must be new for me. <<
    13. walkergirl-_-

      hey!! having a lisp is cool!! I have one!!! >__< and what!!!

      You confused cause you think you know me but then at the same time your not to sure? well....what do yea want to know? I can tell you cause there's not much to tell!!
      ohh don't worry I do want to talk to you maybe it's just me that's being weird...
    14. walkergirl-_-
      Turkey is ok!! I think they are trying to hard to be cool though... haha Good!! you know I don't care about stuff like that!

      Bah she just shouldn't have won cause there were better people competing. I like guitar playing!! but not from people I don't like....hahahaha >> I was taking about school...I need to talk to you through pm....
    15. walkergirl-_-
      Wow!!! that was just wow!!! ummm ok well first I thought lena was lame!!!! you sent me her song twice!!! I never heard turkey's song!! and you know me well enough to know I don't really care about that stuff...>_______> belgium was pretty!! really really pretty!! no not really I just liked the guitar!! haha =)))) I know that norway guy!!! the one who kisses lena!! I have heard his songs before!! wow I never thought he was so young cause he sounds very mature!! he was so kiwaaaaaa!!!
    16. Aura
      No. I'd rather get something that's working completely and wasn't used before. I'm spoiled or something. << Or not. I just need the money to get the things I kind of want.
    17. Aura
      Oh. >> Alright. I'll try remembering tomorrow then.
      I'm afraid of buying anything used since it might come out defaulted or something and I'll end up being pissed.
    18. Aura
      What do you mean buy all games? I only want like...two or three. <<;;; Do they still even sell the original PSP?
    19. #8-Axel
      hey bro i know you ain't on but this is for you do come on
    20. #8-Axel
      i did not know you did ok till the morrow bro
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  • About

    Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
    Hobo? Well A student I guess.
    Hm What to say.... Uh .... Not really sure....

    Oh FAR too many too list.... Nah Just Kiddin Basiclly Anime, Drawing(bad at it), and GAMING....etc


    Forget Stalking Psh~ Im so over that.

    AND WOAH~ Eurovision made me start to Like my Spanish music...Of course It had to be Spain D'8 Being all cool and stuff...And Norway O: