Last Activity:
Jul 1, 2012
Jan 23, 2010
Material Points:
Local Time:
10:32 PM
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Merlin's Housekeeper, 27, from Sacramento CA Antelope Longspur Way

KHBjtch was last seen:
Jul 1, 2012
    1. adamboy7
      Work on code breaker, but 99.9 percent should work on game shark LOL
    2. adamboy7
      Finally misc codes

      infinite money:
      2033FE60 000f423F

      all abilities:
      2033ff14 0052809e
      2033ff18 0186008a
      2033ff16 81938191
      2033ff20 810d8108
      2033ff24 81888089
      2033ff28 81078111
      2033ff2c 819b810e
      2033ff30 018580c6
      2033ff34 81928106
      2033ff38 81988110
      2033ff3c 810a818d
      2033ff40 8195818d
      2033ff44 81900181
      2033ff48 818c8109
      2033ff4c 818f8187
      2033ff50 006d0069
      2033ff54 810c8197
      2033ff58 00a2018a
      2033ff5c 81a00184
      2033ff60 819a8189
      2033ff64 018b819e
      2033ff68 819f8196
      2033ff6c 019d019c

      all gummie parts:
      00349BE1 0000000F
      10349BE2 0000FFFF
      33049BE4 000000FF

      99 gummie AP:
      00349C8E 00000063

      infinite HP:
      200F7000 8C820004
      200F7004 080682F8
      200F7008 AC820000
      201666F8 0C03DC00

      infinite MP:
      201A01F8 00000000

      alone drive:
      201C78B8 0000102D

      alone summon:
      201C7994 0000102D

      super slow!!!:
      20356F3C 3E400000

      super fast!!!:
      20356F3C 40800000

      Sora will NOT talk in batte
      2037B888 61786F72

      Roxas will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8F0 626D6973
      2037B8F4 00000061

      Donald will NOT talk in battle
      2037B890 626D6973
      2037B894 00000061

      Goofy will NOT talk in battle
      2037B898 626D6973
      2037B89C 00000061

      Mickey will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8A0 626D6973
      2037B8A4 00000061

      Auron will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8A8 626D6973
      2037B8AC 00000061

      Mulan will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8B0 626D6973
      2037B8B4 00000061

      Aladdin will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8B8 626D6973
      2037B8BC 00000061

      Jack Sparrow will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8C0 626D6973
      2037B8C4 00000061

      Beast will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8C8 626D6973
      2037B8CC 00000061

      Jack Skellington will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8D0 61786F72

      Simba will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8D8 61786F72
      2037B8Dc 00000061

      Tron will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8E0 61786F72

      Riku will NOT talk in battle
      2037B8E8 61786F72

      Sora doesn't appear when you Gameover
      001ADDB8 00000000

      Armored Knights are allies
      01CBCE6C 00000009

      Universal Character Mod Crash Fix
      201A723C 00000000

      Infinite Meter (Morale gauge, Saix's Berserker, etc.)
      201CFC48 1000001F

      Empty meter (Morale gauge, Saix's Berserker, etc.)
      201CFC48 0200202D

      Normal Meter (Press R2 while entering a new area to temporarily deactivate
      the Infinite Meter/Empty Meter code for that area)
      E001FDFF 0035B55C
      201CFC48 45000013

      Heaven or Hell Mode (In any way you recover HP(driving, hp orbs, save points, etc.) You will die)
      201862E8 00000000

      Player is:
      2037A3CC 00XXXXXX

      Allies are:
      2037A3D0 00XXXXXX

      NPCs are:
      2037A3D4 00??????

      Bosses are:
      2037A3D8 00??????

      Enemies are:
      2037A3DC 00??????

      Weapons are:
      2037A3E0 00??????

      Battle NPCs are:
      2037A3F0 00??????

      Large Bosses are:
      2037A3FC 00??????

      Summons are:
      2037A418 00??????

      16EA14 - Player

      16EA24 - Ally

      16EB58 - NPC

      16EA3C - Boss

      16EA64 - Enemy

      16EB58 - Weapon

      16EAB4 - Battle NPC

      16EB04 - Large Boss

      16EC10 - Summon

      Skip FMVs
      20305910 24020001

      Journal 100% Complete
      4033FDB0 00040001
      FFFFFFFF 00000000

      Open All Worlds (Glitchy, cannot complete the game)
      202C66D0 0803FFCF
      200FFF3C 3C0E0102
      200FFF40 35CE0102
      200FFF44 ACAE0000
      200FFF48 00A0882D
      200FFF4C 080B19B5

      Levitation (Press R2)
      D035B55C 0000FDFF
      2037A514 BF000000

      Movie Mode (R2 = Effect ON, L2 = Effect OFF)---widescreen mode

      20378D2C 00000000
      2037AE48 00000000
      E002FDFF 0035B55C
      003567EC 00000001
      003568FC 00000001
      E002FEFF 0035B55C
      003567EC 00000000
      003568FC 00000000

