Always Dance
Last Activity:
Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Say, When are you gonna upload more videos?

      Those videos of you owning people with that God Card Deck were awesome...:(

      That Deck probably wouldn't work too well in this game because of how they've changed The God Cards though...

      *sigh* Man...I like The Blue, Red and Gold Versions of those cards better...:( They looked cooler...:(
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Of course I agree. Banned cards are the only exception.
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      But you do agree that people should not be allowed to set terms in which real cards can't be used right?

      I remember how Ruon used to set terms in which a certain card she couldn't beat couldn't be used lol.

      Anyway, I think this is a new rule that should be enforced for sure. Why? Because setting terms for you and your opponent in which a card can't be used just because you can't beat it is just stupid and disgraceful. Rather than doing that you should just devise and find a way past that card yourself don't you agree? To prevent confusion: I know you'd never do that. I'm just asking if you agree with me.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I figured that wouldn't matter if the right restrictions were set...

      But if people can still set terms not to use them that kinda defeats the purpose of legalizing them with restrictions...

      In that case I guess I'll just leave things as they are and just keep the current template where people can set terms whether to use them or not...

      The Duels would still all turn out slow and epic like my Last Duel with Zane and my First Duel with Aster because of the restrictions...

      But since you apparently are not gonna give that any thought I guess I'm just gonna leave things the way they are...You're a Great Duelist and Friend and I would hate for you to leave The Duel Arena again...

      I would especially feel bad knowing that the reason you left was because of something I'd done...
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I was talking about legalizing VIDEOGAME Exclusives...

      And the end where I said:

      Hell, With CoS and CoD now being Banned I think I could safely legalize Anime Exclusives without any trouble...
      I was just saying that it was a possibility that I could legalize Anime Exclusives TOO without any trouble. I didn't say for sure I would do it. I was saying that with CoS and CoD Banned it would probably work.

      But Yeah, You're right. Legalizing Anime Exclusive cards would take too much time. And there are WAY too many of them...Not only that, but they are still making new ones...

      I'll just keep it so you can set Terms whether to use Anime Exclusives or not.

      Well, Now that I've got your permission I'll legalize The Video Game Exclusives.

      I'll need your help deciding which ones to add restrictions to though. Have you ever played any of The Tag Force Games? If so then you should have a pretty good idea which ones to add restrictions to.
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      One more thing:

      I know you weren't happy with my girlfriend's work...

      But was it really necessary for you to tell her that you hated her? Seriously...That was uncalled for...

      It was bad enough when you insulted her work. She didn't mean any harm. She was just trying to express herself and be creative...You hurt her really did...You don't know how she feels about you...You made her feel REALLY bad...

      But THEN you told her you hated her...Honestly, Don't you think outright HATING someone just for innocently trying to express theirself is going too far? I'm guessing you must have some real issues...

      And btw, She put you on her Ignore List...So now it's too late to apologize to her...She said she can't forgive those who don't like her...
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I just had an idea, Would it be okay with you if I legalized VG Exclusives but simply put restrictions to them?

      As in, Banned certain ones, Limited certain ones and Semi-Limited certain ones? What do you say? I myself think it would work just fine. Cause when you look at them you'll see that they aren't very different from real cards. Alot of them have costs. Not only that but they have rulings too.

      Before you ask what gave me this idea I'll tell you: Because in the games such as Tag Force there are restrictions to them. And as I said before I want The Duel Arena to have as much of an even balance with The Anime(s) as possible. With them being legalized though that would mean that terms cannot be set in which they are not allowed to be used. But if their are fair restrictions to them I don't think that would matter.

      I figured I should check to see if this was okay with you first. But if you object just say so and I won't do it.[IMG]

      Hell, With CoS and CoD now being Banned I think I could safely legalize Anime Exclusives without any trouble....
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'll give it a shot but it'll need some time. Gimme till tomorrow at least.
      No problem.

      Oh, and do you want it with or without a banlist?
      I think I'll say without cause I wanna make it easier for you.[IMG] And besides, It'll be much more fun that way too![IMG]
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Say, Can you give me a Deck based on Majestic Star Dragon as The Key Card? Please?

      I've been curious to try that card ever since I first heard about it...

      And you're alot better at building Decks than I am...

      Can you help me out pal?

      The only Decks I'm any good at building are Elemental Hero Based ones...I'm still running a 60 Card one with no losses![IMG] I even beat Rex Goodwin with it today![IMG]

      Oh, and I'd like it to have as much of a Yusei Fudo Theme to it as possible please.

