Last Activity:
Sep 12, 2013
May 4, 2009
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I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Pigfarts.

FinalF7 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2013
    1. roxas4114
      My friend Kendall, thts all me & her talk bout is drawing, manga, & books.
    2. ^_^Xion^_^
      Yeah fans just stretch the fun...
      Thank you soo much!!!
      Everyone goes for that !@#$%^& of Edward!
      I go for Jacob b/c he's really hott xD
      Yeah that movie sucked, a lot!

      That's good that you saw your grandmama^_^
      My sisters live away and they came too!

      My thanksgiving was really crazy...
      We all sang kareoke and danced to music till 3 am in the morning! xD
      But it was all worth it^.^
    3. ^_^Xion^_^
      That's raddl^_^
      You should read it, it's okay.
      I just think it's entertaining...everone has different opinions...
      Well okay there is no comparison between Harry Potter and Twilight, lol.
      But I like both books^_^
      That's your opinion but others would prefer vampires than wizards^.^
      Like me xD

      Did you have a good thanks giving?
    4. roxas4114
      The manga I read are rave master, kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts chain of memories, kingdom hearts 2, bleach, deathnote, negiami, runi kinshin, dn angel, & full metal allcamist. The last two r cuz of my dad. The books I read r mortal intruments series, dark vision, twilight series(I hate it know though), gears of war, & halo series. Wht do u do 4 fun?
    5. roxas4114
      Um.......I guess reading manga or other books, drawing, taking antidepressants, & going to a theropist
    6. ^_^Xion^_^
      I believe in you^_^
      lol, I guesss that seperates us...
      I'm a twilight bookworm^.^
      Hmm...well I like many teen series like...:
      Night World
      Vampire Kisses
      Vampire Academy
      Of course, Harry Potter^_^
      and a super duper truper longer list xD
      Yeah in total there are 53 books I have xD
    7. roxas4114
      No I love her more than my ds. Ya I love her a whole lot
    8. ^_^Xion^_^
      I bet you will succeed and be able to draw like a pro^_^
      What kind of books do you read?
    9. roxas4114
      Stop's so imbressing *blushes* but I do love her to death
    10. ^_^Xion^_^
      I've been drawing and reading constantly...
      What have YOU been up too?
    11. roxas4114
      Yes I tell her tht everyday. She rocks my world
    12. ^_^Xion^_^
      That's good^_^
      lol xD
      Aww thanks^.^
    13. ^_^Xion^_^
      Hello there^_^
      How've you been?
    14. roxas4114
      Nvr!!! I love my DS almost as much as my gf.
    15. roxas4114
      No fair I want a ps3 all I have is super smash bros. Brawl & animal crossing from my wii
    16. roxas4114
      Do u have a psp? If so get birth by sleep.
    17. roxas4114
      Awwwww tht stinks. Too bad. Kh 358/2 days is so fun.
    18. roxas4114
      Ya it's fun u shld get 1
    19. roxas4114
      Thts cool all I do is hw & play fire enblem shadow dragon, advanced wars days of ruin, or kh 358/2 days. I lov ds
    20. roxas4114
      I dnt lik being loud. Wht r u into lik hobbies & stuff?
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  • About

    I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh
    A few details about myself?? hmmm. Uh, I could write so much more, but to sum it all up... I'm weird

    Masque & Mime! and... uh... yeah, that's it.


    In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream,
    it's like a million little stars spelling out your name.​