      Sight-Seeing Mode
      21CC5930 58455F4E
      21CC5934 00303238
      11CFA3FC 000003BE
      2037AE7C FFFFFFFF
      20378D2C 00000000
      2037AE48 00000000

      attack mod: 10340E60 0000????
      10340E62 0000????
      10340E64 0000????
      10340E66 0000????
      high potion-0014
      full swing-0019
      sparckle ray-001C
      ride the wind-0021
      twin howl-004A
      stalwart fang-004B
      virtigo toss-004E
      let go-004F
      hang on-0050
      banishing blade-0053
      shooting star-0054
      tinker with it-00F8
      ask for the bottle-00FC
      warp snipe-01EC
      recovery run-01EE
      piggy back-01F4
      about face-01F5
      shadow steeler-01F6
      begin game-0256
      loot launch-0259
      kick spring-025B
      bolt reversal-0297

      all drive forms: 20340E28 FFFFFFFF
      20340E2C FFFFFFFF
      20340E30 FFFFFFFF
      10340B24 00000180
      10340B74 00000180
      10340B9C 00000180

      infinite jump: 2019089C 00000000

      98 of all keyblades: 00340D09 00000062
      10340D0A 00006262
      10340D0C 00006262
      00340DE3 00000062
      00340DE4 00000062
      00340DE7 00000062
      40340DE8 00040001
      62626262 00000000

      EXP.x8: 201B5238 0803D400
      201B523C 00000000
      200F5000 000420C0
      200F5004 01C47021
      200F5008 01EE782A
      200F500C 0806D490

      six finishing pulses: 0033FF7C 00000089
      0033FF7E 00000089
      0033FF80 00000089
      0033FF82 00000089
      0033FF84 00000089
      0033FF86 00000089

      all stats max: 2033FEC8 FFFFFFFF

      all items max: 40340CE8 00500001
      62626262 00000000

      Floating Keyblades
      200F9000 10400005
      200F9004 944F004C
      200F9008 24010001
      200F900C 142F0002
      200F9010 240F0005
      200F9014 A44F004E
      200F9018 03E00008
      201D14F4 0803E400
    3. adamboy7
      weapon mod (have a bunch of weapon didgits that dont work)

      Valor Form
      10340B24 0000????

      Wisdom Form
      10340B4c 0000????

      Master Form
      10340B74 0000????

      Final Form
      10340B9c 0000????

      10340BC4 0000????

      Lion Sora
      10340bec 0000????

      Dual Wielding Roxas
      10340c64 0000????

      1033FEC0 0000????

      1033FFB4 0000????

      103400A8 0000????

      1034019C 0000????

      10340290 0000????

      10340384 0000????

      10340478 0000????

      Jack Sparrow
      1034056C 0000????

      10340660 0000????

      Jack Skellington
      10340754 0000????

      10340848 0000????

      1034093C 0000????

      10340A30 0000????
    4. adamboy7
      command munu mod

      Command Menu Text Mod?
      01C88D7C 000000??

      00 - Sora

      01 - Mickey

      02 - Skateboard

      03 - Trinity Limit

      04 - Stitch

      05 - Chicken Little

      06 - FAKE

      08 - Bounce

      0A - No idea

      0B - Hovercraft

      0C - Riku

      Command Menu Mod
      01C88E64 000000??

      00 - Normal Command Menu

      01 - Magic Menu

      02 - Item Menu

      03 - Drive Menu

      04 - Item Target Menu

      05 - Shortcut Menu

      06 - Secondary Normal Command Menu

      07 - Summon Menu

      08 - Party Menu

      0A - The Bottom of the Command Menu?

      0B - Everyone

      0C - FAKE

      0D - No Command Menu
    5. adamboy7
      music mod

      all music
      10354E9C 000000??

      Normal battles
      10354EAC 000000??

      76- Lazy Afternoons

      77- Sinister Sundown

      52- The Escapade

      32- Dive into the Heart Destati

      33- Fragments of Sorrow

      72- Tension Rising

      97- The XIII Struggle

      5B- Kairi

      63- Missing You

      92- Roxas

      58- Sora

      34- The Afternoon Streets (Sora's Twilight Town)

      35- Working Together (Sora's Twilight Town battle)

      98- Reviving Hollow Bastion

      99- Scherzo Di Notte (Hollow Bastion battle)

      73- Desire For All That is Lost

      74- The Home of Dragons

      70- Fields of Honor (The Land of Dragons battle)

      6E- Apprehension

      65- Waltz of the Diamond (Beast's Castle)

      68- Dance of the Darling (Beast's Castle battle)

      75- Rowdy Rumble

      A3- Hesitation

      67- Olympus Coliseum

      64- The Underworld

      66- What Lies Beneath (Underworld battle)

      5D- Villians of a Sort

      79- Dance to the Death

      71- Swim This Way

      6C- Part of Your World

      6B- Ursula's Revenge

      6D- A New Day is Dawning

      38- Nights of the Cursed (Port Royal)

      39- He's a Pirate (Port Royal battle)

      7F- A Day in Agrabah

      80- Arabian Dream (Agrabah battle)

      55- Byte Bashing (Space Paranoids battle)

      91- Showdown At Hollow Basion

      36- Sacred Moon (The World that Never Was)

      37- Deep Drive (The World that Never Was battle)

      59- Reunion

      5A- Riku

      BC- One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth battle)
    6. adamboy7
      gummy ship (need to joker)

