Ars Nova
Nov 28, 2009
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3:31 PM
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Hell 71

Ars Nova

Just a ghost., hungry, from Hell 71


Miracles do happen Dec 17, 2019

    1. Juicy
      It's nice to see you posting again. c:
    2. Fayt-Harkwind
      Yeah, just PM it me. Anyone can join at any time.
    3. Cyanide
      It's Lelouch from Code Geass.
    4. What?
      Understandable, there are quite a handful of people whom act differently than their internet personas appear to be. I can quite safely say that confidence is the greatest asset one may have in such a scenario, keep it with yourself. In such a case, you indeed seem confident enough to succeed in your efforts - I sincerely wish you the greatest luck, sir, though I am quite sure you do not require it.
    5. What?
      I see. I shall refrain from querying you more extensively then in that case - I would at least presume that you have reformed yourself as to prevent such a scenario from re-occurring.
    6. What?
      Ack, I see. It is at least quite wonderful to hear that it is turning back into a proper conformism and you shall finally be back on track. May I ask why is it you were dismissed, or does that remain a personal matter?
    7. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I hope that you will have a lot more ups than downs. Things for me have been pretty good lately. I'm having more good times than I am bad times and I honestly say that I'm happy with the way things are at the moment. Plus the World Cup is coming up and school has become less of hassle for me so I'm going to be able to sit back and relax for a while or at least until I have to start preparing for college. Also you made a thread about Discworld and Transmetropolitan. Now I assume you're talking about the books. I've heard of Discworld since one of my friends loves the books(love may be an understatement) but I haven't heard of the latter. What's it about?
    8. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Hello Novabug. It's been a while since we last talked and...I miss you. How's life been treating you?
    9. What?
      I would certainly hope more ups than downs in such a case. Relatively decent for myself, if not stricken with abhorrent amounts of work. How is your education coming along?
    10. What?
      How are you, sir?
    11. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Ok good <3 and thats fine, real social life > online social life :b I'm glad things are going well for you, and talk to you soon :glomp:
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hey, is everything ok?
    14. Sumi
      Haha, sorry. I've been caught up with school. Thanks a bunch. I'll check it out!
    15. Catch the Rain
    16. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      I've been working with some autistic kids the last few days, and it really opened my eyes on what I was, what I am and what I can be. I'm not fearful, I've said that already, but I really don't know why i don't want to go. It's stupid but maybe I like where my life is right now, and what I believe since it's the best my life has been in a while. I don't know, maybe another time.
      What were you there for? Nothing serious I hope.
      As long as you keep up with the philosophical views and symbolism, we'll be good. :)
    17. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Yes, again thank you. I was trying to give you rep for it, but unfortunately, like our previous conversation here (look below) I seem to have been again to nice to you that I can't give you anymore love!
      I appreciate your reply, and it sounded like you've had a similar experience before, if you don't mind me enquiring?
      And, if you don't know, i'm keeping up with your whole Philo Supernova blog thing. I'm enjoying.
    18. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep *runs*
    19. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      It wanted to say hello C:
    20. Catch the Rain
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    Hell 71
    Past Usernames:
    Nouveau Nova
    ars nvoa
    Ars Wumbo
    Alolan Nova
    Default Name:
    Ars Nova


    "Any man that's half awake can spot a trap that's laid for him.
    But to stride in boldly with a plan to turn it on its ear, that is a marvelous thing."

    -Lord Bredon, The Wise Man's Fear

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