Last Activity:
Jul 14, 2020
May 1, 2008
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Dec 27, 1991 (Age: 33)
in your mind
messin with your mind


Twilight Town Denizen, 33, from in your mind

Legion was last seen:
Jul 14, 2020
    1. Rexa
      I heard somewhere that if you add water to a little bit of bleach, you can drink it. I'd rather not try it though.
    2. water mage
      water mage
      They are good. I did something different compared to what I noramlly do. I made my first anime music video well besides that Christmas one last year.
    3. water mage
      water mage
      True, I haven't even spoken to emzy for a long time either. Haven't been on live messenger either, but I did make some music videos. *shruggs*
    4. water mage
      water mage
      If you want, but I have to think of one unless you know something we could do. *shruggs*
    5. water mage
      water mage
      Well Life for Lead is interesting because Luxord and Xigbar have Tifa trapped and she is planning on fighting back. Axel is ready to kill her, but waiting for Luxord's response. It's fine with the user who controls Tifa since she sort of left the rpg. So when that happens you know what that means for Cloud. Xemnas can simply show up any time to see how his minions are doing, and he'll ask for the details and that Xigbar, Demyx Axel, and Luxord can tell him what is going on that way. As for Gex, um I believe Saix is spying on him.
    6. water mage
      water mage
      Oh I have been busy too, but I do still come here to respond to rps and such. I haven't bothered anyone because I thought you guys wanted to take a break from the rp world. I also took a short break to clear my head of some things, but now I'm back and willing to continue where ever we left off on the rps. I caught up so I know what's been happening. If you would like I can let you know some recaps of the ones you're in as Xemnas and Gex. I think that's only Life to lead right? *thinks for a moment*
    7. water mage
      water mage
      Yes it has been a long time. How have you been?
    8. Rexa
      And Mexican food. O_o Weird thing is, I HATE Mexican food.
    9. Dman23
      Yeah me too thats why i will murder my tv moohahahaah ^^
    10. Rexa
      *Huggles* I've been craving bleach lately. O_o
    11. Spaze

    12. The Joker
      The Joker
      Just have to pray you don't pull one on the wrong guy in the wrong alley on the wrong night. There be some scary freaks out there.
    13. The Joker
      The Joker
      Yeah. I'd give one shitit of a rant with everything from getting dumped by a girl and loosing her to a guy I barely counted as a friend, all the way to a guy I really did count as a friend moving down to somewhere in Florida. Other friend is going down to maybe Mexico in about a year. Could be worse, though. I've still got somethings going my way. At least I haven't lost my humour. Humour can get places, right?
    14. Dman23
      nope not at all
    15. The Joker
    16. Dman23
      just looking at tv
    17. Spaze
      OLD PEOPLE DO NEED THEIR NAPS. You should get a hearing aid. D:
    18. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    19. Rexa
      Me too... T~T
    20. Spaze
      :v Well, old people do need their naps.
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  • About

    Dec 27, 1991 (Age: 33)
    in your mind
    messin with your mind
    all will be explained in time

    messin with your mind


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