      Quick Medal Gain
      21F4C83C 25AD0005

      Medals Never Decrease
      21F4C70C 00000000

      00349C94 00000001

      00349C95 00000001

      00349C96 00000001

      00349C97 00000001

      00349C98 00000001

      00349C99 00000001

      00349C9A 00000001

      00349C9B 00000001

      Cait Sith
      00349C9C 00000001

      00349C9D 00000001

      Kingdom Model
      00349C9E 00000001

      Secret Model
      00349C9F 00000001

      Highwind Peak
      00349CBB 00000001

      Falcon Lv.1
      00349CBC 00000001

      Falcon Lv.2
      00349CBD 00000001

      Falcon Lv.3
      00349CBE 00000001

      Falcon Lv.4
      00349CBF 00000001

      Falcon Lv.5
      00349CC0 00000001

      Falcon Lv.6
      00349CC1 00000001

      Falcon Lv.7
      00349CC2 00000001

      Falcon Lv.8
      00349CC3 00000001

      Falcon Peak
      00349CC4 00000001

      Invincible Lv.1
      00349CC6 00000001

      Invincible Lv.2
      00349CC7 00000001

      Invincible Lv.3
      00349CC8 00000001

      Invincible Lv.4
      00349CC9 00000001

      Invincible Lv.5
      00349CCA 00000001

      Invincible Lv.6
      00349CCB 00000001

      Invincible Lv.7
      00349CCC 00000001

      Invincible Lv.8
      00349CCD 00000001

      Invincible Peak
      00349CCE 00000001
    7. adamboy7
      play as

      Sora: 11CfA3FC 0000????

      Donald: 11CfA3FE 0000????

      Goofy: 11CFA400 0000????

      Guest: 11CFA402 0000????

      Valor-Form: 11CFA404 0000????

      Wisdom Form: 11CFA406 0000????

      Master-Form: 11CFA408 0000????

      Final-Form: 11CFA40A 0000????

      Anti-Form: 11CFA40C 0000????

      Micky: 11CFA40E 0000????

      0054 - Sora
      0055 - Sora (Valor-Form)
      0056 - Sora (Wisdom Form)
      0057 - Sora (Master-Form)
      0058 - Sora (Final-Form)
      0059 - Sora (Anti-Form)
      005A - Roxas
      005B - Micky (with Coat)
      005C - Donald
      005D - Goofy
      005E - Biest
      005F - Jack (Halloween Town)
      0060 - Jack (Christmas Town)
      0061 - Simba
      0062 - Aladdin
      0063 - Mulan
      0064 - Ping
      0065 - Auron
      0066 - Sparrow
      0168 - Sora on Carpet
      028A - Sora (Lion-Form)
      029E - Donald (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
      029D - Goofy (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
      02B5 - Sora (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
      0318 - Mickey (without Coat)
      0323 - DW Roxas
      0396 - Donald (Atlantica) (May crash elsewhere)
      0397 - Goofy (Atlantica) (May crash elsewhere)
      03BE - Sora (Atlantica) (May crash elsewhere)
      03E7 - Sora (Wisdom Form)(H.Town)(Glitchy)
      03E8 - Sora (Master-Form)(H.Town) (Glitchy)
      03E9 - Sora (Final-Form)(Halloween Town)(Glitchy)
      03EA - Sora (Anti-Form)(Halloween Town)(Glitchy)
      04F5 - Goofy (Timeless River) (Glitchy)
      0554 - Goofy (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
      055A - Donald (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
      05CF - Donald (Timeless River) (Glitchy)
      05EF - Donald (Gull-Form)
      0601 - Sora (Card-Form)
      0602 - Sora (Dice-Form)
      061B - Goofy (Turtle-Form)
      0656 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
      0657 - Sora (Timeless River) (Glitchy)
      0669 - Sora (Valor-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      066A - Sora (Valor-Form)(Timeless River)(Glitchy)
      066B - Sora (Wisdom-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      066C - Sora (Wisdom-Form)(T.River)(Glitchy)
      066D - Sora (Master-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      066E - Sora (Master-Form)(T.River)(Glitchy)
      066F - Sora (Final-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      0670 - Sora (Final-Form)(Timeless River)(Glitchy)
      0671 - Sora (Anti-Form)(Space Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      0672 - Sora (Anti-Form)(Timeless River)(Glitchy)
      06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume)
      0764 - Micky (without Coat) (Partner!)
      0819 - Riku (only Party)
      081D - Jack Sparrow
      Riku (from Xemnas Battle): 08D1

      red sora
      11CFA3FC 000006C1
      21CD2E34 5F303231
      21CD2E38 5F43504E
      21CD2E3C 00444552

      blue sora
      11CFA3FC 000006C1
      21CD2E34 5F303231
      21CD2E38 5F43504E
      21CD2E3C 45554c42

      green sora
      11CFA3FC 000006C1
      21CD2E34 5F303231
      21CD2E38 5F43504E
      21CD2E3C 45455247
      01CD2E40 0000004E

      PJ roxas
      11CFA3FC 0000005A
      21CB9930 58455F50
      21CB9934 5F303131
      21CB9938 5F43504E
      21CB993C 414A4150
      21CB9940 0053414D

      Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas in PJ's:
      11CFA3FC 00000323
      21CC3830 58455F50
      21CC3834 5F303131
      21CC3838 5F43504E
      21CC383C 414A4150
      21CC3840 0053414D

      Light Cycle Sora
      E004FDFF 0035B55C
      11C95618 000005F5
      11C9561A 00000654
      40340C9C 00130001
      10100200 00000000

      riku: 11CFA3FC 0000089B
      01CDCE77 0000002E
      21CDCE78 7465736D
      21CDCE7C 00000000
      21CDCE80 00000000
      01CDCE96 00000023
      01C88E64 00000005
      10340E60 000001C6
      10340E66 00000001
      11CDCE9E 00000002
      20340CE4 00020100

      00340C8C 0000000?

      0 = Normal Form

      1 = Valor Form (Must have it first)

      2 = Wisdom Form (Must have it first)

      3 = Master Form (Must have it first)

      4 = Final Form (Must have it first)

      5 = Anti-Form

      6 = Mickey

      Sora Model Mod
      51CXXXXX 00000020
      01CYYYYY 00000000

      (XXXXX=change to...)
      (YYYYY=change who...)

