Ars Nova
Nov 28, 2009
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3:21 AM
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Creative 48 12
Hell 71

Ars Nova

Just a ghost., hungry, from Hell 71


Miracles do happen Dec 17, 2019

    1. The Mender
      The Mender
      well that is a good thing so don't see it as a bad thing, it is what i am trying to become but i just sound like a fortune cookies see for your self but i not the one to try to much but i think i am trying to be a know-it-all (sos if i am buging you)
    2. The Mender
      The Mender
      just you are soposaly the person that say the quots and questions that no one thort of and things like that like i said it is just a rumer
    3. The Mender
      The Mender
      fair pointso you are a bit of a kh philosopher is that ture or just a rumer
    4. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi what up for you today
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I gotta say your advice helped.
      I told myself I'm going to finish this paper.
      And instead of bullshitting it so I could sleep early, I'm staying up all night making it a decent paper.
      And, strangely enough, I feel good about it.
      Slightly enthusiastic about it.
      Only slightly though
      College papers still suck.
    6. Sumi
      Well it's set in the future where an epidemic of organ failures has hit. A revolutionary company arises out of the death and despair and saves many people- but there's a catch. If you can't pay them back then they send out repo men to come retrieve the organs. Organ transplants are now a fashion statement, kind of like a literal "it's what's on the inside that counts". The main character is a sickly girl who is trapped in her home by her condition. It's kind of hard to explain...
      Here's a link to where you can watch it: >insert clever title for this link here<
    7. Sumi
      That's pretty freaking amazing. I'll check it out in a moment, as that just makes me want to see it right now. Just a question, have you ever seen Repo! The Genetic Opera? I have a feeling you might like it...
    8. Sumi
      Haha, it's on my list of things to read. I'm currently in the middle of reading Frankenstein at the moment, but I continually hear that Hellsing is really good.
    9. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      My friend is really good with him ;_; ....its scary he got him to 50 in 1 day
    10. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      Haha Cool my Friend loves Playing as Tidus
    11. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      I got cloud lv 100 xD

      I dont have a PS3 so no i dont hav Ad-hoc
    12. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      ....Im better with Cloud >_> (I completed it too got every character)

    13. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      Nah..I used to play Tekken.

      I play Dissidia if that counts
    14. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity
      ._. I dont play it..but i want to

      Stupid Europe...
    15. BlazBlue Calamity
      BlazBlue Calamity

      Better then my last one..
    16. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      haha, glad to hear it. Though i'm probably only going to be doing that for the next month or so, or whenever i get bored of it.
    17. Roxas's Afterlife
    18. The Mender
      The Mender
      i just mean that i like the way you wright
    19. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi i like your stile
    20. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      sigh I unfortunetly don't have accsess to Youtube I don't have a computer of my own and I'm stuck using a crummy school computer which blocks most sites. Looks like you win the race by defalt......
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    Hell 71
    Past Usernames:
    Nouveau Nova
    ars nvoa
    Ars Wumbo
    Alolan Nova
    Default Name:
    Ars Nova


    "Any man that's half awake can spot a trap that's laid for him.
    But to stride in boldly with a plan to turn it on its ear, that is a marvelous thing."

    -Lord Bredon, The Wise Man's Fear

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