Last Activity:
Mar 18, 2014
May 20, 2007
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Apr 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
Nowhere, OK
Ruling the streets, while the city sleeps


Kingdom Keeper, Male, 29, from Nowhere, OK

What is this place now Mar 17, 2013

HellKitten was last seen:
Mar 18, 2014
    1. BaseSebastian
    2. Last of the Organization
    3. Zxeam
      Hai! :D It's been a while!
    4. *TwilightNight*
      I'm still picking up the pieces. I don't think it will ever be the same here.
    5. What?
      Would you consider it a psychological anomaly that I still remember when you stated you were to change your name to Felidae?
    6. BaseSebastian
      Well I didn't thin you might be Simple AND Clean. The thought offers no Sanctuary. Lol
    7. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
    8. BaseSebastian
      Very true. But you must be simple right, if not clean? Am I right?
    9. BaseSebastian
      Ah, I see. And believing in the slightest is quite admirable. I solidly believe and I usually tend to get mocked to that end. Then again, as if I wanted to spend eternity in the same place as such people....>_>.....xD I have to be nice though.

      Not always easy, but I am part Irish, so that explains most of the good clean mischeif,.... most of the time.
    10. BaseSebastian
      Ah, I see. And believing in the slightest is quite admirable. I solidly believe and I usually tend to get mocked to that end. Then again, as if I wanted to spend eternity in the same place as such people....>_>.....xD I have to be nice though.

      Not always easy, but I am part Irish, so that explains most of the good clean mischeif,.... most of the time.
    11. BaseSebastian
      You're 14 by now, right? Have you had your confirmation? Had mine just last year, picking the name, (What else?) Sebastian.
    12. BaseSebastian
      I can't believe it. I looked it up and yeah, there's Private Melvin Melvin in the character list... 0_0

      I got the name from a name Jerry Lewis used as a comedian. His first name would be Melvin then M. Melvin. It was a name given to him because he got into lots of trouble and his mutha would say to him, "Melvin Melvin MELVIN!"

      And wait a second, you go to religious school? Catholic?
    13. *TwilightNight*
      Haven't gone there much either (there's not many people to talk to anymore. Which is a shame). But I will tonight, probably.
    14. *TwilightNight*
      Yeah, we haven't. Kind of planning to have a new cellphone soon. Mine is...old.
    15. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
      You don't need to sign rep anymore. Check your replist.
    16. BaseSebastian
      I remember that. Hehe... Nice character set-ups right there. Remember the resteraunt scene, with Melvin?
    17. BaseSebastian
      I think I remember Last of the Organization. Maybe. But I definately remember TwilightNight. Damn... best Larxene I've ever seen. Is she permanetly off the forum, or is she just RP inactive?
    18. BaseSebastian
      Anyone who left I would have known from before?
    19. BaseSebastian
      Write down ideas on any pieces of paper you can find. It doesn't matter how you write it there, the purpose is served if it only jogs your memory. Keep a journal maybe to write all these things down.

      By the way, do you know anybody on the forum who's good with Organization RP's? I could jump start the Thread as soon as I have at least two full teams. Worst case scenario: I could play a few more Organization members temporarily until someone chooses them. I don't want to rush the whole RP, but the sooner it starts, the better, Non'?
    20. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova
      Then that means you shouldn't be backtalking me. Ever. o:

      And I would have a lot more disdain for you as a person, which is not the case.
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  • About

    Apr 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Nowhere, OK
    Ruling the streets, while the city sleeps



    "The system goes down, the lights blink out and there you have it.
    Another body on the floor surrounded by things that don't mean much to anyone
    Except the person who can't take them along."​