Ars Nova
Nov 28, 2009
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Hell 71

Ars Nova

Just a ghost., hungry, from Hell 71


Miracles do happen Dec 17, 2019

    1. Janime6
      I downloaded them all. There's just the matter of listening to them. Shhhhhh. ::L:

      Oh, that sounds cool, thanks. ^^ Seeing as I'm too lazy to listen to music now I'll do all this later. :B

      Yay. :=D:
    2. Janime6
      I already had Morphogenesis by them, though. You helped expand that ... list.

      Oh, cool. Because I love my clean vocals. <3

      And that's fine, as long as the melody goes along 'n such; melodic. xD

      I'm probably more into Metalcore but that's what got me into screaming vocals. I'm trying to expand my metal genres now.

      Also, gonna add you on MSN.
    3. Janime6
      Thanks, mostly, to your sig with them. ;D

      Cool. Do they use clean vocals too? I like any screamed/growled/clean vocals, just wondering.

      Why thank you. C:
    4. Janime6
      In Flames is okay. Therion I'll try out. Scar Symmetry is sex.

      Yeah, thanks. I'll check some out. C:
    5. Chevalier
      I've added you on MSN. If you'd be so kind as to accept me, because I need to speak with you, if you don't mind.
    6. Janime6
      Hey, could you possibly suggest any good Melodic Death Metal bands? :/gasp:

      Yes, I'm asking you because I've seen you talk/post about some in places. ::L:
    7. Janime6
      You're pretty awesome.

      That is all.
    8. Misty
      I don't remember you, really... Sorry. It's a good place though. Shame it's inactive, Twi is a nice guy.
    9. Misty
      Seriously? What was your username?
    10. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      sorry look for the spam zone named Secret Santa pics
    11. Kaidron Blaze
    12. Sumi
      Much better, thanks. Things always happen when I try and talk to him. Oh well, just gotta learn to laugh and give up sometimes~
    13. Sumi
      Graverobber's voice is so low~
      I was walking to school and singing 21st Century Cure and I ending up moaning the low parts, lol.
    14. Sumi
      I see... I know what you mean. We used to have a chorus at my old school for songs that were sung in like 10 languages and every year I would end out the one who yelled, "SHALOM" because my voice was so middle ranged that I couldn't do anything else.
    15. Sumi
      Yup! =D I bet you 10 non-existent dollars that you've got a cool voice~
    16. Sumi
      Suuure. And that's why people ask me to "please stop singing because my brain hurts." I remember thinking I was a good singer, only to find out after recording myself one night that I can only sing decently in Japanese and everything else sounded just horrible. Yay for my life!~[/nosarcintended]
    17. Sumi
      I'm so happy you liked it so much! I know the whole life changing feeling by heart, haha. It did the same for me. I love that song, too. I remember trying to sing Shilo's part, but I'm a sucky singer so it didn't work lol.
    18. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      Thanks m8 GET GOING
    19. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      great you go for it but don't forget to mention your good friend Docyx no15 when your done lol
    20. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      Hello guy hows the gaming going trying any more challanges
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    Hell 71
    Past Usernames:
    Nouveau Nova
    ars nvoa
    Ars Wumbo
    Alolan Nova
    Default Name:
    Ars Nova


    "Any man that's half awake can spot a trap that's laid for him.
    But to stride in boldly with a plan to turn it on its ear, that is a marvelous thing."

    -Lord Bredon, The Wise Man's Fear

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