      B96F0 - Normal Sora
      B9750 - Valor Sora
      B97B0 - Wisdom Sora
      B9810 - Master Sora
      B9870 - Final Sora
      B98D0 - Anti Sora
      C1670 - Normal Sora [Halloween Town]
      C5F30 - Valor Sora [Halloween Town]
      C5F90 - Wisdom Sora [Halloween Town]
      C5FF0 - Master Sora [Halloween Town]
      C6050 - Final Sora [Halloween Town]
      C60B0 - Anti Sora [Halloween Town]
      D0B50 - Normal Sora [Space Paranoids]
      D1210 - Valor Sora [Space Paranoids]
      D12D0 - Wisdom Sora [Space Paranoids]
      D1390 - Master Sora [Space Paranoids]
      D1450 - Final Sora [Space Paranoids]
      D1510 - Anti Sora [Space Paranoids]
      D0BB0 - Normal Sora [Timeless River]
      D1270 - Valor Sora [Timeless River]
      D1330 - Wisdom Sora [Timeless River]
      D13F0 - Master Sora [Timeless River]
      D14B0 - Final Sora [Timeless River]
      D1570 - Anti Sora [Timeless River]

      Survival Form (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - roxas-riku-sora

      21CB9758 46544C55
      201C78B8 0000102D
      201C77E8 0000102D
      21C95308 0A090964
      01CB9796 00000005

      Champ Form (Drive into Master Form to activate) - roxasrikusora

      201C78B8 0000102D
      201C77E8 0000102D
      21C95308 0A090964
      11CEF114 00000069
      11CEF110 0000023E
      21CB9818 46544C55
      201A0568 10000006

      Final Darkness Form: (drive into anti form to activate)

      01CB9916 00000005
      10340BC4 0000002B
      11CFA110 00000069
      201A03B0 46000306
      201C78B8 0000102D
      201C77E8 0000102D
      21C95308 0A0909C4
      20340E28 FFFFFFFF
      20340E2C FFFFFFFF
      20340E30 FFFFFFFF
    8. adamboy7
      Ally codes

      Donald: 11CfA3FE 0000????

      Goofy: 11CFA400 0000????

      Guest: 11CFA402 0000????

      Donald: 11C9561A 0000????

      Goofy: 11C9561C 0000????

      World Character: 11C9561E 0000????

      Valor Form: 11CFA404 0000????

      Wisdom Form: 11CFA406 0000????

      Master Form: 11CFA408 0000????

      Final-Form: 11CFA40A 0000????

      Anti-Form: 11CFA40C 0000????

      Micky: 11CFA40E 0000????

      0054- Sora
      0055- Sora (Valor-Form)
      0056- Sora (Wisdom Form)
      0057- Sora (Master-Form)
      0058- Sora (Final-Form)
      0059- Sora (Anti-Form)
      005A- Roxas
      005B- Micky (with Coat)
      005C- Donald
      005D- Goofy
      005E- Biest
      005F- Jack (Halloween Town)
      0060- Jack (Christmas Town)
      0061- Simba
      0062- Aladdin
      0063- Mulan
      0064- Ping
      0065- Auron
      0066- Sparrow
      0168- Sora on Carpet
      016A- Hercules
      028A- Sora (Lion-Form)
      029E- Donald (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
      029D- Goofy (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
      02B5- Sora (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
      0318- Mickey (without Coat)
      0323- DW Roxas
      0396- Donald (Atlantica) (May crash elsewhere)
      0397- Goofy (Atlantica) (May crash elsewhere)
      03BE- Sora (Atlantica) (May crash elsewhere)
      03E7- Sora (Wisdom Form)(H.Town)(Glitchy)
      03E8- Sora (Master-Form)(H.Town) (Glitchy)
      03E9- Sora (Final-Form)(Halloween Town)(Glitchy)
      03EA- Sora (Anti-Form)(Halloween Town)(Glitchy)
      04BB- Minnie
      04DC- Axel
      04F5- Goofy (Timeless River) (Glitchy)
      0551- Timon
      0552- Pumbaa
      0554- Goofy (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
      055A- Donald (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
      05CF- Donald (Timeless River) (Glitchy)
      05EF- Donald (Gull-Form)
      0601- Sora (Card-Form)
      0602- Sora (Dice-Form)
      061B- Goofy (Turtle-Form)
      061C- Leon
      0656- Sora (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
      0657- Sora (Timeless River) (Glitchy)
      0663- Winnie the Pooh (on Sora's Shoulders)
      0669- Sora (Valor-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      066A- Sora (Valor-Form)(Timeless River)(Glitchy)
      066B- Sora (Wisdom-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      066C- Sora (Wisdom-Form)(T.River)(Glitchy)
      066D- Sora (Master-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      066E- Sora (Master-Form)(T.River)(Glitchy)
      066F- Sora (Final-Form)(S.Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      0670- Sora (Final-Form)(Timeless River)(Glitchy)
      0671- Sora (Anti-Form)(Space Paranoids)(Glitchy)
      0672- Sora (Anti-Form)(Timeless River)(Glitchy)
      0688- Cloud (Partner!)
      06B0- Yuffie (Partner!)
      06B3- Tifa (Partner!)
      06C1- Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume)
      06C2- Eeyore (Partner!)
      06C3- Tigger (Partner!)
      06C4- Piglet (Partner!)
      06C5- Roo (Partner!)
      0764- Micky (without Coat) (Partner!)
      0819- Riku (only Party)
      081D- Sparrow
      08D1- Riku (from Xemnas Battle)
      08D2- Dying Sora (when Xenmas electrifies him)
      08F2- Leon (Partner!)
      08F3- Cloud (Partner!)
      08F4- Tifa (Partner!)
      08F5- Yuffie (Partner!)
      full party- 40340C9C 00310001
      03020100 00000000

      Throne Room

      11C7C18C 0000????

