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Oct 10, 2011
Apr 25, 2008
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Living my life.


~*~Never Surrender~*~, from Stranded.

P E A N U T was last seen:
Oct 10, 2011
    1. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okie dokie. Do tell. =)
    2. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okay, so Roxas comes to the conclusion that his past life shows who he truly is, correct? We went over that yesterday, I believe. Well, Roxas doesn't like this guy, but can't help but give in to the fact that that is who he was before, and naturally is. He thinks the person he's been all along is fake, a lie. And so that in turn causes things to become a little darker throughout the RP later on.

      I think that was pretty much it. But there might be some more ideas swimming around in my brain. xD
    3. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Hello there. =) I think I sorted out my thoughts now. :3
    4. MandyXRiku4ever
      =) its so damn hot of sora ^_^
    5. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Hey. Sorry I couldn't get on. I wanted to come home but couldn't. Dx

      I guess I'll catch you tomorrow!
    6. MandyXRiku4ever
      hi, i must say your avatar of sora is so damn hot! ^_^
    7. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okay. Buh-bye!
    8. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Hmm... But what is the question. x3
    9. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Ohmygosh. That'd be epic. 8D
    10. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I can't guarantee anything, but I'll try. =) And that sounds good to me. Maybe by then I'll have all these thoughts in my head sorted out for you. xD
    11. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      Define later. I had plans to hang out with my friends in a few hours. =/
    12. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I'll give you the chance to explain when I'm finished with the ideas flowing from my head. xDD And good, because I was kinda looking forward to that part. =) I'm just not sure how we would do it.

      I'm trying to sort them out. Lol. I need a minute. O.o

      Oh, yay! :3
    13. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okie. xDD After Roxas realizes that he and Riku were actually enemies at one point, maybe something could trigger his anger and Riku and Roxas could end up fighting again? Maybe with Sora trying to stop it. (Much like Roxas tried to do with Axel and Xion in Days.) I'm not so sure about this part yet, but it popped up first. Anyways, maybe the memories that came back to Roxas also cause him to go home sooner, other than the fact that two people could handle it from then on out. And then Namine would see that something had affected Roxas while he was away, and things wouldn't be so peachy at home.

      I'm debating on a few other things as well. They just keep coming to me. xP

      I think I actually really fell in love with Roxas's character after that game. You kind of connect with him after playing it.
    14. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Oh, I can dish it out. ;3 After some of the flashbacks come back to him, he starts questioning himself and who he really is. This affects his performance throughout the adventure alongside Sora and Riku, and soon enough I was thinking that maybe Riku could say something to Roxas that would trigger the memory of him fighting with him. (Kinda like I already did, when he said that Roxas should be familiar with what he went through. ;D) After that, Roxas could remember why he was mad at Riku and why they had the fight in the first place--because of what happened to his friend(s) (I don't know if we should include Xion in here) and what involved Sora.

      Not done yet, by the way. ;D

      It was, I agree. Sad, but amazing. I cried, for sure. xD
    15. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Haha, it's alright. :3

      But anyway, I just had this idea that since Roxas doesn't remember much about his days in the Org. and barely knows Riku because of it, and the fact that he's been gone this whole time, the flashbacks could play a major role in him remembering who he really was. Like, during the course of the journey, he starts remembering things he did in the past and how he acted and what he did. I have more to tell you, I just have to sort it out. xD

      I know, me too. I cried when he did. Dx
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Wait, what? xDD I wasn't even done explaining. Haha.

      Roxas was so lovable in that game. :3
    17. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      You know how Roxas forgot his past in the Organization in KH2? Well, I may have said that he remembered some of the things a couple pages ago in the RP about being in the Organization. But with the flashback I got an idea. Riku knows all about his past with Roxas, and what Roxas had done with the Organization. Well, I was thinking that since Roxas forgot a lot of it, he would forget that he even had that fight with Riku. And some other things about his life with the group before Sora woke up.

      I'm sure if you played Days you'd know what I was talking about. xD
    18. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Yes it was. xD I sort of got an idea from it, which could cause some tension later on in the RP. =)
    19. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      I seriously don't know what inspired me to do that whole bit with Roxas. xD
    20. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      True, we are. :3
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    Living my life.
    I like writing. And listening to music. And videogames.

    Singing, videogames, writing, reading, hanging out with my close friends, guitar...+ stuff. :)


    Everybody dies but not everyone lives. ​