Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. NarutoSuperKubii
    2. Monica Reybrandte
      Monica Reybrandte
      Burn deck
      meteor of destruction
      spell-shattering arrow
      dark snake syndrome
      mask of dispel
      mask of the accursed
      cyclone boomerang
      burning land
      stray lamb
      rain of mercy
      snatch steal
      swords of revealing light
      premature burial
      restructur revolution
      final flame
      tremendous flame
      cost down
      soul release
      card destruction
      monster reborn

      nightmare wheel
      just desserts
      coffin seller
      the eye of truth
      torrential tribute
      type zero magic crusher
      skull dice
      magic jammer
      dust tornado
      trap jammer
      barrel behind the door
      seven tools of the bandit
      bad reaction to simochi
      skull invitation
      ultimate offering
      minor goblin official
      numinous healer
      solemn wishes
      magic thorn

      summon reactor
      spell reactor
      trap reactor
      giant germ
      cannon soldier
      catapult turtle
      jigen bakudan
      time wizard
      needle worm
      morphing jar
      cyber jar
      amazon archer
      burning algae
      Blast magician
      Breaker the magical warrior
    3. hyhae
      Been a while eeh VGM XD Liked your old name better tbh . Anyways cya round the forums :)
    4. Shift
      Also, You can't just beat the stuffing out of someone when they're low on confidence...=P If you really don't want someone to give up you shouldn't do that cause that's a very good way to make them give up if you do that...=P That made it look like you were trying to do the exact opposite of make me choose not to retire...=P That made it look like you were trying to convince me that I SHOULD retire...=P
      You mean the caps in my post?
      I was just hyped the moment i typed, that's all =/
      Plus, i've said myself to you i'm highly competitive when it comes to games, i plan to do my best no matter what, i couldn't hold myself, and i really did think you'd counter.

      Y'know if you really didn't want me to retire you could've tried using deception or something...

      Cause you've proven that you're pretty good at using deception...

      How did you prove that?

      Well let's see...

      1. We've got the fact that you lied to me awhile back saying there was a card in my Deck that could save me from The Makyura the Destructor+Cold Wave Combo when there wasn't...
      How i'd use "deception"?

      And actually, that one time you could've stopped it, with Winged/Kuriboh, and IIRC i only negated one.
      But still, even if not, you still should've won, a few weeks back, after a read the rules pretty much entirely, i realised i used Makyura's effect wrong, activating a trap i couldn't (because i had set it).

      2. You tricked me into using Neo-Spacians awhile back so you could secretly plot to destroy me with my own cards...
      I just wanted to use Rainbow Neos for the heck of it, but yeah, that time i did want you to use it.

      But Anyway, You definitely proved to me that it's time for me to retire...I honestly can't do s*** anymore because of this new Ban List...
      I know you said that anyone could say anything and you wouldn't change your mind, but still, please do me a last favor and come back to dueling someday...
      In fact, i'll retire myself, and not just because i'm can't acess KHV from home until a different connection appears(Which should happen in 4 or 5 months, though there's a possibility of it being just a rumor =/), the guilty of making you retire is killing me...especially with all the people who wanted to challenge you again...
      It's unbearable, really, at least consider it someday...

      Anyway, i'll rarely be coming here, since i can only acess from school and today's the last day of school, so don't worry about answering at all if you don't want.
      But anyway, it was fun dueling at your arena, bye :rockdover:
    5. Monica Reybrandte
      Monica Reybrandte
      Well find me a SA 09 video of a purely E-hero deck owning someone. Anyway i've got the final version of a Twilight deck done. If you know someone who needs one then i'll give it to them. As for that burn deck would you like to see it?
    6. lil woj
      lil woj
      its been a whille ai?
    7. Mixt
      Allright, completely unrelated to our other discussion. I was just listen to Hero by Skillet today and I was in one of my moods where I felt like connecting songs to everything and I thought it fit you pretty well.
    8. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Thank you :)
      That's really nice of you to say.
    9. Monica Reybrandte
      Monica Reybrandte
      Well i'm still working on it. 1. because that deck I PMed to you is supposed to have polymerization and arcanite knight joker. 2. I'm trying to find some more support cards like my deck does.

