Blayz Mods
Last Activity:
May 14, 2023
Feb 20, 2010
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Local Time:
12:20 AM
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Washington State
Experienced Modder

Blayz Mods

Set The World A Blayz, Male, from Washington State


I'm a modder who is trying to make it day by day like everyone else. May 10, 2019

Blayz Mods was last seen:
May 14, 2023
    1. Aurangzeb56
      well jus put ([*code][/code*]) before and after the things/codes u have entered without the asterik
    2. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Your welcome :D
    3. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Your signature? You can change that anytime. You don't have to wait on that one. You go to User CP>Edit Signature and Put in the text, pictures etc. in it.
    4. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      I just recently found out that that wasn't truth's account. His name is Soraoscuro on Kh-vids. My fault.
    5. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      You always put them in the []'s.
    6. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      No problem :) Anytime ;)
    7. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      Sure, no problem. You pretty much do this;

      [ s p o i l e r ] hi! [ / s p o i l e r ]

      Just without the spaces.
    8. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Well, you go to User CP>Private Messages>Send New Message and then put in Keytotruth in the recipient username box. Then put in title and write your message. Easy.
    9. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      The usual way??
    10. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      I only know one who is familiar with texture hacking and that is Keytotruth. Other than that I know no one.
    11. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Sorry, not familiar with texture hacking.
    12. The Fallen Pheonix
    13. thecoder180
      Sorry man; don't hack CoM.
    14. The Fallen Pheonix
      The Fallen Pheonix
      you can find it on my channel on youtube(themadzeus)
    15. Kingdomblood
      lol i know the feeling man ive been thare i had to burn a lot of cds and none worker properly for me wither so i ended up buying it to lol its probably better this way cause u get RE com with KH2FM btw i suggest buying from playasaia thats whare i got it from its fast and cheap to :] GL man
    16. Kingdomblood
      damn man idk ive never heard of something like that happening before mabye try burning it again with IMGburn ?? thats about all i can think of that or just buy the real game if re burning it dont work ill try burning my real game and ill send it to u myself
    17. EvilMan_89
      i don't know.
    18. Aurangzeb56
      hmm maybe,try jokering it
    19. EvilMan_89
      yes it's still breaking the rules.
    20. Aurangzeb56
      well alot of allys code couldnt be properly ported to NTSC but i can give u the one i have

      Kingdom Hearts II
      NTSC Codes

      Drive Forms (Allies )(Donald)

      Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 0000005A
      21cb992c 01000001
      21cb9974 0001000D
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E

      DW Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000323
      21cc382c 01000001
      21cc3874 000A0006
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E

      Sora: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 2e303031
      21cb9c58 7465736d
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      10340478 000001f4
      21cb9c74 00010007
      21c95088 00FF00FF
      21c9508c 00FF00FF
      20340488 06060606

      Valor Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 464c5442
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00020007

      Master Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 46495254
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00040007

      Final Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 46544c55
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00050007

      Anti Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 464c5448
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00060007

      Drive Forms (Allies )(Goofy)

      Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 0000005A
      21cb992c 13000001
      21cb9974 0001000D
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E
      21cfbe74 005600b2

      DW Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 00000323
      21cc382c 03000001
      21cc3874 000A0003
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E
      21cfbdfc 003f00ac
      21cb9a94 000a0003
      203400a8 005001f4

      Sora: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 2e303031
      21cb9a78 7465736d
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00010009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 000001f4

      Valor Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 464c5442
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00020009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Master Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 46495254
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00040009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Final Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 46544c55
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00050009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Anti Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 464c5448
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00060009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      and about the infinite HP and MP code here

      Infinite HP


      200F7000 8C820004
      200F7004 080682F8
      200F7008 AC820000
      201666F8 0C03DC00

      Infinite MP for All Characters


      201A01F8 00000000

      No MP Charge


      201A0568 10000006
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  • About

    Washington State
    Experienced Modder
    Org # 15
    Default Name:
    Necro Malice
    I have Tourette syndrome and OCD and a Co-Diagnosed learning disorder

    Living Life is about being true to yourself, AND others and not let others get you down, don't give up on your dreams no matter what anyone says, someone special taught me that! 





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