      Small Chests:
      11C7B810 0000????
      11C7B850 0000????
      11C7B890 0000????
      11C7B8D0 0000????
      11C7B910 0000????
      11C7B950 0000????

      Big Chests:
      11C7B990 0000????
      11C7B9D0 0000????

      Soldier 1:
      11C7BFD0 0000????

      Soldier 2:
      11C7C0B0 0000????

      Save Point:
      11C7B79C 0000????

      Olympus Coliseum

      11C841AC 0000XXXX

      11C84480 0000XXXX

      11C84034 0000XXXX

      11C84754 0000XXXX

      Save Point: (May effect hp for some reason..)
      11C8205C 0000XXXX

      The Alter of Naught

      11C799FC 0000????

      11C7A148 0000????

      11C7A7A8 0000????

      11C7AA6C 0000????

      11C7ACC8 0000????

      11AF36B4 0000????

      Riku (Boss) Replacement
      11C5EA34 0000????

      Shan-Yu Replacement
      11C77F88 0000????

      Hayabusa (Shanyu's Bird) Replacement (for some reason also replaces Shan Yu?)
      11C77FC8 0000????

      Cerberus Replacement
      11C7E388 0000????

      Replace Sephiroth With (replace ???? with UCM digit)
      11C50510 0000????

      Replace Xaldin with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C86E64 0000????

      Replace Volcano Lord with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C656F4 0000????

      Replace Blizzard Lord with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C65734 0000????

      Replace Xemnas 1 with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C86EF4 0000????

      Replace Barbossa with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C6F1A0 0000????

      Replace ally Bailey Leon (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C71F88 0000????

      Bosses are Allies: 2037A3D8 0016EA24

      11cef788 00000845
    9. adamboy7
      ally mod (enimy)

      Donald: 11CfA3FE 0000????

      Goofy: 11CFA400 0000????

      Guest: 11CFA402 0000????
      Donald: 11C9561A 0000????

      Goofy: 11C9561C 0000????

      World Character: 11C9561E 0000????

      xemnas+clone: 11C7B810 0000081F
      11C7B850 0000081F
      0015 - Shan-Yu
      0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yu's Falcon)
      0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2. Battle)
      007E - Oogie Boogie
      007F - Lock
      0080 - Shock
      0081 - Barrel
      0133 - Twilight Thorn
      015C - Jafar (Djinn)
      015D - Hades (1. & 2. Kampf / Battle)
      015E - Hades (3. & Paradox Hades Battle)
      015F - Cerberus
      0160 - Hydra
      0161 - Thresholder
      0162 - Dark Thorn
      0163 - Shadow Stalker
      0165 - Storm Rider
      0166 - Illuminator
      0167 - Pete (Timeless River)
      0284 - "Shadow Stalker Chandelier" (Object)
      0285 - "Shadow Stalker Pillars" (Object)
      0299 - Shenzi
      029A - Banzai
      029B - Ed
      029C - Scar
      02CE - The Beast
      031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle)
      035E - Sark
      039A - Hydra's Head
      03C4 - Sark (Large)
      03DB - Pete (Timeless River)
      03E5 - Xaldin
      03F7 - Barbossa
      040B - Volcano Lord
      040C - Blizzard Lord
      0459 - Groundshaker
      04A0 - Demyx's Water Clone
      04B8 - The hostile Program
      04D7 - Hayner
      05CE - Prison Keeper
      05D0 - The Experiment
      05F8 - Luxord (No HP-Bar)
      05FF - "Luxord's Card"
      0607 - Grim Reaper (may crash...)
      0622 - Xigbar
      0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible)
      063C - Riku
      0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle)
      0647 - Pete (Timeless River Battle)
      0678 - Seifer
      06BB - Pete (Megara Battle)
      06BC - Pete (Hercules Battle)
      06C9 - Saïx
      06F2 - Sephiroth (Guard Stance)
      06FA - Saïx-Sword (Object)
      0710 - The Experiment (Head)
      0711 - The Experiment ("left Hand")
      0712 - The Experiment ("right Hand")
      0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger
      0812 - Hades
      081F - Final Xemnas
      082F - Setzer
      0847 - Shenzi
      085C - Xemnas (Armor)
      086C - Vivi (Game Crash after defeat)
      08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle)
      08B6 - Sephiroth
      08D0 - Vivi (Game Crash after defeat)
      08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone
      08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle)
      08F8 - Leon
      08F9 - Cloud
      08FA - Tifa
      08FB - Yuffie
      090E - Hades (Goddess of Fate Cup, Hades Paradox)
      090F - Pete (Hades-Paradox Cup Battle)
      0910 - Hercules (Titan-Paradox Cup Battle)

