This vm has been abandoned by it's owner. D: Will you be kind enough to take it in as one of your own? *sad instrumental would work very well here*
You really need to. The first arc is kind of dull, the second arc is slightly better, while the third, fourth and fifth are plain epic.
OOOOOO man. That really is very deep. Wow I don't think that I have ever heard kind, and powerful words. Said to me in that way.I thank you for that.Umm but not telling those people how you really feel and all that jazz. Isn't that a bad thing
Wooo I... I um am very pleased to hear someone tell me that. That really made my day. But Even when I do. I feel ashamed that I have been not being honest w/ my feeling to the people that care for me. And I won't forget that either. Thank you for that really
Well to sum it up. The confedience I thought that I had partically gained was just a fluke. And I have other people trying to cheer me up. And I'm preety much lost on what I should do
Well to me. When you get to meet new people, and chill with them. So that you can become budz. That is nothing but an honor in my book. And thank you for telling me that
Resurrected the Death Note game. Playing Umineko. Umineko is fun, and vastly superior to the anime. I actually care about each any every character (minus Krauss and possibly Rudolf...)! The last thing that happened was EVA-Beatrice killed Rudolf and Kirie after they owned two of the seven stakes.
I haven't had a Windows machine for years, and this one's only a beta, so it has some annoying habits. However if those were removed, it'd be a solid system. Yep, my PSP has CFW. I could download Daybreak, but that uses precious bandwidth and I only get 20/10GB per month! I Made/Trolls.jpg They see us trollin' ~ They hatin' ~
I'm using a de-timebombed beta version of Windows Seven running via Bootcamp on a Macbook with Snow Leopard installed. If you're having trouble, I'm going to be doing the equivalent of trying to dug a hole to China with my head.
Not much at the moment, just listening to the new Motion City Soundtrack album which I think I'm becoming addicted to. What's up with you?
Yep. I don't get a long summer break like you do though. Linkies to this account would be appreciated. I should probably update mine, to be honest. IR was originally an anime? That's a rare breed. Usually it's the manga that's first. I can 'read' hiragana, but I can't understand anything that isn't a stock polite, simple sentence. I know a few Kanji, but we're talking 15-25 here. I didn't bother mentioning them because they're irrelevant to anything that isn't a Learning-Japanese textbook.