Lovely Phantasmagoria
Last Activity:
Apr 17, 2010
Nov 10, 2009
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Home Page:
crappp. ; w ;
I'm a SiNGER in my school... does that count? >

Lovely Phantasmagoria

Merlin's Housekeeper, from crappp. ; w ;

Lovely Phantasmagoria was last seen:
Apr 17, 2010
    1. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi we have not spock in a while how have you been
    2. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Spring is coming here but it is still really rainy and cold, I live in England though so it is somewhat expected xD
    3. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      The fifth Alice ran with all her might, "How did I become lost within this forest? Hello? Anyone there? HELLO?!" Her companion wasn't with her anymore. So she got lost after following a red trail. She finally bumped onto someone, but to her surprise, they were twins. She remembered her companion's words, "Two strangers you will see. Twins born from a place with trees. Be careful though my dear, for they may confuse thee." The Alice stopped and stared at the two, then one grabbed her arm, "You're an Alice right?" The other grinned, "Pray tell us what your name is dear." The fifth Alice's brow furrowed, she tried remembering what her name was, "Ellice." The twins smiled mischievously.

      A bell rang. What young Ellice didn't know, as soon as she told her name to any of the people here. She wouldn't be able to leave this place, this Wonderland of sorts.
    4. MandyXRiku4ever
      Man we has alot of drama lol
    5. lolliluvsgummi
      lol so...o I saw what girl yuki did and I was like awww and then I saw iko and then I started to cry!!!! I'm gonna do a funny 1 cuz I hate anger and sadness cuz I'm sora o yeah no frowning lol
    6. MandyXRiku4ever
      lol yea....i like ur story on Alice! XD
    7. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      The fifth Alice looked at the dark piece of cloth, "What oh what do you think this is?" She asks to her companion. Her companion looks at her and smiles, "That would be yours, my dear." The fifth Alice frowned, "This handkerchief?" She then felt something from inside the folded piece of cloth. She took it out, and there it was. The very item that signed the contract between her and her living here in Wonderland. The Joker card.
    8. MandyXRiku4ever
      he was acting rele werid today and suddenly he just blew up for no reason at all....and the next thing ik he's singingour song underneath my window sigh boys I forgave him but he's sonot off the hook.
    9. MandyXRiku4ever
      Guess what? I just got dumped DX
    10. ^_^Xion^_^
      Tehe :3
      Okay, I'll be waiting^.^
    11. SoraUchiha
      Yo Yo Yippidy Yo"! random person of the worlds coolest lava chamber that is occupied by giant leprechauns!!!
    12. lolliluvsgummi
      lol ty! btw i luv what u put in the RP for what yuki did!! Iko was like well thats a fierst!!! (Iko is MandyXRiku4Ever) call her tht and see wat she does :D
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I'm great actually ^^

      I am glad I decided not to go out walking today xD it has just got really cold and rainy again.
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      xD you're very welcome

      How are you?
    15. MandyXRiku4ever
      lol riku and ryouku both kissed miteta cuz she was knocked out and now she's crying. Ryouku and Riku feel bad and they found out she gave birth to A BOY named yuki.
    16. MandyXRiku4ever
      aw darn it it posted again only 3 times
    17. MandyXRiku4ever
      lol I missed u so much!!! Both me and bluelazor both missed u so much!!!!!! Lol your gonna be on more? If so yay!!!!!!! I'm so happy that your back! Wait until u see what u missed while u were gone!!!! The RP had it's first ever kiss done by ryouk! The second one was done by riku! The third kiss was kairi and Phoenix. Miteta sppeded them up to kiss! Lol! We also got someone to do sora!!!!!!!!! XD now all we need is tidus but still...her screeen name is lolliluvsgummmi. She's my cousin who lives with me and my dad and my sister and my dog. We kisssed u so much!!!!!!
    18. MandyXRiku4ever
      lol I missed u so much!!! Both me and bluelazor both missed u so much!!!!!! Lol your gonna be on more? If so yay!!!!!!! I'm so happy that your back! Wait until u see what u missed while u were gone!!!! The RP had it's first ever kiss done by ryouk! The second one was done by riku! The third kiss was kairi and Phoenix. Miteta sppeded them up to kiss! Lol! We also got someone to do sora!!!!!!!!! XD now all we need is tidus but still...her screeen name is lolliluvsgummmi. She's my cousin who lives with me and my dad and my sister and my dog. We kisssed u so much!!!!!!
    19. Bluelazor
      You're saying "hi" to me... so does that mean you miss me?! :D
      I posted a recap for you in the RP, but in case it disappears into the pages before you return, I'll post it here (although if that is the case, then a few more things will probably have happened by then. *Well, a lot has happened. Riku's basically saved Miteta a whole bunch of times so far (from Sephiroth, and her own step mother)... and let's see here... um... SoraUchiha made a new character named Kayoko (a bully, by the way) and had Kayoko attack Ryoku and make Mira extremely scared.... but that situation was solved with Riku cornering Kayoko and pretty much threatening him to leave them alone. Now Miteta's planning a little "girl's night in" at her house before school starts (and after the night party). And for this exact moment, Miteta and Riku are on their way to the little cave on Destiny Island to meet with Kayoko when Miteta stopped and started crying.... and talked of a kid she gave birth to whom she gave away to someone who could take care of him, but he passed away a few days ago.
      (Copy-paste, gotta love it. :) )
    20. MandyXRiku4ever
      hey! We missed u! How uve been? Haven't heard from yew in a while.
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    Home Page:
    crappp. ; w ;
    I'm a SiNGER in my school... does that count? >
    Guys call me Saitou: The most insane person you'll ever talk to... (:

    K-POP, Romeo x Juliet, Kingdom Hearts, MUXiiC. <;


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