Peace and War
Last Activity:
Feb 3, 2019
May 25, 2007
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Cisgender Male
Jun 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
Lay about

Peace and War

Bianca, you minx!, Cisgender Male, 32

Peace and War was last seen:
Feb 3, 2019
    1. Patsy Stone
      Patsy Stone
      Atlas Shrugged is REALLY long. A good read though, was kinda annoying at parts =/ She has a bit of an odd writing style lol
    2. Patsy Stone
      Patsy Stone
      That is Ayn Rand xD I am nearly finished Atlas Shrugged and I bought The Fountainhead =]
    3. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yeah I know, though I heard that Atlus is in the process of making Persona 5. Seeing as how the previous once were released for the Play Station one and 2, I guess we'll see it on the PS3.
      Yes well to be exact there's 3 "bad endings" one good ending and then the real "true ending".
      -nods- Yeah and somehow I guess it's because P4's story is more. . believable I suppose because of the way the characters develop throughout the story.
      I take it you heard of P3P as well?
    4. Fork
      Bah, you have every right to have said that xD See, I didn't know that, and it's a good thing that you corrected me. Hope I didn't come off as an ass.
      Otherwise, I haven't played most of the RTK to really pick one, but I really liked #VIII of the series, on the PS2. The games really are brilliant though, I had a lot of fun with them.
    5. Fork
      Wrong, but not too far off.
      It's a Cao Cao quote.
      And it isn't totally from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, since Cao Cao isn't fictional >_>

      But I'm surprised to see someone who knows the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games, let alone partly recognize that quote.
    6. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yes I've noted that as well, which is pretty nice since people know what your talking about.
      Ah I see, P4 has multiple endings actually be careful.
      Yeah same here I like them all, perhaps it's because the player can relate to them one way or another especially P4's characters.
    7. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Not a well known series.
      So far I like P4, P3 was alright too but I liked the mystery feel to P4. .and I barely remember playing Persona 2 well the one that got here in the U.S.

      . . .unless you meant character >_>;
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I love your icon and signature :'D
    9. Rissy
      It's most of common sense, from what I've seen. And body movement. It seems pretty easy to me.
    10. Rissy
      The Mentalist is amazing. :3
    11. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yeah, I love it. New episodes started last night.

      Definitely. I love the game. It has its flaws, like most people have pointed out, but I'm not disappointed.
    12. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yes, I agree. It actually makes you symphathetic towards him....and then he does something incredibly evil lol And yeah, apparently he will be stopped. The report I read said there'll be a sixth season, but the Lucifer episodes end with this season.

      Yeah. I love games, but I'm too busy with school. And once I get a
      I played FFXIII for almost thirty hours while I was on break, but now my break is over so who knows when I'll get to finish it.
    13. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Nope. It's still on the fifth season. I just heard last week that there will be a sixth one, too.

      Batman's on my list. I hear great things about Dragon Age, but I don't know if it's my type o fthing though.
      Haha it's alright, my only problem is that I wouldn't have time to play all these games.
    14. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Dean trying to get Cass laid was one of the best moments in all 5 seasons for me lol I love the show's humour. So far I have Uncharted 1, God of War Collection, and Valkyria Chronicles. I also have two downloads, Pain and flOw, but I don't play them much. Good thing I got those two for free.
    15. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      That's semi it. The brothers want to stop Hell, but not by Heaven's way because Dean is Heaven's chosen one which means he needs to give up his body and Sam is Hell's chosen one so Lucifer wants him as a host. But Angels can't take a host unless that person agrees to it. (and remember Lucifer is a fallen angel, but an angel nonetheless) Sam doesn't want to agree because, well it's the Devil and Dean doesn't want to give his body up to an Angel because the angels have been using him. Michael and Lucifer are brothers so it's a fated battle.

      Yeah, I bought a PS3 just for this game so it better be damn good.
      Lol nice joke.
    16. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Wow, it just skipped ahead? If I were you, I'd look up the other seasons or you'll end up slightly confused.
      The guy in the trench coat is Castiel, he's an Angel. He pulled Dean out of hell on Heaven's orders but is now rebelling against Heaven and searching for God who the other Angels say is either missing or dead because no one's seen him in a couple thousand years. The Angels want Dean to give his body up to the Archangel to stop the Devil, but Dean refuses and wants to find another way. Because of that, Castiel rebelled and is cut off from most of Heaven's powers.

      I don't know if I have a favorite FF13 character at the moment, I'll have to wait until I play the game. But I wanted to make an avatar for the game and I found a good render for Hope and used it.
    17. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I do at times, but I just remind myself of what I told you and I feel better.

      Organization of thoughts is hard. It's just hard. Nothing else for it.

      Maybe, but if you want to refresh my memory then I'd be glad to lend an ear.
    18. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I actually feel like my work has received about the right amount of appreciation. I got good signals from those who cared to reply and the worst criticism was on my commas. The lack of anything else was either my fault or chance's fancy. I wouldn't say that there's much more to it than that.

      I personally liked the work you did in the past and some of the ideas you've shared, but it really does suck when you dislike your own work. I try to at least like what I'm doing elsewise it isn't too fun.
    19. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I like reading and writing, but only if I'm doing it as a hobby with no strings attached or seriousness involved. The second I have to do it for something in particular it becomes an annoyance that I just don't want to deal with. So that's a probably no, but I don't know what the future holds so I could be wrong.
    20. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      Same to you. If that's a good thing. If not, then disregard this message.
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Jun 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Lay about
    Past Usernames:
    PaW, Nobunaga, I am..., Afro, PaWn, Monkey King, Old Sage


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