      0001 - Fat Bandit
      0002 - Trick Ghost
      0003 - Rabid Dog
      0004 - Hook Bat
      0005 - Bookmaster
      0006 - Aeroplane
      0007 - Minute Bomb
      0008 - Hammer Frame
      0009 - Assault Rider
      000A - Nightwalker
      000B - Fortuneteller
      000C - Luna Knight
      000D - Hot Rod
      000E - Cannon Gun
      000F - Living Bone (without Shaman)
      0010 - Devastator
      0011 - Lance Soldier
      0012 - Mole Driller
      0013 - Shaman
      0014 - Aerial Knocker
      0047 - Silver Rock
      0048 - Emerald Blues
      0049 - Crimson Jazz
      004A - Air Pirate
      004B - Bulky Vendor
      004C - Fiery Globe
      004D - Icy Cube
      0076 - Wight Knight
      0077 - Wight Knight (Halloween Town)
      0078 - Neoshadow
      0079 - Magnum Loader
      007A - Morningstar
      007B - Tornado-Tornado Step
      007C - Crescendo
      007D - Creeper Plant
      012E - Shadow
      012F - Large Body
      0130 - Rapid Thruster
      0131 - Armored Knight
      0132 - Surveillance Robot
      0134 - Dragoon
      0135 - Assassin
      0136 - Samurai
      0137 - Sniper
      0138 - Dancer
      0139 - Berserker
      013A - Gambler
      013B - Sorcerer
      013C - Sorcerer v2
      013D - Creeper
      013E - Dusk
      0158 - "Sparkle?"
      0159 - "White Fire"
      016F - Gargoyle Knight
      0170 - Gargoyle Warrior
      0453 - Undead Pirate A
      0454 - Undead Pirate B
      0455 - Undead Pirate C
      045A - Strafer
      04C4 - Shadow (Halloween Town)
      0556 - Surveillance Robot (1000 Heartless)
      0557 - Crowd of Rapid Thrusters
      0558 - Rapid Thruster
      05BC - Armored Knight
      05BD - Surveillance Robot
      0627 - Bolt Tower
      0628 - Bolt Tower
      064A - "white Flame"
      0686 - Fiery Globe
      0687 - Icy Cube
      0689 - Fiery Globe
      068A - Icy Cube
      068B - Magnum Loader (White)
      06B5 - Magnum Loader (Blue)
      06B6 - Magnum Loader (Yellow)
      06B7 - Magnum Loader (Green)
      06BF - Berserker Sword (Object)
      06E0 - Fortuneteller
      06EE - Graveyard
      06EF - Graveyard (Halloween Town)
      06F0 - Graveyard (Christmas Town)
      06F1 - Graveyard (Christmas Town, Halloween Town)
      071D - Bolt Tower + Rapid Thruster (in Mass)
      0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town)
      0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River)
      0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River)
      0726 - Hammer Frame (Timeless River)
      0727 - Hot Rod (Timeless River)
      0728 - Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids)
      0729 - Mole Driller (Halloween Town)
      072A - Emerald Blues (Halloween Town)
      072B - Bookmaster (Space Paranoids)
      072C - Neoshadow (Halloween Town)
      072D - Creeper Plant (Halloween Town)
      072E - Soldier (Halloween Town)
      072F - Soldier (Space Paranoids)
      0730 - Shadow (Timeless River)
      0731 - Shadow (Halloween Town)
      0732 - Shadow (Timeless River)
      0733 - Rapid Thruster (Timeless River)
      0735 - Armored Knight (Halloween Town)
      0737 - Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids)
      0739 - Soldier (Timeless River)
      073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids)
      0753 - Strafer
      075F - Hookbat (Agrabah)
      0760 - Crimson Jazz (Agrabah)
      0761 - Rapid Thruster (Agrabah)
      07E9 - Large Body (Timeless River)
      081C - Graveyard
      0833 - Scar's Ghost
      085A - Bees
      085B - Bees
      089A - Nobody from Final Battle v1
      08BE - Bolt Tower (Land of Dragons)
      08BF - Bolt Tower (Land of Dragons)
      08ED - Nobody from Final Battle v2
      08F0 - Bolt Tower (Disney Castle)

      Throne Room

      11C7C18C 0000????

      Small Chests:
      11C7B810 0000????
      11C7B850 0000????
      11C7B890 0000????
      11C7B8D0 0000????
      11C7B910 0000????
      11C7B950 0000????

      Big Chests:
      11C7B990 0000????
      11C7B9D0 0000????

      Soldier 1:
      11C7BFD0 0000????

      Soldier 2:
      11C7C0B0 0000????

      Save Point:
      11C7B79C 0000????

      Olympus Coliseum

      11C841AC 0000XXXX

      11C84480 0000XXXX

      11C84034 0000XXXX

      11C84754 0000XXXX

      Save Point: (May effect hp for some reason..)
      11C8205C 0000XXXX

      The Alter of Naught

      11C799FC 0000????

      11C7A148 0000????

      11C7A7A8 0000????

      11C7AA6C 0000????

      11C7ACC8 0000????

      11AF36B4 0000????

      Riku (Boss) Replacement
      11C5EA34 0000????

      Shan-Yu Replacement
      11C77F88 0000????

      Hayabusa (Shanyu's Bird) Replacement (for some reason also replaces Shan Yu?)
      11C77FC8 0000????

      Cerberus Replacement
      11C7E388 0000????

      Replace Sephiroth With (replace ???? with UCM digit)
      11C50510 0000????

      Replace Xaldin with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C86E64 0000????

      Replace Volcano Lord with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C656F4 0000????

      Replace Blizzard Lord with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C65734 0000????

      Replace Xemnas 1 with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C86EF4 0000????

      Replace Barbossa with (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C6F1A0 0000????

      Replace ally Bailey Leon (replace ???? with UCM digits)
      11C71F88 0000????
    10. adamboy7
      room mod (glitchy)

      press R2 to activate:
      E001FDFF 0035B55C
      1033E830 0000YYXX

      XX - World
      01 - World of Darkness
      02 - Twilight Town
      03 - Destiny Islands
      04 - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion
      05 - Beast's Castle
      06 - Olympus Colisseum
      07 - Agrabah
      08 - Land of Dragons
      09 - 100 Acre Wood
      0A - Pride Lands
      0B - Atlantica
      0C - Disney Castle
      0D - Timeless River
      0E - Halloween Town
      0F - World Map
      10 - Port Royal
      11 - Space Paranoids
      12 - The World That Never Was
      13 - Insta-Freeze

      YY - Room Digits
      World of Darkness
      00 - Twilight Beach
      01 - "Loop Demo"

      Twilight Town
      00 - The Empty Realm
      01 - Roxas' Room
      02 - The Usual Spot
      03 - Back Alley
      04 - Sandlot
      05 - Sandlot during Struggle Tournament
      06 - Market Street: Station Heights
      07 - Market Street: Tram Common
      08 - Station Plaza
      09 - Central Station
      0A - Sunset Terrace
      0B - Sunset Station
      0C - Sunset Hill
      0D - The Woods
      0E - The Old Mansion
      0F - Mansion: Foyer
      10 - Mansion: Dining Room
      11 - Mansion: Library
      12 - Mansion: The White Room
      13 - Mansion: Basement Hall
      14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (Axel's Ring of Fire)
      15 - Mansion: Computer Room
      16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor
      17 - Mansion: Pod Room
      18 - On the Train
      19 - The Tower
      1A - Tower: Entryway
      1B - Tower: Sorcerers Loft
      1C - Tower: Wardrobe
      1D - Tower: Star Chamber
      1E - Tower: Moon Chamber
      1F - Tower: Wayward Stairs 1
      20 - Station of Serenity
      21 - Station of Calling
      22 - Station of Awakening
      23 - The Magical Train
      24 - Tunnelway
      25 - Underground Concourse
      26 - Tower: Wayward Stairs 2
      27 - Tower: Wayward Stairs (Final)
      28 - Betwixt and Between
      29 - The Old Mansion (Barriers Up)

      Destiny Islands
      00 - Door to Darkness
      01 - The Main Road
      02 - Main Island: Shore

      Hollow Bastion
      00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
      01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army)
      02 - The Great Maw
      03 - Crystal Fissure
      04 - Castle Gate
      05 - Ansems Study
      06 - Castle Postern
      07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
      08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
      09 - Borough
      0A - Marketplace
      0B - Castle Corridors
      0C - Heartless Manufactory
      0D - Merlin's House
      0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid)
      0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid)
      10 - Ravine Trail
      11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Fight)
      12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
      13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
      14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed)

      Beast's Castle
      00 - Entrance Hall
      01 - Parlour
      02 - Belle's Room
      03 - Beast's Room
      04 - Ballroom
      05 - Ballroom (First Boss Area, Text Misplaced?)
      06 - Courtyard
      07 - The East Wing
      08 - The West Hall
      09 - The West Wing
      0A - Dungeon
      0B - Undercroft
      0C - Secret Passage
      0D - Bridge
      0E - Ballroom (Jap. Text?, Where Beast and Belle Dance?)
      0F - Bridge (For Xaldins Fight?)

      Olympus Colisseum
      01 - Collesem gates (Cant get to the lobby for some reason, Undestroyed)
      02 - Collesem gates (destroyed)
      03 - Underworld entrance (Triggerd a cutscene for me )
      04 - Collesium foyer
      05 - Valley of the dead
      06 - Hades chamber
      07 - Cave of the dead: Entrance
      08 - Where you fight pete.
      09 - The underdrome
      0A - Cave of the dead: Inner chamber
      0B - Underworld cavern: enterance
      0C - The lock (With the meg engraving thing, reaction command to remove lock dosent do anything)
      0D - The underdrome (cutscene verstion, can go into the soul it place.)
      0E - Collesem gates (destroyed, night)
      0F - Cave of the dead: Passage
      10 - Underworld caverns: The lost road
      11 - Underworld caverns: Atrium
      12 - Collesium gates (Where you fight the multiheaded thing)
      13 - Underdrome (small, for tornament fights)

      00 - Agrabah
      01 - Bazaar
      02 - The Peddler's Shop [From first visit?]
      03 - The Palace
      04 - Vault
      05 - Above Agrabah
      06 - Palace Walls
      07 - The Cave of Wonders Entrance
      09 - The Cave of Wonders Stone ...
      0A - The Cave of Wonders Treasure Room
      0B - Ruined Chamber
      0C - The Cave of Wonders Valley of Stone
      0D - The Cave of Wonders Chasm of Challenges
      0E - Mini Game? "Head Towards Jafars Shadow!", Jafar's Invincible.
      0F - The Peddler's Shop [From second visit?]

      The Land of Dragons
      00 - Bamboo Grove
      01 - Encampment
      02 - Checkpoint
      03 - Mountain Trail
      04 - Village
      05 - Village Cave
      06 - Ridge
      07 - Summit
      08 - Imperial Square
      09 - Palace Gate
      0A - Antechamber
      0B - Throne Room
      0C - Village (Destroyed)

      100 Acre Wood
      00 - 100 Acre Wood World Selection?
      01 - The Big Tree [Forgot what it's called]
      02 - Pooh Bear's House
      03 - Rabbit's House
      04 - Piglette's House
      05 - Kanga's House
      06 - The Day of a Wind? (Possible Mini Game Area?, Messed up text, Blue Screen)
      07 - Eye the collection of Honey (Jap. Text, Possible Misspelling and Mini Game Area)
      08 - Flower Fence Valley (Possible Mini Game Area?, Jap. ext)
      09 - The Spookey Cave

