Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2011
Apr 25, 2008
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Living my life.


~*~Never Surrender~*~, from Stranded.

P E A N U T was last seen:
Oct 10, 2011
    1. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Hello there. :3
    2. Forever Love
    3. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okie dokie. I'll try to be on. =)
    4. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      True, true. =)

      Aw, no. Dx
    5. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      You're right... I wonder what I should call it. xD
    6. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I have the same feeling. xD
    7. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Oh yes we do. xD
    8. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      You're controlling him. I'll let you decide. ;D
    9. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Ah, okie dokie. And when do you want to do the whole thing where Sora learns about how Kairi can return to Radiant Garden? Do you want to do a specific part on him hearing that?
    10. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okie dokie. You have any ideas of your own? =)

      xD Right.
    11. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Ah, yes, that's right. We could do that, if you'd like. :3

      Oh right. xD That's okay, I don't think we decided whether Riku would be joining them on Earth or not.
    12. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I pictured them going to Radiant Garden over the course of the...two months. That way Leon and the gang could actually meet Sora's Nobody before he leaves. And Riku as well, since they were never properly introduced, you know? xDD Something interesting could happen there, if we can come up with something. =) OH! And then Sora can come up with the "Kairi's reign" thing there, getting that information from Leon. ;D

      Haha. Awesome. xP
    13. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I did, actually. xD I just had this idea that the two could arrive in Agrabah, Sora somehow sensing that his friend was there because of their connection within their hearts. Then they could leave the Gummi ship and enter Agrabah, and they would hear the sounds of battle not too far off. They could travel a little further into Agrabah (the few sections you travel in the game, you know?) and Riku would be surprised to see them when they all of a sudden step in to help him with a Large Body or a swarm of Heartless.

      Oh, and I can control Riku, if you'd like. :3
    14. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Agreed. =)

      So, where do we go from here?
    15. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      We actually are. Haha. xD
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      How convenient. I was just about to log off the computer and I was like, "No, I'll check one more time." And voila! You're here!
    17. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Just in case you get on tonight, I'll be checking in every once in a while. Maybe I'll catch you, and if not, see you tomorrow! =)
    18. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okay. Buh-bye!
    19. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I know. I cried when I watched a KH AMV with it. Dx
    20. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      "Take Your Sweet Time"... Enough said. Dx

      But okay. =)
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  • About

    Living my life.
    I like writing. And listening to music. And videogames.

    Singing, videogames, writing, reading, hanging out with my close friends, guitar...+ stuff. :)


    Everybody dies but not everyone lives. ​