Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. nasirrich
      I mean I don't even know anymore. I don't feel anything at all. But still how is it that I had blood on my jeans, and had no cuts, or anything on me. And wen I looked inside they had blood in them as well. But my legs had nothing on them wats so ever.
    2. nasirrich
      Yea I mean I'm fine now (I hope) but I don't think that I ever thought that I felt that much pain before in my life.
    3. nasirrich
      Wat a dunce lol. And my day was very bad. I mean like the jeans I was wearing was burning my skin. And I wasn't even outside for that long. Also wen I went to the nurse to change into my gym clothes cause she thought that might help it. I see that blood is on them. And the thing is that I had no cuts or anything. And even with the cold water on a paper towel it didn't really help it that much. But they got better overtime. Its just that the pain was something that I never felt before. Also I couldn't sit cause it was burning there, I couldn't even stand without moving cause of the pain
    4. nasirrich
      That's just sad wat a tool man.Lol OOOOO wow he's an idiot.
    5. nasirrich
      :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Lol Wow that's wat he gets that dumb F***^^ ^^.:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:woohoo::woohoo:
    6. nasirrich
      *Hugs, and kisses* Hiya I'm back, and that guy's a punk man. Like this kid has no life at all.
    7. AXBHikaru
      I can't wait for the next one to come out, its supposed to take place between 1 and 2 and reveal Kratos's past.
    8. nasirrich
      Please forgive me I have to go bye.^^ ^^*Kisses and then hugs.*
    9. nasirrich
      OOOO wow to both things that you said. And if were to do that to me it wouldn't hurt at all. Cause then I would twist my arms 360 degrees, then twists my legs the other way make him go flying.Flip up then before he lands hit him right in the gut very hard.
    10. nasirrich
      *Eyes twitching* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN HIM!!! HOW DARE HE DO THAT!!! Like if I do that I would then Final Kick him.A Final Kick aka ax kick is wen your leg goes high in the air. Like straight up verticle like. And then you go down straight, and depending on where the target is. Then they get hit with the heel, then since you leg keeps going down they get hit with the rest as well. But yu have to be very flexible(Which I am) and have to make it hurt for the ultimate effect.
    11. nasirrich
      *Puts free hand around your head, and then hugs you tighter.* Yooo he has to pay for this. He will pay for this I can't wait till it he gets wat he deserves.
    12. nasirrich
      Yoooo this kid really wants to die. Like I swear he just has those lucky stars around him.I'm soo very sorry to hear that.*Hugs*
    13. nasirrich
      Awww heyy there my day is going very well. Thanks to you, and the fact that I have a free period at this time.^^ ^^ Yourself?^^ ^^
    14. nasirrich
      I'm sorry baby but I gotta go ba bye.*Hugs and kisses again.*
    15. nasirrich
      Hmmm that really sucks a lot. I'm soo sorry for you.*Hugs and kisses*
    16. nasirrich
      Yoo like wat is up with your school. I mean if you have non then you shouldn't have to go back at all. Like that should be some legit rule right there.
    17. nasirrich
      Waat you still have school... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!! YOU STILL HAVE SCHOOL? I thought that you were out
    18. nasirrich
      Are you ok cause I don't wat you to wake up eariler so that we can talk. Or not givig your body enough time to regenrate its energy.
    19. nasirrich
      I'm doing very good. You just made my day by vm me. I really wasn't expecting that at all. Thank you sooo much.^^ ^^
    20. nasirrich
      Good morning there.^^ ^^ How are things going for you?*Kisses and hugs.*
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.