Last Activity:
Oct 22, 2014
Nov 19, 2006
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Jun 2, 1993 (Age: 31)
Home Page:
Republic City


my other car is a polar bear dog, Female, 31, from Republic City

Korra was last seen:
Oct 22, 2014
    1. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Sounds like you had an awesome day, I am glad <3 My day was crap, and I cut my hand open, plus I am ill and my temperature is currently at 102 8D

      My dream:

      There was a forest, all emeralds and gold because it was turning to autumn, it was cold, but I felt happy. I can’t remember why I was there or how long I had been there, but it didn’t matter. I walked through the leaves that had already fallen and found myself in a huge field; it was surrounded by trees and almost completely flat.

      There were a lot of people around, a huge crowd and a lot of them were cheering about something. I completely left the forest and wandered over to find there was a boxing tournament going on. For some reason I ended up fighting, but I can’t box in real life so it was a weird feeling being able to in the dream. I won the fight without taking a single (which understandably confused a lot of people).

      The next thing I know I am at the foot of a huge mountain, its freezing cold and I am wearing a really huge fur coat (again weird since I cannot stand fur, its wrong). There is also a group of kids there, as well as other people my age and even older. We all start walking up the mountain and this one guy is teaching me things, like how to bring someone who is injured safely down a mountain and basic survival skills for if you get trapped up there. We walked through this kind of tunnel, it was beautiful because everything was blue but it was all frozen, the walls were sparkly like some kid had thrown a glitter bomb. We walked through and up a little bit more and we were at the top. We were going to be sleeping there for some reason so everyone started getting their tents ready. There was one little boy though, he hadn’t got any tents or anything, and I noticed him shivering, I knelt down to ask if he was ok because he was lay down in the snow, he was freezing cold and he told me he was so, so very cold. I wrapped him up in my coat but he wouldn’t stop shivering and shaking from the cold. He looked really ill, and his lips were blue, I screamed that we had to get him down from there. No-one knew how to though and the man who had told me how to had vanished. So I did what he had taught me (which I am pretty sure is so not the way to save someone on a mountain), I had to make like a triangle board and put the kid on it so we could carry him.

      Finally we got down to the bottom of the mountain again and I was talking to someone about what had happened, I asked them how the boy was and they just looked confused, and said there was no little boy. I described him and no-one recognised the description, but one of the other kids who had been there told me that they often see him and that he is always cold, but no-one had ever noticed him before. I saw the little boy stood alone, and I went to him and he just smiled, touched my hand and then like smoke he vanished. His hands had been warm and he had no longer looked so cold.

      I turned around and went back to the crowd and the boxer who I had beat before was there and he couldn’t remember me beating him, he kept quizzing me about what moves he had done and then tried to hit me, but I dodged it and he ended up the ground. Everyone laughed but he took it in good grace. It was warm and it was a really pretty day, everyone started leaving to go home. I was about to head back to the forest but someone stopped me and said that I couldn’t go back that way and everyone always left the field through these caves.

      People from KHV started appearing and this is when the dream started turning bad.

      I walked into the caves, still laughing about the boxing and generally having a good time. Everyone was happy and smiling and again the place was really beautiful. Faintly blue and shining, there was a stream that ran along side the path and it was almost glowing. There was a railing along the side of path which everyone had to hold because the stone cut steps were slippery. I started getting these like flashing images in my head, like brief glimpses that left as quick as they came. They were of a little girl, she was all in red and white and her skin was white, really white and looked like she had been under water for a long time. Though I couldn’t always see her, I could hear her and she was singing this song, I can’t remember how it went completely, but the last line was always “Fall down the stairs”, the song was only three lines long, and she kept repeating it over and over again and each time she got to the fall down the stairs part she laughed. The images were lasting longer and she looked twisted like something was wrong but I couldn’t place exactly what. I couldn’t see her face though.

      I ran through the rest of the caves and then I was in my room, I was pretty much hiding under my covers but I could still hear her. I could see her feet walking up a set of stairs, and she was still singing. I grabbed m phone because I wanted to warn people not to listen to her. My phone opened up and for some reason it was like my laptop but I couldn’t find anyone, it was like they had all been erased from my contacts.

      I found one of my friends, but at the moment I found his name I saw him sat at his computer, the little girl was behind him and water was running off her arms and dripping from her fingers onto the floor. I was screaming for my friend not to listen to her and she started singing and laughing this really evil, creepy, little laugh.

      Then I woke up.
    2. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Yesterday was pretty good, I spent like 6 hours watching anime 8D longer than 6 hours.

      Had another dream last night ._.

      I have work later ewwwD:
    3. cronoking
      I shall help to teach you then~
    4. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      AWESOME! 8D

      That stinks. D:

      Oh, I'm re-reading New Moon for certain reasons.
    5. cronoking
      Rawr to you too >:3
    6. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      We need to meet irl. It would absolutely awesome. Maybe the next time my youth group goes to NYC. That way you can meet Mark. 8D

      When you're ungrounded, you have to tell me the anime story. xD
      Oh, and how's the drawing coming along?

      Don't worry you will get details...most definitely. <3
      PM time!
    7. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Have a great day sweetheart :glomp: and forget about all the **** for once :ninjacat:
    8. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Just tell yourself what I tell myself, one day you will be able to escape and then they can't do Jack **** about it :/ idk if you have that expression in America, but it basically means they can't do anything xD; I'm rambling.

      I slept but I don't feel like I did >.< my eyes hurt lol, like you I have spent most of the weekend crying @_@

      idk xD sounds like an interesting mix <3
    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      :/ wtf, you got yelled at for tidying your room? My mom would have given me a medal D:

      How are you feeling now? :glomp: and lol sometimes dismantling things makes me feel better too, that or complete destruction ^___^
    10. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      I have amazing news to tell you and you're not online?
    11. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~

      Where are you?

      Notice anything...different about my signature? 8D
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I wish you could escape to England right now,

      Why do both our lives always blow up at the same time?

    13. Tootsie
      Since I haven't seen you online for quite a few days I will take over your visitor messages an--

      RAVERAVERAVERAVERAVERAVERAVERAVERAVEwoman i need to tell you something Bl so try to get yer ass on MSN.RAVERAVERAVERAVERAVERAVERAVE
    14. jafar
      ilufu. <3
    15. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      ...my grandma thinks it's stupid to get a Team Jacob shirt...so she's probably not going to let me go shopping with my friends on Saturday and she probably won't let me get it whenever I see my mom.
      DANG IT.
    16. reptar
      yah ayha ayahahaha xD hello thar
    17. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      My day was the day from hell 8D yay for us -_-

    18. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~

      Ah, okay. Hope everything turns out okay for you.
    19. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Nothing major happened. xDD
      And of course I will. :3

      Oh, that stinks. Hope everything gets settled.
    20. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Hi. 8D
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  • About

    Jun 2, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    Republic City


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    Mandalorian Merc #0643 | News/PR Staff
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