Last Activity:
Mar 12, 2025 at 11:26 PM
May 1, 2009
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3:22 AM
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Creative 22 27
Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
Film Student


Transformation, Male, 28

Premium Jun 10, 2018

ShibuyaGato was last seen:
Mar 12, 2025 at 11:26 PM
    1. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, well we can always look for a smaller one^_^
      It can be a brother and I know onethat will give in^_^
      btw he's 11 I'll give you the username in a pm;)
      ttyl lil sis^_^
    2. ^_^Xion^_^
      Btw we have a sister lil sister
      She's KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952^_^
      I think you're the smallest sister out of all^.^
      Ttyl lil sis
      I <3 you
    3. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      um I am ^_^Xion^_^'s sister and she told me that your my little sisi so yea :)
    4. ^_^Xion^_^
      Okay bella bingo it is^_^
      Okay, the avatar would be really nice^_^
      Ttyl, I :<3: you lil sis^_^
    5. ^_^Xion^_^
      Hello lil sis!!!
      Okay I'll count that you will guide me through whirled^_^
      After all I trust you^_^
      That pic is so funny, lol!
      It's so cute in a way, well for you...
      For you because I'm team jacob in a way^.^
      Oh I won't tell her, Idk her anyways, lol!
      Peace and :<3:
    6. ^_^Xion^_^
      I will, don't worry^_^
      Can you change your name?
      You are^.^
      We'll talk as soon as I know how to handle this new site^_^
    7. ^_^Xion^_^
      I already made one but my name is Giggles
      I'll look for you unless you want to add me?
      Ttyl lil sis^_^
    8. ^_^Xion^_^
      HI LIL SIS!
      It's okay, it's really fun!
      So is it
      Or what is the site's address?
      I'll register so we can be friends/sisters^_^
      Ttyl :glomp:
    9. ^_^Xion^_^
      Thank you :glomp:
      That's good!
      I'll see if I can;)
      Ttyl lil sis! ^__^
    10. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, that's nice^_^
      Ohh I'm barely going to have it right now^_^
      Yum yummy!
      We're having cake and this other dessert^.^
      I bet it's delicious!
      Ttyl later lil sis

      :<3: big sis^_^
    11. ^_^Xion^_^
      It's fine by me^_^
      I mean any evanescence song is good^_^
      Have you eaten the turkey, yet?
      Haha, why do you have the blue smiley that says "woohoo"?
      I :<3: you too! :glomp:
    12. ^_^Xion^_^
      Happy Thanksgiving! :glomp:
      Ily lil sis!
    13. ^_^Xion^_^
      Well how about a vid of something of twilight?
      With an Evanescence song?
      Well I had a 6 day weekend, aha!!!
      Sorry for rubbing that in^.^
      Well congrats for that vid!!!^_^
      Ttyl, lil sis, ily!
    14. Vladimir Makarov
    15. ^_^Xion^_^
      That's true.
      Yup no matter if tomorrow was the end of the world^_^
      You would?
      Aww that is so nice*hugs*
      Ily as a sis:<3:
      Ttyl peace and love^.^
    16. ^_^Xion^_^
      I loved it too^_^
      And I don't give a !@#$% damn, lol.
      I guess that seperates us...
      I love taylor^_^
      ...not rob...
      But I go for both teams[if there is such thing]
    17. Bluelazor
      Well, my school doesn't have "midterms", just finals and a huge amount of quizzes. :D And yeah, hopefully we can. I'm sure we can... and when the break comes, I'll probably be on an AMV-making splurge! muwahahahaha!
    18. ^_^Xion^_^
      You are lucky!
      But also because you're my sis^.^
      I'm going to watch it again too!
      That actually helped a lot lil sis^_^
      The words wasn't a problem;)
      okie dokie lil sis, ttyl^_^
    19. Bluelazor
      hey hey hey! sorry about not saying "hi" for a long while... I've been busy, school is nagging me a lot lately since finals are right around the corner. *sighs*
    20. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, yup^_^
      How do you make a vid?
      They were pretty cool^.^
      I already watched new moon^_^
      I loved it:<3:
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Film Student
    Past Usernames:
    Cat<3 Sora / ЅкyCɑт / Skitty / €atastrophe / Doctor Who? / Christmas Cat / Tony Stark / iCat / Princess Yue / Chipster the Cat / lawlCat / ɪenzo / Cat~ / Terrible Ten-inch / Naoto Shirogane / Dean Winchester / Oswin Oswald / Ten / Yui / Damon Salvatore / BARRY... / Doctor / Koki Kariya / Nui Harime / NubCat / anelg / Crowley / Mega Man / Arch Hates Dean / ShibuyaGato
    Default Name:
    I share a birthday with David Tennant. This is all you need to know~

    Interests? Why yes, I have many.
    CatxKT 5ev-shot-

    "I'd want Sherlock to be canceled." ~Ienzo
    "Majestic fat flaps." ~Ienzo
    "I will accept anything right now... I was under sleep-deprivation." ~Ienzo
    "Yeah! Get muscly man legs" - Ienzo



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      avatar twitter youtube postbox sig
      Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd)|2017
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