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Jun 25, 2011
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October 16
Home Page:
Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:
Secondary School Student =)


Destiny Islands Resident, from Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:

SoraNRikuNkairi was last seen:
Jun 25, 2011
    1. Doukuro
      *nod, nod*
    2. Juicy
      Im afraid so O.O
    3. Fearless
      halo? where?
    4. Juicy
      Dont worry, they told me I'd have to have them for two years, yet I had them for less than six months xD
      Not to put you off, but it hurts even more when they take the fixed one off O.O I had so much blood in my mouth, it was ridiculous >.<
    5. Juicy
      I remember when I had a brace *shudders* lucky I didnt have it for long xD Even though my teeth were REALLY bad >.>
    6. Juicy
      Im quite happy thanks :3 Though my teeth hurt for some reason xD
      How about you?
    7. Juicy
      Hello... 8D
    8. Doukuro
      Boredom stinks
    9. Doukuro
      I'm fine :3 Thanks for asking. What about you?
    10. Sven XIII
      Sven XIII
      I'm ok! (this is one of the most friendly forums EVER, no lie.)
    11. Sven XIII
      Sven XIII
      Hey there!
    12. Near-to-Tears
      I get the feeling my parents may of already figured it out and hadn't told me or something. I really dunno.
      I wouldn't put it past our head to install fake camera's to make us think we'll get caught when we won't o_O

      Nuuu ._.
    13. Near-to-Tears
      My just really couldn't give a crap it seemed o_O I got a "don't do it again" and that was it. My dad was just like "meh"
      We do have camera's in there apparently. But I think it's a fake, I think all the cameras are fake in all honesty. No one's ever caught on them.

      Mine seriously aren't that good, you must be looking at the ones I'm just hosting for RPs lol
    14. Near-to-Tears
      Luckily I've never had that happen to me. People learnt the hard way to not come near me when I'm armed, and most of the time I sneak off to the school toilets so I don't get caught. I tend to type poetry, it's easier for me to write that way. And my parents know I've cut, I told them. They couldn't seem to care less >_>

      A lot of the drawings aren't mine though. If it's not pencil it's deffinately not mine ._.
    15. Near-to-Tears
      I get into a frame of mind where no one else cares/exists/matters and I just don't think about people seeing them. I was standing next to my physics teacher carving "cursed" into my arm once. Even I didn't understand that later that day o_O And I tend to write poetry now. I used to draw but I can never think of anything to draw when I'm upset.

      It's MyHeartsABattleGround_L, but I don't really upload my stuff very often.
    16. Near-to-Tears
      I have some rather faint ones on my arm, I tend to aim for pain rather then damage so I don't get that heavily scarred. But I've stopped it again now. I only resort to it when I have a complete breakdown, but when I do that I also write on walls and things o_O
      And I'm getting confused myself now lol >< I don't want to use the names. The 'Other girl' is the one who walked off and my friend I normally call 'my friend'

      And I get them all off of photobucket or I make them myself.
    17. Near-to-Tears
      Yeah, I used to have a lot more then a normal person though. Throwing chairs and all that o.o
      And she's an attention whore, we figured that out when she was going around acting like her invisable bruises were a huge thing compared to the huge mass of cuts I had up my forearms after I'd had a mental breakdown after she'd blamed everything on me. And she made the other girl quite a load of clubs so she could spend more time on MSN with her o_O

      I shall find moar >8D

      Aww, bai bee~
    18. Near-to-Tears
      I never thought I was evil either ._. I have my pissy moments but I think everyone does. And I think it is in all honesty. She only seems to care about him and herself.
      And it's been over a month now, so I honestly just don't care about her anymore. It's just the fact she's upsetting my friend so much that's getting to me now. She refuses to let it die and that's all me and my friend want. We just want to move on with our lives, we're happier without her. She just won't give up, and what's worse is she's practically demanding we go to her when she's the one who walked off in a strop o_O

      I has a million others from that anime anyway XD
    19. Near-to-Tears
      Seems it's ALWAYS about her, or her boyfriend. And more recently how evil I am apparently.

      <_< >_> I have yaoi as my Avy >:3
    20. Near-to-Tears
      She's 15, only just mind you. By like three months or so when she actually did it. We were doing okay, but me and the other liked anime and she only liked herself it seemed.

      Yaoi is awesomeness 83
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    October 16
    Home Page:
    Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:
    Secondary School Student =)
    Ridiculously Childish, opinionated, average female gamer with a splash of girly :)

    Writing, reading, photography :)


    Even if your throne crumbles, and your shiny crown turns to rust,
    Even if the bodies pile up endlessly, above the bottomless pile of corpses,
    Beside you as you lie softly down, I will be
    Until i hear the words
    "Check Mate"