      Also i'm sorry I can't make you an E-hero de vk but like the others have said those cards aren't really good but I have noticed if they're mixed up into other decks like that then they work good. I've made Dalk a burn deck that includes Wildheart if you'd like to see it
    10. Monica Reybrandte
      Monica Reybrandte
      Thank you for reminding me. Add a pot of greed, jar of greed, cup of ace, and card of safe return. If you look at it like this. This is how you can get a large hand even with a Jaden combo.

      Card destruction- send 5 warriors to the grave
      5 cards in hand.
      play soul release removing them from play
      then play card of safe return
      then dimension fusion bringing 5 cards to the hand
      leaving you with 8 cards now play pot of greed leaving you with 9 to use
      EDIT- you can add miracle fusion into part of this combo and it'd make a great jaden combo
      Card destruction
      send 5 e-heros to the gravehand-5
      card of safe return-hand 4
      miracle fusion -hand 3
      now they're removed from play then play dimension fusion-hand hand 3
      e-heroes summoned bringing 4 cards to the hand now you have 7
    11. Monica Reybrandte
      Monica Reybrandte
      Well i've got some decks for you mister. I've been working hard on them but they're still in operation. I've got several decks for you to choose from.
    12. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Sorry i was just kind of in the middle of something.
      Anyway yeah, that was my point.
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      because you've come up with awesome combos, held your own against pins, plus you were the arena champ for a long time.
    14. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Look, you're my friend. Honestly, do you just want me to say "OMG JADEN U SUK SO MUCH LOLOL"?
      Because I refuse to do that.
    15. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      As i already said, I will never be "convinced of your crappyness".
      However it is worth mentioning that Superman's original actor is now paralyzed.
    16. Mixt
      Not as bad as I thouht but still...

      Are you going to let a few idiots ruin the fun of dueling for ya?
    17. Mixt
      You know Jaden it's your thread and your arena, if you don't like how people are using it then just ban those people. If they try to pull anything take it to a mod. I don't think any of the mods would be against banning a player from a thread if they aren't using it correctly. And seriously, we need you, a thread like without that without a leader falls apart very quickly.

      You need to be able to step up and take charge of your own arena, for both your sanity and the life of the arena.
    18. Shift
      What did i do?
      EDIT: nvm, noticed, you're talking about the duel right?
      Well, it's just that i found a way around it.
      Never thought you'd get mad because i was saying i was thinking i'd lose then made a come back, especially since i thought you'd still counter it...
      Really man, sorry for making you feel that way...

      Anyway, you're really going now i see...
      Well, i got you in that mood so i'd better not say much for now, but still, sorry...
    19. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      *wipes sweat off forehead*
      Oh good, i was afraid the place would just turn into chaos.
      I am gonna miss you though :/
      It won't be the same without you man
    20. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Well you are my friend, and i support your decisions :)
      But are you still going to manage the arena?
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  • About

    July 7
    Home Page:
    The Plains
    My personality? Well I am quite eccentric...I like to think of myself as reserved but openminded...And I'm definitely a very generous and honest person. But I'm not exactly what you call a social butterfly. If I have not messaged you it's because I'm just sort of the type who doesn't message someone unless they message me first. I guess you could say I'm just sort of what you call a "recluse". But that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to talk to you. If you ever wanna talk just message me anytime. :)

    Also I am a very low functioning Aspie. I have SEVERE Asperger's Syndrome. And because of that I may not understand sarcasm or figures of speech. I also show many symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.

    Some people think that I have a bad temper but I just get really irritated when people get stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. I have VERY low tolerance for stubborn/hardheaded people, stupidity and closedmindedness... (- _ -; But if you don't judge me then I won't judge you. I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me.

    Aside from that I'm pretty much just a laid back guy who enjoys gaming, movies, anime, RPing and cartoons.


    I need to update my sig.