Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. Darkcloud
      Yeah, my doc said to my parents, 'well, you see these two things here? The pain he says he's feelin'? He ain't makin' it up.' *rolls eyes* Him, they believe.
    2. Darkcloud
      Same here; got two bulging discs in my lower spine. Well, aren't we a smart one? xD
    3. nasirrich
      Yea your right about that one right there. And That's a good idea, but I'm very sorry about this I have to leave.*Hugs, and kisses again.* Ba Bye sweetie.
    4. nasirrich
      Wow that's deep.^^ ^^ And ok I just got to let it go. I can't keep on livivng in my past anymore. I have to move up from this BIG MISTAKE and then learn from it.*Kisses* I'm glad.. no I'm very happy that we can just move on from this.
    5. nasirrich
      Hmmm this sux a lot. But if you say so... But still I hate that it had to be you. I wish that it only happened to me that way no one eles would get hurt.
    6. nasirrich
      I know I know, I hate it too. I wish that drama never came to me like this, but I'll just be strong, and do my best to avoid it all.I'm very sorry that this had to come to you.
    7. nasirrich
      *Starts to blush a bit.* Y-Yea anytime.^^ ^^ I don't want her to be mad at you cause of this. I really just want all this to stop, and I'll have to man up to her, and tell her wat happened. But until that times comes...*Holds you tightly* I won't let you get hurt anymore.
    8. nasirrich
      Noo noo noo don't worry I'll handle it. I know wat to tell her wen she does find out. Please don't worry about anything ok.^^ ^^ I just hope that she will give me a chance to explain things to her though.*Sighs* OOO man this is bad real bad.Damn... It
    9. nasirrich
      I'm still a little freaked about wat happened yestreday. And Myu gonna find out cause of wat is on Axle's vm thing. But wen she does I'll just have to explain things to her then.
    10. nasirrich
      Goood Morning Sweetie.^^ ^^ How are you doing this morning?^^ ^^*Hugs*
    11. Darkcloud
      Problems with your back, I assume? lol, yeah, I've never had much use for long, thick hair :p. I found out that I wouldn't do well in the army/navy/air force: Had my hair cut waaay too short one time, a breeze blew by, and it chilled me to the bone...not doing that again. Nuh uh.
    12. Darkcloud
      Oh, I'm not scarred from this; I've been around for quite a while, and this doesn't scar me.
      Anywho, what're your plans for tomorrow?
    13. Darkcloud
      I'm sorry I asked.
    14. Darkcloud
      All right, I'll bite....and you know this, how?
    15. Darkcloud
      Nuu, silly :p. That involves underwear; reverse-pantsing involves grabbing the trowsers, and pulling it up to his armpits! Atomic wedgie just takes the underwear and puts it on his head.
    16. Darkcloud
      B-b-but, we had some poor random sucker! And he deserved it! *pouts*...I could reverse pants him...*nods rapidly* :D
    17. Darkcloud
      :( No pantsing?...T^T Wha hoppened?
    18. Darkcloud
      Whatever I can do to help. xD
      Hey, I'll have you know, I was the fastest pantser in the west...before I hurt my back, now I can't do it as fast, but they'll still be runnin' pretty fast after me!
    19. #8-Axel
      of course he did why do you think he didn't
    20. adamboy7
      ok, well i have to go to bed, it is past my bedtime lol. Bye bye :D