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Sep 12, 2013
May 4, 2009
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I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Pigfarts.

FinalF7 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2013
    1. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Replying to your post here <3

      Aww, I'd ask you what went wrong... but that might not be a good idea. ahah Yeah, she's in college about an hour and a half away. Which really isn't that far, but she means a lot to me... so it IS far to me xD
      Yeah, it is better left in the abyss of the past :b

      An hour and a half is a hell of a distance away when it is the distance between you and someone you care about. Trust me, I can relate to that.

      My goal is to stay in touch with as many of them as possible. We'll see how that works out. xD As much as I'll miss them at firstI think i"ll really kind of get over it, and move on... maybe.
      That is a really good attitude to have, and yes, you will be fine ^^ I hope you can keep in touch with at least some of them, it is nice to have friends with whom you can look back over your old days at school with :3

      He IS a dickface!! He always tells me that I'm fat and ugly... for some reason he just never liked me!! And then he questions why I don't talk to him.. idk. But the guy I fell for is Dickface's best friend.. Shocker. xD Only he's actually really nice. :b I mean they're both potheads but whatever. what can you do. Ahahaha I've beent there for her AND my other friend who was sort of kind of with the girl who dickface left my friend for... It's all giant mess!! Yay high school. Ahaha
      :l I would like to kick him in the head. How come it didn’t work out with dickface’s friend? D: I’m sorry you’re having so much drama crap. High school really is one giant bomb of **** :/ I hope it all gets sorted soon and that both of your friends will be ok <3

      I was just kidding... you're not THAT ol. ahaha But i"m glad you are feeling better. Sunny days always seem to help! This IS about the age where they start gettign annoying :b Sooo, good luck with that!! I don't remember any of my birthdays really. They've never really been somethignthat my family makes a big deal about. What was your 9th birthday like?
      ;-; I hate how sensitive I am about my age. When I was younger I swore I would never get old, but it is already happening ;-;

      Haha yes I know, I really hope she doesn’t take after her mom (my sister) because she was a demonchild as a teenager, like no joke D:

      It was a lot of fun, I don’t remember every single detail but I remember that I was really happy, and I thought I was so grown up xD I remember it was awesome because my mom finished work early ^^ at that point we didn’t really see my mom much.
    2. nasirrich
      Y thank you very much for Saying that. I'm really glad that you said that.^^ ^^
    3. nasirrich
      Mee or just people. Well if your saying that to me. Well than I have no idea. Maybe its cause they don't know me. And for people themselves. Maybe its cause people are to afariad to go meet new people that don't fit their standers(However you spell that).
    4. nasirrich
      Heheh Um ok?? I really didn't see that coming. But um thank you very much for saying that to me. That was very kind of you.
    5. nasirrich
      Hello there how are you today. And thank you for adding me to your friends lists Madame FinalF7. Its an honor to be on your friends lists
    6. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      :l I miss you.
    7. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ
    8. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ
      Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ
      I'm not a complete idiot, either. Some parts are missing.
    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      Long time no talk o:
    10. roxas4114
      Ya the first 1 was funny
    11. roxas4114
      Ya #6 wasn't scary. 3 & 5 r good
    12. ^_^Xion^_^
      You should^_^

      That's nice, lol.
      I've done that with many poeple before^_^
      But I've never lost my
    13. ^_^Xion^_^
      Ohh I get it now^_^

      I love that videogame too!
      Atleast something else similiar^_^
      Of course final fantasy.
      Well atleast you're a lil like me in the videogame part^_^
    14. roxas4114
      Cuz her friends forced her to. I lik saw 4 or 6
    15. roxas4114
      The books were ok but, the preppy ppl ruined it & the movies were dumb. I didn't c new moon, my gf saw it 3 times she hated it. I dnt want to c it. My favorite movies are the saw movies.
    16. roxas4114
      I hate twilight it's the gayest series evr. Animal farm is stupid
    17. ^_^Xion^_^
      Well in my school it just goes like a normal thing.
      We don't chalenge anyone...
      We are actually all friendly^_^

      I'm more in the fight types.
      Like mortal kombat or Dead or Alive.
      Like street fighter is really fun...
      What are you into?
    18. roxas4114
      ok whtevr u say.....WTF is oliver twist!
    19. ^_^Xion^_^
      I'm cast

      I love videogames so mucho!
      They'ree just perfect!^_^
    20. ^_^Xion^_^
      Yeah mine too^_^
      Yay, you understand me!

      I know right?
      I do too...
      Videogames will always be better than hw^.^
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  • About

    I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh
    A few details about myself?? hmmm. Uh, I could write so much more, but to sum it all up... I'm weird

    Masque &amp; Mime! and... uh... yeah, that's it.


    In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream,
    it's like a million little stars spelling out your name.​