Sep 16, 2008
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That's me inside your head.

    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Technically Aster is wrong. Necro Gardna's Effect is a Quick-Effect. So I can activate his effect anytime I want to. So if you try to remove him from play I can chain and use his effect before your card can work.
    2. Juicy
      I'm right on it.
    3. Aster Phoenix
      Aster Phoenix
      Ahh good heres a trick to kill his Necro gardna stratagy
      If he does it he'll have 3 cards in his grave gracefull necro garda and necrofear on your turn activate gracefull and send two ****** cards to the grave and activate soul exchange so you can remove them from play givin you the upper hand.
      Good luck
    4. Juicy
      Either that or I'll change the title to "March and April" rather than just March. I've always seen you as a better host anyway.
    5. Aster Phoenix
      Aster Phoenix
      It is indeed, i think i had one a long time ago in RL. It might have been fake though since my mom went to the fair a couple of years ago and bought 5 decks worth of cards and we found out they were all fake. It was halarrios because there names and pictures are all ****ed up and theiir effects make no sense
    6. Aster Phoenix
      Aster Phoenix
      Me too, it was fun. And you do know if you hadent have activated curse of royal i would have kicked your ass six ways to sunday ^_^ good duel
    7. Juicy
      Hey, you gonna host a poetry contest this month?
    8. #8-Axel
      ok im sorry
    9. #8-Axel
      who did i provoke?
      so i can stop talking to them.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Lol, as you can see I'm going easy on Fearless.

      I could've already beaten her but I'm going easy on her.[IMG]

      You probably already knew that.[IMG]
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Awesomesauce, I'll go have a look <3 I hope people do respond; it was an amazing dream D:
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Sounds good o: good luck with convincing them <3
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I'm pretty good thanks, and you? <3
    14. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      Yeah, I know. Just multitasking a lot, and finding it difficult to just decide how to go with my turn after the huge blunder. xD;
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Thank you sir.

      Lol, I have no idea what makes you think I'm better than you sir.[IMG]

      I'm not better than you.[IMG]

      I can't even beat Xakota and you ended up beating him with ease...

      If you can get past HIM as easily as you did you won't have ANY trouble with me.[IMG]

      But then again, The way you beat him was by exploiting his Deck's weakness...A Blackwings Deck strongly relies on the ability to Special Summon monsters...But with Barrier Statue of the Inferno on the field he couldn't do that...So I guess it's no wonder he lost.[IMG]

      I'd have done my play a bit differently than his though. I'd have probably done something like use Elemental Hero Inferno or Elemental Hero Electrum since they're unaffected by Barrier Statue of the Inferno. And I know of a better method than Mystical Space Typhoon to get rid of Imperial Order. One that CAN'T be stopped![IMG] (Yes, I really do know of a method like that.)
    16. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      Huh? uh..okay i'll ask jaden ^^
    17. Fork
      Well, enjoy.
    18. Fork
      What? Why the hell not?
    19. Fork
      Then why did you ask about the difference? >_> It's not like it would matter in the end lol.
    20. Fork
      Out of curiosity, do you own both a PS3 and a 360? Or are you planning to get one of them?
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    Access, my first only completed short story.​
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