Last Activity:
Oct 17, 2010
Aug 18, 2009
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Local Time:
7:39 AM
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Mar 30, 1994 (Age: 30)
A Cabin in the middle of the Mountains
Doing things... c:


Twilight Town Denizen, 30, from A Cabin in the middle of the Mountains

DemyxPlaysMySitar was last seen:
Oct 17, 2010
    1. Janime6
      Heh. :3

      Nightie night, sleep well. c:

      It is tomorrow where you live. ::L:
    2. Janime6
      I just sit and do my work. ::L:

      It is 8:43 PM.
    3. Janime6
      I don't talk in school. :v

      I'm real quiet. :c

      I'm not tired. ::L:
    4. Janime6
      I hate buses. >.>

      Indeed it is. Quite the predicament.

      Hopefully not. c:
    5. Janime6
      My mom drives me to school, so she gets me up.

      Unless they're trying to make us think this, but none of it's true. :/gasp:

      HM. Interesting.
    6. Janime6
      I hate getting up for school. B|

      They do, I know it. :/gasp:
    7. Janime6
      I just hate going. >.>;


      No dead you, no. >:
    8. Janime6
      Indeed so. 8D

      I hate school bunches. c:
    9. Janime6
      Same with me. No life for the win?

      *Goes to add*
    10. Janime6
      Awesomesauce. ::L:

      Woohoo! *High fives* That's usually my schedule. :3

      May I add you on MSN? c:
    11. Janime6
      Heay yea boi.

      I like strange conversations. <:

      I went to my Grandparent's, like usual on Sunday. You?
    12. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity

      *hug* you're luck will be better than mmine
    13. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      Yeah but there was no point...I couldnt make her care..
    14. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      Yep, for someone I care about alot but they just didn't care...i was up til 7:30 am writing that..
    15. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity

      Sitting here, on this lonely dock
      Watch the rain play on the ocean top
      All the things I feel I need to say
      I can't explain in any other way

      I need to be bold
      Need to jump in the cold water
      Need to grow older with a girl like you
      Finally see you are naturally
      The one to make it so easy
      When you show me the truth
      Yeah, I'd rather be with you
      Say you want the same thing too

      Now here's the sun, come to dry the rain
      Warm my shoulders and relieve my pain
      You're the one thing that I'm missing here
      With you beside me I no longer fear

      I need to be bold
      Need to jump in the cold water
      Need to grow older with a girl like you
      Finally see you are naturally
      The one to make it so easy
      When you show me the truth
      Yeah, I'd rather be with you
      Say you want the same thing too

      I could have saved so much time for us
      Had I seen the way to get to where I am today
      You waited on me for so long
      So now, listen to me say:

      I need to be bold
      Need to jump in the cold water
      Need to grow older with a girl like you
      Finally see you are naturally
      The one to make it so easy
      When you show me the truth
      Yeah, I'd rather be with you
      Say you want the same thing too
      Say you feel the way I do
    16. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity

      Yay ._.
    17. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      Til what?

      *needs a hug* D:
    18. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      If only it were that simple though.
    19. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      I need to retune my guitar and play it more....I just want to be able to play my emotions..xD
    20. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      No really Ive been through ALOT in life ive got more experience in my 15 years than a 40 year old has had in his life xD
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  • About

    Mar 30, 1994 (Age: 30)
    A Cabin in the middle of the Mountains
    Doing things... c:
    I'm boring. That is all. :v

    Eating, Sleeping, Drinking, Tweeting, KH-ing


    Look at the stars - look how they shine for y o u.