^_^zexion's real wife^_^
Last Activity:
Jul 15, 2010
Jan 20, 2010
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Oct 8, 1995 (Age: 29)
Home Page:
Vocaloid ♥
Laughs at kaito's "aaaah" vocals

^_^zexion's real wife^_^

Traverse Town Homebody, 29, from Vocaloid ♥

^_^zexion's real wife^_^ was last seen:
Jul 15, 2010
    1. ShibuyaGato
      srry that we havent talked in a while but good news. i got your new pic done here it is. hope you like it. i thought that terra was just not enough so i used all three of them. hope you like it. ^_^
    2. CloudStrife2k9
      I love family guy.
    3. CloudStrife2k9
      Lolz. I actually dont like it.
    4. CloudStrife2k9
      Lol. ::L:
      Im good. Hbyouu?
    5. Korra
      Ah, cool.
      What are you looking for pictures of?
    6. Korra
      Eh, not much, just working on an art project that's due Monday.
    7. CloudStrife2k9
    8. ^_^Xion^_^
      I'm really sorry but I will be leaving again):
      But as in leaving I don't just mean right now and return later.
      I mean that I will be gone for about a week or so...
      I'm sorry once again *hugs*
    9. raceing227
      me: oh, wow. O_O'
      axel: i hate water.......
      roxas: ven, truth or dare?
    10. ^_^Xion^_^
      Me: Oh my cheese dip, I should've known!
      Demyx: that was easy...
      Me: That just proves I haven't been using my brain^_^
      Roas: Yay!
      Me: okay you can but when we get settled cause... WE'RE HERE!
    11. raceing227
      demyx: ok, say one of your deepest-darkest secrets.
      me: do somthing about the flames! I DONT WANT MY HOUSE TO BURN DOWN!!!!
      we wont have any shelter!
      demyx: im on it *shoots axel with water*
    12. ^_^Xion^_^
      Me: lol!
      Vexen: Don't hate me b/c I'm beautiful!
      Ven: *opens the door to his side of the car and all grabs vexen ready to throw him out*
      Vexen: okay okay!
      Me: Say that you're not beautiful but ugly!
      Vexen: Fine...*muters* I'm ugly...
      All: Louder!
      Vexen: I'M UGLY!
      All: *giggles , laughs, cries of laughter*

      Me: I have no idea what's blue and music...
    13. raceing227
      axel: ok... *starts singing*
      me: terra, your great at mimicing my favourite pokemon!
      demyx: ok, aqua truth or dare?
    14. ^_^Xion^_^
      Me: Aww, I've missed all of you! *cries a waterfall*
      Roxas: *keeps crying*
      Me: don't cry you'll make me cry for an extra hour! *cries and hugs you all*
    15. raceing227
      axel: er... ok... ill get changed...
      zexion: ill go make sure he gets changed.
      me: i dare terra to... wear a dialga cosume outside and pretend to use roar of time. hehe.
    16. ^_^Xion^_^
      Me: Fine by me ^.^
      Roxas: *holds my hand while riding to the beach*
      Demyx and Axel: Are we there yet?! *in unison*
      Zexy: No...
      Xigbar: Let's play I spy!?
      Xemnas: *groans*
    17. ^_^Xion^_^
      Yes you are definately like a big sis to me^_^
      I'm sorry, don't cry, then you'll make me cry.
      Okay let's vow *hugs*
    18. raceing227
      axel: dare.
      me: ok, truth or dare, terra?
    19. ^_^Xion^_^
      Yes this is moi!
      *cries a river*
      I've missed you tons too!!!!
      *huge, extremely bignormous bear hug*
      I'm sory I haven't been on ):
    20. raceing227
      me: yeah, that dare was really mean...
      zexion: ok.... i will.. hey, namine come here...
      namine: what is it, zexy?
      zexion: *starts tounge-kissing namine*
      namine: ! zexion! *tounge-kisses back*
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  • About

    Oct 8, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Home Page:
    Vocaloid ♥
    Laughs at kaito's "aaaah" vocals
    Im miku hatsune! i love to sing with my friends and my lover kaito!

    singing with friends and my kaito.


    Yahoo! Messenger:


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