Last Activity:
Sep 27, 2011
Apr 7, 2010
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6:23 AM
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Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
Hobo? Well A student I guess.


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D

xtakeda was last seen:
Sep 27, 2011
    1. #8-Axel
      i got to go can you get on tommorow so we can talk sorry
    2. #8-Axel
      ha not much
    3. #8-Axel
      wow you type alot so what ya up to
    4. #8-Axel
      Whoa your up to alot most people jus answer " not much "
    5. #8-Axel
      oh cool so whats new
    6. #8-Axel
      huh me to whats it for why are we here for what purpose
    7. #8-Axel
      yo how ya been
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Aw man really? Was it that terrible?
    9. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yeah! XD All the songs are pretty catchy actually.

      LOL! You just never know these things ._.
    10. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Both actually were pretty cool . .and well nothing escapes the flames from youtube ._.
    11. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      That was awesome, I really liked Spain's and Turkey's XD
    12. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      You should get the Death S-Link! 8D
    13. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I believe is Death Arcana.
      That or I might be confusing it for the dragon in P3
      Either way get the dragon it's awesome
    14. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      He is 8D

      I used the dragon Seth for almighty attacks
    15. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Of course :'D
      Ah Loki is really awesome, I had him as my main Persona for a while >8D His Bufundyne skills are SRS BUISNEZ.

      Yeah man Giant Eyeball. .then you fight . . .THE REAL BOSS OSHIT.

      Ah it's a shame but at least you enjoyed yourself :'3
    16. Aura
      I know there's Dissidia. I want that one too. Only games I know that are for the PSP are Crisis Core and Dissidia. And also BBS, but who knows when it'll come out so eh. I don't really want the most recent PSP or something. Just like...the upgrade version of the original one.
    17. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e


      Good luck :'D
    18. Aura
      Ohhhh. @-@ I want a PSP but I'd probably end up getting the newer version of it. What games are there for the PSP? >> Other than Crisis Core. First game I must get. <<;;

      Life sucks, greatly. B| Blah.
    19. Aura
      ._. What kind of PSP do you have? I want a PSP that can do that. ;-;

      I never learn. Well...I do but mainly the hard way...which sucks. >>;;
    20. Aura
      Or the N64 since that system has Ocarina and Majora's Mask. But the Gamecube does have the collection of all the Zelda games. >>

      Yeah, I kind of need to learn to walk away from some things as well. << Whenever I tried walking away from something a while back, bad things would happen so...eh. I usually stay and take everything in. <>
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  • About

    Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
    Hobo? Well A student I guess.
    Hm What to say.... Uh .... Not really sure....

    Oh FAR too many too list.... Nah Just Kiddin Basiclly Anime, Drawing(bad at it), and GAMING....etc


    Forget Stalking Psh~ Im so over that.

    AND WOAH~ Eurovision made me start to Like my Spanish music...Of course It had to be Spain D'8 Being all cool and stuff...And Norway O: