Last Activity:
Sep 27, 2011
Apr 7, 2010
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2:19 AM
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Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
Hobo? Well A student I guess.


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D

xtakeda was last seen:
Sep 27, 2011
    1. walkergirl-_-
      Well you forgot that I'm an anime savvy!!!!!
      -takes hit and attacks with a bazooka-
      BRING IT ON!!!!!
      -grabs the prinny and shoots with hit man gun-
      You can never out class a hit man!!!!
      -hugs prinny and takes it home-
      I'm going to add you to my collection!!!

      hehe ok ok!!! yay expo!! make sure to bring camera ohh and your parents have to let you stay out till 12 on masquerade night!!!
      NOOOOOOOO!!!!! ZOMBIE!!!!!!! -SHOOTS-
      yes well she is lazy...>> and no I was not there so it sounds wrong!!!! -______-;
    2. walkergirl-_-
      C.O.M.E. B.A.C.K.!!!!!!!!! -cosplays prinny owner elda- You prinny's better listen to me other else!!!! -evil smirk-
      -prinny- -__-; yes miss elda!!! -flies on jet pack- MWAHAHAHAHAHA I WIN I WIN!!!

      hehe I don't like them either!! they usually think they are so cool when they make people want to gag!!
      good!! no zombie!!! ><
      she don't know that anime......>> so she will be like WHAT???
    3. walkergirl-_-
      -starts shooting like crazy- DON'T WORRY PRINNY I WILL SAVE YOU FROM THE BAD STALKER MAN!!!
      haha It really is unforgivable if they ruin the anime image!!! you just want to rant and go crazy when they do!!
      if your a zombie then I will shot you again and again cause zombies are bad!!
      haha told yea!!! there fun!!
    4. walkergirl-_-
      what are you sooooooo relived about?? -suspicious glare-
      hehe penguin!!!! I want to take you home and feed you to my dragon lizard and my snake!!! ^_______^
      yes I agree >> It's not anime if you look like a whale!!! the image is ruined!!
      good!!!! or else I will shot you!!! haha you should read some of the questions they are really funny!!
    5. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I can't help you know child. .I must. .
      -dramatic anime moment pose-
      kill. .the Leviathan.
    6. walkergirl-_-
      Really...................-thinks-............OK!!!! YOU GET TO LIVE!!! -chases a random penguin- I don't know why I want to chase penguins lately!!!! >_____<
      I know I know!!! but it wasn't that bad last year!!! I saw a group of sailer moon people but they were fat and I hope women.........yea I think they were girls so no worries!! -glances away-
      I know!! right!! hehe I am me!!! -smacks- NO POKING!!! i will run away again!!! >< you didn't ask aura questions on auras question time!!! GO DO IT!!!!!
    7. walkergirl-_-
      haha that's not going to do much damage!!! XDD -1 hit point- YOU YOU MEANY!!! -takes out gun- HOW DARE YOU TAKE ONE HIT POINT!!!!! -STARTS RAGING-
      haha well remember I told you about that one time with the naked men in loin clothes well that could happen again!!!!
      haha I live!!!!!! don't worry I came back!!! SHOCKING I KNOW!!!! I guess I'm weird today!!! That cake was awesome!!!
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e

      Hey gaiz I'm back wut I miss? 8D. . .
    9. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      LOL. .
      FFFF'S NOO. .. my only weakness

      -dies of moe-
    10. walkergirl-_-
      hehe sure sure you keep telling yourself that!!! ><
      ewwwww thats to gross!!!! and I understood what you where talking about!!! bad!!! >__<
      haha then go do it mister lazy!!! (not one to talk >>) you don't want me here!!! fine Ima go now and eat cake!!!! see you in 10 mins!!!! XD (I's serious about the cake...>>)
    11. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      ODIN! -mystical horse of petals appears-

    12. walkergirl-_-
      haha NOOOB!!!!! hehehe .......................eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! >___> that's gross!!!! I don't want to be around any sucks and cosplays either!! like people who were to lazy to buy themselves there costumes cause hand made cosplays aren't always good ><
      Haha I'm like that to!! I said I will do it when I feel like it but for me that can be never.....
    13. walkergirl-_-
      I saw it in the all mall and was like COOL!!!! then I had to poke it...>< -pokes- haha
      hehe you noob!!! I must chase away all the pervs at the expo!!! yay that sounds like fun!!! thanks!!! my friends inspire me!!!
    14. walkergirl-_-
      yellow!! and yes it was fun messaging from the mall ^_^ so whatcha up to??? ima draw soon...lately since all my friends draw around me I want to draw more to...
    15. nasirrich
      Wow I really didn't see that coming. I think that any avatar that I see ofsomeone eles. They know wat it is. I never thought of it that way
    16. nasirrich
      Yea lol that is pretty sad. That I don't even know where my avatar is from
    17. nasirrich
      OOO ok then. Well to answer your question. I have no idea. And the very big pic that you see as my background is in one of my albums
    18. nasirrich
      Which one my avatar, Kairi w/ theblack wings. Or the very big pic
    19. nasirrich
      Thx for that. I'll just try to limit my formalites
    20. nasirrich
      Well I'm just chillen. And not really doing much. And ok I won't be formal.
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  • About

    Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
    Hobo? Well A student I guess.
    Hm What to say.... Uh .... Not really sure....

    Oh FAR too many too list.... Nah Just Kiddin Basiclly Anime, Drawing(bad at it), and GAMING....etc


    Forget Stalking Psh~ Im so over that.

    AND WOAH~ Eurovision made me start to Like my Spanish music...Of course It had to be Spain D'8 Being all cool and stuff...And Norway O: