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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Bareri-San
      believe it or not but i hate cheese burgers. Last time i had one i got violently ill and had to race to the bathroom every 2 minutes.

      i love japanese food though.
    2. Bareri-San
      i ish just hungry >:]
    3. kairigirl22
      Ohhh.... wow and u say I'm the blond one rofl

      idk i just like it. rofl

      whatevs i like kids and it was cool to see their faces when i came in with my giant box of cards

      like us like us being together and crap... it's just creepy

      i know! and I feel so bad but i don't know how else, I don't want to be like... we should just be friends and I don't want to be like ... no I wont go out with you...sooo ya

      idk why he likes me... *shrug*
    4. kairigirl22
      rofl that's funny, i couldn't find where the save button was either when I first got it!! rofl

      OMG!! I LOVE ANIMAL CROSSING!! it's soooooooooo much fun!! rofl

      yup i do, but I'd rather give them to someone who will actually use them, not just stick them in a case where it can collect dust.... no what I mean?

      no but he royally creeps me out when he talks to me and... well it's just wierd ok he's a creepy kid who won't leave me alone and I had to pretend my phone was broken so he wouldn't call or text me

      idk actually....... well I don't not like him it's just that I don't like like him the way he like like's me so I don't want to lead him on so I try to like not talk to him.... does that make sense?

      wow that sucks a**!!
    5. kairigirl22
      hahaha very funny but yes i do remember that, i think they do that on animal crossing too rofl

      dude I used to too!! But i gave all mine away over the summer to the kids who were like obsessed with them during camp rofl


      *evil glare*

      Well one is a STALKER like he even stalks my friend too, but he's WICKED CREEPY!! and the other one I think just has a crush on me but it's really anoying because I don't really like him soooooooo ya...

    6. Bareri-San
      *bites you again*
    7. kairigirl22
      rofl ya I remember that!! rofl

      dude my brother has like all of them he loves them rofl

      whatevs rofl jkjk

      thanx (sarcasim)

      well I have this creepy stalker dude on the bus who is creeping me out, I also have a stalker that's in my health class and that's also creeping me out and.......idk OH i'm going to see twilight tomarrow WOOT!!!!!!!

      anything up wit u?
    8. Bareri-San
      oh i has over 400 posts >:]
      and i'm not cheating
    9. kairigirl22
      sounds like ur coughing rofl

      whatevs rofl

      SWEET!! Sounds like my kind of job rofl

      idk who
    10. Bareri-San
      o rly?
      Sho has only been here for 3 months and he has over 2000 posts
    11. kairigirl22
      lmao lol rofl uhhhhhh idk any others or atleast i can't think of any rofl

      AM NOT!!!!!

      whatevs rofl

      oooohhhh (wow I'm SO BLOND!!!!)

      say it say it say it say it rofl
    12. kairigirl22
      Evil laugh? rofl

      AM NOT!!! ROFL!!

      hahaha (another sarcastic laugh)

      race ones???

      rofl ya
    13. kairigirl22
      clever ya suurrrreee.... jkjkjk rofl

      rofl idk i've never tasted him before.. (woah that was weird)

      hahaha (sarcasim)

      ya but GROSS!!

      rofl nice vid rofl
    14. kairigirl22
      omg ur so mean!!!!

      will do





      nah i don' know why we call him browny rofl but he does have brown hair

      rofl my brother is like that rofl

      yup wing..... HEY!!!

      same here

      OMG GROSS!!!!!

      srry gtg bye
    15. kairigirl22
      rofl well even if I'm in an insulting mood I can't do it i mean look at my flippin peace sign thingy rofl


      rofl thanks i take that as a compliment i don't want to sound like a cheerleader rofl

      whatevs I'm not even goin there with the whole patriots/giants redsox/yankees thing rofl


      rofl I would LOVE to see that rofl jkjkjk

      lol I have a friend we call browny rofl

      lol well mine is brown with blonde highlights and black when it's wet rofl

      Muwahahahahahaha!!! I WIN!!!! (wow i almost said "I wing" rofl)


      say it say it say it say it!!!!
    16. kairigirl22
      ok so I'm not good at insults, actually i'm terrible at them like Jared calls me a child molestor (inside joke trust me I'm not a child molester) but so I call him a pedefile and stuff and we are always at it (kinda like u and me) and I can NEVER come up with come backs rofl

      Actually I don't watch futurama XD

      rofl u don't like it when i talk like a cheerleader " like oh my gawd!! like can u believe what stacy did (random name) i mean like oh-my-GAWD!! I mean like who would do that, wierd." rofl

      oh yeah i'm sooooo jelous epsecially the yankee stadium thing oh and the 7 stalkers


      lol me too *comp high five* ^_^

      ummm no not purple or blonde BROWN!!! but yes I do say A LOT of blondey stuffs rofl

      oh really
      and girls r confuziling and I'm sure ur a babe magnet (rofl i can't believe i just said babe magnet rofl)

      omg that's funny i have to tell all my cheerleader friends tomarrow rofl

    17. kairigirl22
      UH!! HOW RUDE!! Well every time you say he is a poser than your nose gets A LOT bigger, so go measure your nose and tell me how long it is, it's got to be like almost six feet by now rofl!!

      whatevs (oh look at that I changed my word again!!)

      jelous ya right!!

      I don't get high, never been high and don't plan to get high so HA!! no I was just being a dumb blonde which is weird cuz I'm not blond rofl

      rofl it's just what we do, I think every girl says like, like fifty gazzilion times in one sentence like like like like like this see like we like say like it like a like lot like rofl just being anoying rofl
    18. kairigirl22
      Oh don't worry i wont lol and hes not a poser!!

      pervert!! I just love him that's all jkjkjk ^_^

      rofl that's true

      rofl yup suurrreee ;)

      i know it was hylarious!! (wow I spelt that wrong rofl) and I don't get how I did it either I just put up one more finger than I was supposed to i guess rofl

      hmm idk we just do ^_^
    19. kairigirl22
      So should I start calling you " Your highness " ?

      Nah I think he's the juicy dark plum.... XP

      sometimes there tall... depends on the day rofl

      lol sounds like something Jared would say rofl

      rofl I know!! Jared started laughing HYSTERACLY!! He was like " What was that!!" I was like " Idk!!" Then he started doing it to everyone it was wicked funny and then Stephen came over and was like " What the h*** are u doing?" And Jared and I laughed even more... it was soooo funny
    20. kairigirl22
      I'm not stubborn he's just not a poser he really cool and really hot!!

      A PLUM!!!! well actually if Zero could be any fruit I think he would be a plum.... dark... and my favorite fruit so HA!!!

      really!! Sweet!! No the surfing sucks!! rofl

      UH!! Well I know Zero is waaaayyyy cooler than u !!! Ooooohhh BURN!!! rofl ( I'm just kidding... or am I? I'm such a dork) like today I tried to flip off my friend Jared and instead i did the peace sign like a ****** rofl
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