      Like I said, I don't like mixed/themeless Decks...=/ Don't ask why. They just aren't my style...
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Did i really say that? Sorry, i must've been mistaken. It's been LIMITED since the first list. It was banned in 05.
      Oh Okay, I wish that it had stayed Limited...T_T
    11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I remember you saying that Pot of Greed was Banned ever since the first Ban List...

      But Wikipedia said that it used to be Limited...
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      The Ghosts Opponents are based on Real Decks??? I guess that must explain why their Decks are so much stronger and different than the others...
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Don't know if you knew this but back in this games' predecessors The "Ghost" CPU Opponents sometimes used Banned Cards...O_O (I'm not kidding, They really did.) I think that was done on purpose in order to make things more challenging for the player...But still, allowing the CPU to use Banned Cards when you can't is just insulting! That's just teasing you! I think then the use of an AR Code is justified wouldn't you say?
      Did you see this message? Oh, and sometimes The AI also breaks the restrictions...

      There's more than one opponent in WC2007 who uses Graceful Charity X2! O_O

      I wonder if that was a mistake or if it was done on purpose...
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Second, there was the time when i asked her a question and Mimiru answered (happened the other way around too
      Well...I do remember a time when I asked Ruon a question back in The Duel Arena and then Monica answered...

      And I also remember a time when I sent her a PM but then Kyle replied to it instead of her...O_O

      There was also a time when i saw her in a VM (i dont remember who it was to) where she said "Xakota thinks i am a dumbass". At that point i had NEVER called her a dumbass, but i had called Ruon one several times.
      HOLY CRAP!
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I know you're gonna think I'm a gullible dumbass for saying this but...

      I REALLY feel like Monica is a different person than Ruon...I always trust what I feel in my heart...

      Wait! Hear me out! It's not just me that feels she is either! Catch The Rain feels she is, lil woj feels she is, Blair feels she is. Anyone who's seen enough of her posts would feel she is! And I just feel so sure of it!

      She sent me a few PMs awhile back that looked VERY Serious...They didn't look like something somebody would lie about...seriously...

      I can forward them to you.

      I've never heard of anyone who could be capable of lying about something like that! And I still don't think someone could say what she said to me in my departure thread and profile and not mean it either.
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh good,:sweat: At first I was afraid you wouldn't think too well of me for using GameFaqs to solve that puzzle.:sweat: I thought you'd think I was stupid.:sweat:

      And I was afraid you wouldn't think too well of me for The AR Code either.:sweat:

      And I totally agree with you.

      Don't know if you knew this but back in this games' predecessors The "Ghost" CPU Opponents sometimes used Banned Cards...O_O (I'm not kidding, They really did.) I think that was done on purpose in order to make things more challenging for the player...But still, allowing the CPU to use Banned Cards when you can't is just insulting! That's just teasing you! I think then the use of an AR Code is justified wouldn't you say?

      And about the passcode, It's possible that I can't read my dad's handwriting..:sweat: No seriously, His handwriting is HORRIBLE...I've seen 1st Graders that could write better than him...>_>

      And strangely the passcode isn't filling the whole screen as it should...(My DS Screen)
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Okay, My dad gave me the passcode.

      Bad News...

      It doesn't work for some reason...
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'm using a connection called SuddenLink. It stays connected to my computer. The passcode was used in order to get it connected to my computer. So now in order to get my DS on the internet I have to reenter the passcode on my DS and it will then receive the connection signal from my computer. Now do you see?

      My games/real life Dueling skills? Well...You basically already got to see them in My Last Duel with you and Zane in The Arena...

      I take after my dad when it comes to strategy. I inherited it from him. He's good at Chess. He's an intermediate Chess player. That's roughly what my Skill Level as a Duelist is...

      But I still haven't gotten past that 3rd Duel Puzzle in Story Mode...>_> I can't figure it out....>_>:stupid:

      EDIT: Okay, I used the puzzle walkthrough on GameFaqs.:sweat: Now I've got it.:sweat:

      I used an AR Code to have access to all the cards and opponents in WC Mode because I'm lazy.:sweat:
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I already told you. I said I'm trying to find my passcode to get my DS on the internet. I've found my access-point. (Guess I should've mentioned that part sooner...) Now I just need my passcode.

      And Um, Why do you want to Duel me so bad?
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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