      Pride lands
      00 - Pride rock
      02 - Kings den
      03 - Long gourge place.
      04 - The savana
      05 - Elafant graveyard
      06 - Gorge
      07 - Wastelands
      08 - Jungle
      09 - Oasis
      0A - Pride rock (restored)
      0B - Oasis (Night)
      0C - Overlook
      0D - Peak
      0E - Scar's darkness
      0F - (Looks like Savana, cept it didn't have a proper title and I couldn't leave the area)
      10 - (Where Mufasa died)

      01 - Treasure Room
      02 - Undersea Courtyard
      03 - Submarine Open Space (Jap. Text?, Same as 02, Recolored)
      05 - Sunken Ship
      06 - Wrath of the Sea (Daytime)
      07 - Seashore (Same as above, Nighttime, Jap. Text?)
      08 - Seashore (Same as above and 06, Evening)
      09 - Wrath of the Sea (Area when you are singing with Ursula)
      0A - D (Wedding Ship?)

      Disney Castle
      00 - Audience Chamber
      01 - Library
      02 - Colonnade
      03 - Courtyard
      04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
      05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone
      06 - Gummi Hanger

      Timeless River
      00 - Cornerstone Hill
      01 - Pier
      02 - Waterway
      03 - Wharf
      04 - Lilliput
      05 - Building Site
      06 - Scene of the Fire
      07 - Mickey's House
      08 - Villians Vale (Black & White)

      Halloween Town
      00- Town Square
      01 - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab
      02 - Graveyard
      03 - Curly Hill
      04 - Hinterlands
      05 - Yuletide Hill
      06 - Candy Cane Lane
      07 - Christmas Tree Plaza
      08 - Santa's House
      09 - Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving
      0A - Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room

      World Map
      00 - World Map

      Port Royal
      00 - Rampart
      01 - Harbor
      02 - Town
      03 - Interceptor (Can't go below)
      04 - Interceptor: Ships Hold
      05 - Black Pearl (Interceptor next to pearl)
      06 - Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom
      07 - Intercepter (No Exit at all)
      08 - Isla De Muerta: Rock Face (w/ Interceptor)
      09 - Isla De Muerta: Cave Mouth (Can't go to the Ship)
      0A - Isla De Muerta: Treasure Heap
      0B - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold
      0C - Isla De Muerta: Powder Store
      0D - Isla De Muerta: Moonlight Nook
      0E - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep
      0F - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row
      10 - Isla De Muerta: Rock Face (w/ Black Pearl)
      11 - Isla De Muerta: Treasure Heap (No Exit)
      12 - Black Pearl (Start on the lower part of the deck)
      13 - Black Pearl (Start next to the stearing wheel)
      15 - Interceptor (Can't go below)
      16 - Interceptor (Can't go below and you start next to the heel)
      17 - Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom (No Exit)
      18 - Harbor (No Exits)
      19 - Isla De Muerta: Rock Face (No Exits)

      Space Paranoids
      00 - Pit Cell
      01 - The Canyon
      02 - Game Grid
      03 - Data Space
      04 - I/O Tower
      05 - I/O Tower: Communications Tower
      06 - Simulation Hanger
      07 - Solar Sailor Simulation
      08 - Central Computer
      09 - Central Computer Core
      0A - Solar Sailor Simulation

      The World That Never Was
      00 - Where Nothing Gathers
      01 - Alley to Between
      02 - Fragment Crossing
      03 - Memorys Skyscraper
      04 - The Brink of Despair
      05 - The Soundless Prison
      06 - Nothings Call
      07 - Lower Crooked Ascention
      08 - Upper Crooked Ascention
      09 - Naught's View
      0A - Lower Hall of Empty Melodies
      0B - Upper Hall of Empty Melodies
      0C - Naughts Skyway
      0D - Proof of Existence
      0E - Havocs Divide
      0F - Where Nothing Gathers
      10 - Naughts Approach
      11 - Ruin and Creations Passage
      12 - The Altar of Naught
      13 - Memory's Contortion
      14 - The World of Nothing
      15 - Station of Serenity (Where you fight Roxas)
      16 - Station of Awakening (Where you fight Xemnas' Dragon)
      17 - In the middle of the fight with Chair Xemnas 2 (Freezes within 5 seconds)
      18 - Chair Xemnas 1's Throne
      19 - At the Dragon's Core (Freezes when barrier comes up)
      1A - Dragon's Laser Barrels as they are exploding (Second RC freezes game)
      1B - Path to Xemnas' Dragon that had rising/falling buildings
      1C - Second half of 1B, cannot go back
      1D - The Altar of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts) (Blocked Exit)
    11. adamboy7
      alright, this will be BIG!!!
    12. adamboy7
      kingdom hearts 1 or 2? :D
    13. adamboy7
      me too, i use codebreaker and game shark. need any codes? :D
    14. adamboy7
      Docyx no15 asked me to get the word out, :lol:
    15. adamboy7
      2 things,
      1 i ask you to look at my signature
      2 when you say you like to hack stuff, do you mean games or computers? lol
    16. adamboy7
      not much is new! you? :D
    17. adamboy7
      hello KHBjitch, nice to meet you!
    18. Dman23
      ichigo:hes trying to make u as his slave to heal his squad!
    19. Dman23
      ichigo:grimmjows on his way hes looking for u orhime
    20. Dman23
      ichigo:*walks through door* chad orhime where here
  • Loading...
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  • About

    I go to Antelope Crossing Middle School

    Basketball, Football, Hacking Stuff, and Games
