Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. #8-Axel
      Yeah so what are you doing?
    2. #8-Axel
      Good, anything been new?
    3. #8-Axel
      Hey how are you?
    4. C
      OMG OMG OMG!! it's libreg goddamn kd! Oh my, you're awesome
    5. kitty_mckechnie
      Would you recommend Darksiders?
    6. Fork
      Wait he says?
      Do I look like a waiter to you?
    7. kitty_mckechnie
      Sadly you had to start one as that person left. xD
    8. The Great Gatz
      The Great Gatz
      HA! I just remembered when I got pissed at you for no reason. For some reason I just find it hysterical.
    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      ^^ Sounds like you'll be doing pretty well then, good luck with calculus, I hate it all of the time :'D so you at least have the positive that you sometimes get along with it :b

      Here is so lovely here lately x3 its sunny and bright but still cool. The sun always puts me in a good mood :3
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Good luck with your tests <3 GET TO REVISING :glomp: it seems like everyone has been taking breaks and stuff lately, I blame the fact winter is starting to really retreat now x333
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Pretty decent thanks <3 How about you?
    12. Catch the Rain
    13. Fork
      Oh I was talking about the game itself. I haven't gotten around to get it yet due to a tight budget, but I really want to.
      I don't listen to much of the critsism anymore in games. Most of the things they say is very uncalled for, to be quite honest.
      I have no doubts that I'll enjoy FFXIII....Not to mention you and I have basically the same tastes in games >_>
    14. Fork
      And? How was it?!
    15. Fork
      Yes I heard and recall those things.
      About the 3rd thing, I think Spartans called themselves brothers, so it just could be another Spartan.
      But I could be wrong.
      And he probably does have a brother according to his mother, but I was referring to that extra video in GoWI >_> Everyone is bent on having that brother.

      I guess we'll get more clarification once that bar in that new site, spartansstandtall (or whatever), fills up.
    16. Fork
      I actually never start on Hard, and always on Medium. GoWIII is my first game, where the first playthrough is hard mode. I just couldn't pass up the challenge. >_>
      Let's just say some parts were pretty damn annoying. Like that Cerberus and those Satyrs. There's one hour and 30 deaths I'll never get back.

      Hahah, I mean, I thought that it had glitched at first, but then I realized that I was still getting the grunts as I pressed O, so I finally let go. That Fear Kratos part was a pretty strange change of pace. (Which was good by all means)
      Besides that, did you get what Zeus said to Gaea? About the "Other One". I don't think anyone missed that. <_<

      ...And I hope you don't have a man-crush on Kratos' non-canon brother >_>
    17. Fork
      At least it wasn't QTE filled like in GoWII >_>
      GoWIII Zeus > GoWII Zeus.
      I think one thing that disappointed me was not enough Titan interaction. I was expecting a lot more, despite how amazing they were.
      I guess yes, the last boss could've been better in some cases.
      But he was a ***** to me, as I started the game on Titan. I died like 10 times during the fight inside Gaea. (Not to mention each fight is like 5-10 minutes long ._.)

      Hahah, most people did I reckon. I kept mashing O for a few minutes before getting the logical idea of just letting go. Some people went for a dozen minutes >_> It's a beyond classic moment though. The Devs are geniuses for adding that xD
    18. Fork
      That's good to know. I hold your opinion in high regard, and it's nice to know that you enjoyed it >_>
      Also yes, Whips + Cestus = Awesome.
      I hardly used the Blades of Exile towards the end of the game.
      And used the Claws occasionally.

      Also, just for the lulz.
    19. Fork
      Possible I guess. It's arguable until we get a clarification from the devs.
      I hope they release that epilogue they were supposed to do.

      Also, just out of curiosity, would you rank GoWIII higher than GoWII? >_> (Just because I know the latter is one of your top games)
    20. Fork
      Good god yes. I'm getting so tired of people who keep whining about not getting a totally bleak ending where Kratos kills everything and "Fin".
      The ending is the perfectly logical one to the end the trilogy, and I still loved it.

      Although, speculation of what happened to Kratos?
      Either he's still alive, or he finished the job he wanted to do at the end of GoWI, which was suicide off of the cliff.
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