Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      mhmm you can thank me with nice shiny things that you don't lose in bets D:

      I'm glad <3 it sounds like it was a ton of fun.

      Mine have been coming through for like 3 years, they come through a little and then stop, and then a little more. It is like slow torture ;-;
    2. Fork
      God of War III.
      Best thing ever.
    3. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Its ok, it took me forever to find it too, I was sometimes having to go through like 5 pages of VMs to find the one I needed to reply to D: and then I discovered it and it was heaven ;B at least now you know too.

      From what I hear it is pretty great, I know Forsaken absolutely loves it at the moment <:

      Have all of yours come through yet? Mine are taking so long because I don't have room for them, and damn it hurts like hell D: I would happily rip them out with a rusty saw to be quite honest than keep putting up with it.
    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Mhmmm it is all a part of my takeover :ninjacat: I claim this profile in the name of CtR. You know you would find it easier if you clicked View Conversation, sometimes I get lost on my own damn page, then I found that button and life was good <333

      Awesome, I'm glad <3 and lol those games have completely taken over. Everyone is playing one or the other <: almost makes me jealous of not joining the new consoles club yet xD

      You know, wisdom teeth can go to hell.
    5. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Thanks <333

      Heh, I do envy you that I admit. I actually have no clue, it has calmed down somewhat I used to get like 50+ a day sometimes D:

      How are you today? :glomp:
    6. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Good point o: Awww you would have been really little then.

      Today it is odd the weather says its MEANT to be 15 and sunny, but its actually raining at the moment ;B drink lots of soda and stuff. The best part about summer is eating ice.

      Indeed C: I feel a lot more positive lately and it is nice, obviously I had bad moments too but overall things are looking up ^^
    7. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Oh wow I knew it would cut down the time but that is crazy @_@ also yeah xD I imagine that is the reason why >_>;;;

      Were you scared? What is it like? Is it weird being that high up?

      ...@_@ woooooooow I would die D:

      I'm glad ^^

      I am in a really awesome mood today, I'm not sure why but I'm not gonna complain ;B
    8. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      ;-; I will hold you to that.

      How long did it take you on the plane then? I have never been on a plane, I'm not scared of heights or flying, but I am terrified of falling xD;;; so I have never been able to convince myself it is a good idea to get on one.

      What is the hottest it gets there? Today it is 11°C and that is classed as pretty warm. In the summer we sometimes go into the 30s and its hell x_x

      Hmm I can imagine that being frustrating, what if you actually can't beat it? Can you go back and level and stuff?
    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      ;-; nuuuuu mai pritty shinies ;-;

      I am glad you had a lot of fun, was it the first time you had been? It must look lovely at night with all the lights.

      It is normally like that here, but Spring is usually quite a good stable time ;B I say usually because it is England and it is best not to assume too much with the weather.

      o: How are you finding it? It sounds like people either love it or hate it.
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      How was Vegas? Did you win me something shiny and pretty?

      I would not survive there xD I would literally be eaten alive.

      Today is so lovely outside, its sunny and warm and there is the nicest breeze x333

      How are you?
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hey ^^ I am glad to hear that :b it would be nice if we could manage to talk more than a dozen or so times a year xD

      How are things?
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      :b I blame the fact I am horribly motherly.

      I am still pretty fantastic actually ^^ had a couple of bad days but they didn't get me down too much, definitely not to the extent they would have done previously. I've had the week off work which has been lovely, though I have spent most of it sleeping, gaming and eating junk >_>;;;

      I hope school stops being so crazy for you soon :b
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I'm glad ^^ I know it took me forever to reply but I did worry.

      I worry way too much about my friends >.<

      So how are you? :3 and yes I am busy, but you're one of my best friends, so I shouldn't have left it so long.
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hey, how are you doing now? Sorry it took me so long to reply >.<

      Hope you are doing better now :glomp:
    15. Cia
      Why, indeed.
    16. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      That isn't good D: are you ok? I hope you get better fast <3
    17. Cia
      ... D: Lucky..
    18. Cia
      Lol, you're online when you should be in school.
    19. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hey <33

      I'm actually fantastic thanks, how are you?
    20. Fork
      Hey, thought you might enjoy this.
      Since you seem mildly interested in Heavy Rain, you might have heard that a demo came out for those who got the redeem codes.
      I got an extra one, and I have no idea who to give it too. (Besides making a giveaway on some random forum)
      So meh, you came to mind if you're interested, and didn't get it yet.
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