Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      well im mean its just my opinion on the subject but yeah....
    2. KeybladeMasterJoe
      only really obsesive overachivers do that ^_^
    3. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      sparring, not really i kinda hurt. can't use my left side right now...
    4. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      I possible had dislocated my shoulder. Other than that I am ok my moon.
    5. nasirrich
      *Teleports to your side.* Master are you ok cause you seem a bit worried.
    6. nasirrich
      *While sleeping has dreams about wen we were kids.* Wat is this Kim?
      Kim- I have no clue Wat about you NoN do you know wat this is?^^ ^^*Then I wake up but is not worried, but gglad that the three freinds are reunited.* I hope the mistress is ok.
    7. KeybladeMasterJoe
    8. nasirrich
      *Nothing happens and then she grabs you and holds you up in the air and then still gives you the same looks and then makes her eyes do wat you did to her back to you.*
      Me-*Falls down cause I teleported in front of you to take in the blow.**Blood then slides down my lips.* Why Kim Why?
      Kimberly-*Makes both of our eyes go back to normal.* Listen you guys won't be ready for the other students here if you can't handel this. Cause I was told by my superiors to go all out on you two. CAuse they said that you are the two strongests students here, and all the others may not like that. So this is a test to see if you can handel the pressure. Sorry bout that though.*Sorry face* I had no reason at all to hurt you both. I really wanted to be your friends and train with you tow cause its said that your the best. Please forgive me for wat I have done I'm very sorry.
      Me- I now remeber who you are now. Before my mother died I knew the both of you very well, and we were the best of freinds. We always had each other's back, and looked out for one another. But ever since that day we were seprated I was told to forget all about you tow, and have no feelings for any of you. But I didn't listen to them. And once NoN said that this place was very familar was it that you were giving us clues to see if we remebred you at all.
      Kimberly- Correct*Picks up NoN*I'm so very sorry bout that I really didn't mean it at all. But the good thing is that I'm your guys class offical. But you need to heal so I'll explain to you later on K.^^ ^^*Kisses NoN on the forehead like the old days, and hugs me.Then teleports away.*
      Me- Mistress I'm sorry bout that. *Falls down next to you then passes out.*
    9. nasirrich
      MASTER!!!!...*Falls to the ground and holds my chest.* N-Noo way that can't be me...*Hands starts to shake a lot.* Wat is this how can this be??I have to go help the mistress.*Gets up in a lot of pain and tries to help you wen...*
      Kimberly-*Teleports in to where you both are.* Awww poor babies having a bit of trouble.^^ ^^
      Kimberly-*Looks at me with her eyes, and it has a bloodlust look to them.*
      Me- *Shouting for the pain, and memories to stop and start to lose blood.Also holds head, and then rolls on the floor.* Wa- wat is this
      Kimberly-*Looks at you the same way.*
    10. nasirrich
      *Sleeping peaceful until the real effects of Kims eyes kicks in. I start having these flashes of how I met you, and all the things that we did together. And then about my past, and for some reason the both of you were there.(You and Kim.)**Wakes up very scared oooo noo the Mistress I have to go see if she's ok.*Teleports to your side Master are you ok??
    11. KeybladeMasterJoe
      um.... it's in english and spainish
    12. nasirrich
      *Gets out of tub and cleans himself and changes into his night close.And then teleports to see if your ok.* Master...Hmmm mistress is sleeping.^^ ^^ She musta had some day, and I'll have to be extra careful if that Kim girl shows up again.*Covers you with your blanket and then makes sure your fully tucked in.* Goodnight Mistress Nights.^^ ^^*Runs finger along the side of your face, and then kinda messes with your hair a bit.* Hmmmm *Teleports back to my room.* I'll have to tell her later, but I should catch some zzz's as well.* Falls asleep as well.*
    13. nasirrich
      Yea I'm fine and thank you for the help. And I'm sorry master I didn't know that you would have healed faster than me. But as long as your ok then I'm fine with that.*Holds some parts of his body from the pain of the effects of Kimberly's japanese symbol eyes.* Who is she I know that I've seen her somewhere before.**Thoughts coming into his mind while in the tub.* I can't have this weak thinking now cause classes almost begin and I have to be in tip top shape for the mistress, and myself.^^ ^^ OOO wait I don't think I thank my master for this bath... I'll do it wen I'm done.*Starts to relax and begin to meditate so that he can start to heal up very fast.* Hmmmmm this is nice real nice.^^ ^^
    14. nasirrich
      Me- D-damn how can she have done that so quickly.
      Kimberly- Ok well I came here to check up on you, and to see how you were doing here. Cause if you didn't know I guess you can say that I have a very high rank a this place. And I personally picked the both of you to come cause I heard so much about the two of you. I never knew that there could be such strong life forms other than me, and the people I know here.
      Me- *Teleports and then goes flying towards the wall, and bounces off than gets punched in the gut very hard.**Coughs up a lot of blood.* D-damn your fast.
      Kimberly-*Has you(NightofNights) in the air.* Hmmm you two are going to make this place very intresting I'm glad that I picked you two up.*Puts me in the air right next to you then starts to choke the both of us with her eyes.*Later kiddies.^^ ^^*Teleports away and all that left are hydrangeas blowing in the wind, and were are then going flying towards the fall very fast.*
      Me- OOO no wait*Teleports under you and takes in the hit so that you wouldn't get hurt more.*Coughs up some blood.* Heyy you ok?^^ ^^
    15. #8-Axel
      uh maybe destroy all humans 2
    16. KeybladeMasterJoe
      im dealing with 2 F's in school =P
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
      i wont =P
      whatcha been up to lately?
    18. #8-Axel
      cool what about your fav game
    19. Dman23
      man so tired
    20. Dman23
      trust me it is *gets coverand gives u your own and goes back to sleep*
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In the always forgotten dream
    Your worst nightmare~
    I'm that feeling you have when someone's watching you yet when you turn around, and no one's there.
    Though really I'm just a girl who's trying to make it out in this world. My first Kingdom Hearts game was "KH:358/2 days" for the DS and I fell in love with Roxas~ <3
    The only other game that I've played was "KH: Recoded", and have yet to finish it. The last Nobody is soooo hard to beat D: I swear to god it's roxas!! (haven't seen or read anything about Recoded and dont plan to ruin it for myself)|
    But I am planning on getting a PlayStation so that I'm able to play the other games. :)

    Things I like? Music, friends, RPGing and walking in the rain at night.^^ I love walking through the forests around my home town and just having a warm cup of coffee :) I love coffee <3


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    -Thanks to the amazing Nights for the Amazing signature! <3