Last Activity:
Feb 28, 2011
Mar 19, 2009
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7:10 PM
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May 1, 1996 (Age: 28)
England, Europe


Gummi Ship Junkie, 28, from England, Europe

xXRhian+RoxasXx was last seen:
Feb 28, 2011
    1. Xyam>
      The Box

      -put finger in mouth- YAWN RAPE!
    2. Xyam>
      No , it's the film we saw today....we coulnd't get into laser quest.

      if you want russel howard then yawn please.(i've been dying to do this all dayy)
    3. Xyam>
      you don' find it, it finds you. it just appears on your dorrstep, then you get a visit from Mr Steward.
    4. Xyam>
      a large dark wooden box with a red button encased in a glass dome..
    5. Xyam>
      JUST DON'T PRESS IT!...your loved one will kill you if you do and you will lose your child!
    6. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      You are quite welcome.
    7. Xyam>
      DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON!:/8D:...:lolface:
    8. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      Oh, yes, I can translate that...
      "Sie täuschen! Sie haben getötet ihn..."
      "You fool! You've killed him..."

      "Es tut mir leid Sir..."
      "I'm sorry sir..."

      "Jetzt, wie wir gehend, zu wissen sind, wo sie? anschlagen!"
      "Now how are we supposed to know when they're supposed to strike?!"

      "Oh blick, ist er wach."
      "Oh look, he's awake."

      "Erklären Sie uns Ihre Pläne!"
      "Tell us your plans!"

      "Nicht sprechen Sie Deutsches?"
      "Don't you speak German?"

      "Er spricht nicht Deutsches."
      "He doesn't speak German."

      "Was tun wir dann?"
      "What are we going to do?"

      "Wir benötigen jemand, das Englisch spricht. Andernfalls werden wir geschraubt."
      "We need someone who could speak English. Otherwise, we're screwed."

      "Wir sprechen nicht Englisch. Warum nicht können Sie Deutsches sprechen?
      "We don't speak English. Why can't you speak any German?"

      "Spricht der Fragesteller Englisch?"
      "Does the interrogator know English?"

      "Erhalten Sie etwas Hilfe, jetzt!"
      "Go get help, now!"
    9. The True Key
      The True Key
      I asked you a question in my last pm though.
    10. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      Hey, I've been working on a World War II story, and I was wondering; what do you think of this chapter?

      "Chapter 5"
      A War-Prisoner

      "Sie täuschen! Sie haben getötet ihn..."
      "Es tut mir leid Sir..."
      More voices.
      "Jetzt, wie wir gehend, zu wissen sind, wo sie? anschlagen!"
      I woke up from my sleep, only to find I was captured by the Germans. I looked to my left. I saw a man, covered in blood. He turned him. It was Satoru. I kept myself from gasping.
      "Oh blick, ist er wach." One of the Germans said. He was dressed in a black uniform, with a Swastika armband.
      The other one barked an answer. He turned to me. "Erklären Sie uns Ihre Pläne!"
      I couldn't tell what he was saying. I just stared at him. "Nicht sprechen Sie Deutsches?" The other one said. I didn't know what he was saying. The other one growled. "Er spricht nicht Deutsches." The older one looked annoyed at his statment. "Was tun wir dann?" The younger one said. The older stroked his beard. "Wir benötigen jemand, das Englisch spricht. Andernfalls werden wir geschraubt." The younger one said. The older one yelled at him, and turned back to me. "Wir sprechen nicht Englisch. Warum nicht können Sie Deutsches sprechen?" They both laughed. I felt alone. "Spricht der Fragesteller Englisch?" The younger one said. The older one shook his head. "Erhalten Sie etwas Hilfe, jetzt!" The older one said to the younger one. The younger nodded, and left the room. The older one kept an eye on me. I felt cold. And alone. Oh so alone.
    11. The True Key
      The True Key
      Yeah, could you respond to my PM?
    12. The True Key
      The True Key
      -Holds- I'm so depressed....
    13. The True Key
      The True Key
      I know, I can't help it.
    14. The True Key
      The True Key
      ...I'm starting to feel what Neal is feeling.

    15. The True Key
      The True Key
      I know. Crap RPing is one thing, but godmodding is unacceptable.
    16. The True Key
      The True Key
      Awww... i'm not that good. ^///^
    17. The True Key
      The True Key
      He didn't give up on her. He's angry at himself.
    18. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      For me it was a "WHAT THE BLUE BERRY **** MUFFINS IS THIS SHTI?!"
    19. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      Neither did I...O_o
    20. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      Well...I count Phenox's story. :lolface: