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Aug 11, 2021
Aug 21, 2009
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Broke Grad Student


Wakanda Forever, Male, from Konoha


#WakandaForever Mar 13, 2018

Plums was last seen:
Aug 11, 2021
    1. Xaale
      8D the wonderful machine of weather
    2. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Shall I feed this VM?
    3. Xaale
      Omfg approve
    4. NarutoSuperKubii
    5. What?
      A great prospect on why I am a plum entrepreneur.

      I believe Harald Hardrada has already been slain, thankfully.
    6. Xaale
    7. NarutoSuperKubii
    8. NarutoSuperKubii
      This is what happens when you get Roxas mad

    9. Xaale
      8D yesss let's go on an adventuuure to find said machine
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Dude that would be so awesome ;-; it was such an under-appreciated show.

      xD being scatter brained sometimes can be a good thing, I guess balance is the key, if you are too serious all the time it is also bad.

      I know what you mean, but it never works that way, instead you are just trapped in your head screaming NUUUUUUUUUUUU YOU IDIOT STOP DOING THAT I swear it is a conspiracy, the brain secretly wants to make us look idiotic so that it can laugh at us and throw memories at us for amusement.

      The films can also be blamed for the twats of the fanbase, it all grew out of control with the films ;-;
    11. Xaale
      Yessssss 8D
    12. Janime6
      I'm afraid not. There's nothing that can be done, unfortunately. :c
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Oh man, Fairly Oddparents was ****ing awesome D: I used to love that show.

      2012 is a good year, that way when the world doesn't end we can say it is clearly because of our amazing leadership :B

      Makes sense to me, through the power of the Internet we shall reach the entire population, except places who don't have internet, but the armies will bring them to our side.

      xD Indeed it can, never get loopy and drive :b
      I hate when that happens, when you are perfectly clear minded but can't stop yourself from doing stupid ****.

      I would happily read that if she did, and I agree, it is just a shame, I was looking forward to it because of the wolves. The movie was a let down.
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      That is actually an extremely good point, I will remember that for future reference :b

      I say Yoda gets America, I'm sure they will benefit massively from such wisdom ;D *shot*

      Damn straight Bl I say we take this conversation to the Inventing Rooms and see what we can come up with it, also, they should have the ability to breathe fire, or breathe water blasts at things that like heat.

      Good point, unless it was the loopy-ness that caused the accident. That being said even if I am loopy as heck, if something happens where I need to think straight I snap out of it like clicking my fingers xD

      Alice is one of the redeeming features of Twilight I agree :b New Moon was not an amazing film, what the heck did they do to the wolves, such a sad representation of what could have been amazing.
    15. Janime6
      Disappointing. I lost my power.
    16. Janime6
      Oheyder mister.
    17. Xaale
    18. Xaale
      Inorite D8
    19. Xaale
      Skittles + ice cream = so epic xD

      And loool Bella is an idiot.
    20. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Indeed and together we shall TAKE OVER THE, I mean SAVE THE WORLD yes, that is what I meant ¬¬

      Ah wise Yoda *bows down* such truth

      Clearly, I say we create an army of robotic monkey dinosaurs to stop anyone from finding the deliciousness.

      I love skittles ;-; so much, but they send me loopy and that isn't good for anyone xD;;

      New Moon the book or film? I want cake .-.
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    Broke Grad Student
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