Catch the Rain
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2007
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November 27
The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain

As the world falls down ♥, from The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Spike
      Well, THAT didn't go as planned O_O

      Not even a teeny TINY bit of guilt?
    2. Spike
      I'll be like the Godess Hestia and live in your belly for many years, cleaning up and keeping everything fung shuei-ish until you spit me back out >:D

      ..........Hoping all this happens BEFORE digestion, like, in the next 15 minutes or something .__.
    3. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      I agree, I think it's the bands that have no diversity are the ones that get old, but to flip your sound completely is a totally different story. It's funny that you mention that song. I actually hated it up to certain point in my life. But now it has enormous sentimental value to me, and it's funny how things can grow on you when they mean that much.

      I will admit, there was point in my life when I was younger, where I did things to try and impress people and get people to like me, but one day I just realized that people like me for who I am anyways, and I said forget about it, and stopped caring what people thought, it's funny how things happen, you know what I mean? I'm just glad it happened early on in my life.
    4. Manchester Black
      Manchester Black
      -waves- Does you live?
    5. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      The sunglasses in your avatar beg the differ. Badaaaass look 8|
    6. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      It also separates the alright artists from the great ones, and if they'll last longer than a single album debut, like what happens to most of 'em.

      Metallica may a perfect example of that, I think. Whether they sold out, or just got sick what they used to make, they took a turn for the worse changing their sound, in my opinion. Everyone likes being rich and famous I guess.

      I usually don't care enough to do that. xD
    7. Advent
      Ah, not someone who liked school as a kid, eh? I hear you, it can be rough. >> What does the project entail? Sounds really interesting to work for a museum. =D Glad the archaeology stuff is working out.
    8. Sanya
      Thanks. <3 And yes that linked worked.

      Lol damn meteorologists can't predict anything right. xD
    9. Sanya
      Lol no I meant I hope things irl for me get better soon, I'm not sick since allergy season is over. o.o

      And yeah wtf it snowed last night then it rained this morning and now we're supposed to get more snow. >.>

      Ps What is the link to your mediafire pro account? I can't get to it cause the downloads are direct link. :s
    10. Sanya
      Good to hear. Been alright, hopefully getting better.

      And omg the weather here won't make up it's mind D:
    11. Sanya

      How are you?
    12. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      I remember that, I have some friends in the U.K. that were talking all about it, and I said if I lived there, I would probably would have bought a dozen. American Idol/X-Factor puts more focus on the image, rather than the music, with the artists selling out right from the start. I thought it was bad enough when bands that have been around for a while start to sell out.

      It's totally alright, it's nice to be able to go into depth with someone about the subject, I feel as though every time I try to talk about it, people either blow me off, or be all, "yeah, I gotcha" to me, just to shut me up. xD
    13. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      You dirty girl you. :3
    14. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      Yeah, to be honest, I go through the same thing. Everytime I put something that I like on, everyone looks at me like I have another head growing out of my back. I have some friends that appriciate it, and it's hard, I feel as though with each generation, the more music will die. I guess it's up to people like us to keep the old stuff alive. c:
    15. Spike
      Oh no! I've been nom'd!
    16. Advent
      Oh wow, that song is hauntingly awesome. o_O Never heard of that group before, but that's a nice sounding tune.

      I'm fine. :3 Sorting out school crap because calc is a *****. And you? xD I won't find if creepy if you don't find it creepy that I've missed you as well. D:
    17. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      I wouldn't associate myself with such non-believers. xD
    18. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Oh!!!! i sorry lol. Yes he better have or i would've sent him back to the nether realm. got to go bye!
    19. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      lolz sorry i'm lost.
    20. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin

      how are you? ^-^
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    November 27
    The Labyrinth
    Relentless fire

    Fairies and Unicorns



    But she wants to see colours and I showed her grey

    ~You Have No Power Over Me~