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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Firekeyblade
      Sorry to hear that pal. Take as much time you want from here.
    2. Near
      kk. Thanks for telling me in advance.
    3. Near
      ...Between Thanksgiving and Black Friday, I couldn't get online for long enough to post.
    4. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      :/ My brother's condition isn't getting any better. >.> I went over to collect a celeb's autograph so he'd be happy. Turns out I was right, so now I feel good about making him happy. ;D

      By god, if I ever buy a bar/nightclub, that's the first thing I'll name it as. x3

      These days I've been recording for my (thriller trailer) media project... In the cold. I don't feel like working much. Usually I end up drifting in and out of lessons looking like as if I hadn't slept at all. D:
    5. Firekeyblade
      Hmm....sure. Then I can introduce her skills momentarily. After that I don't really care. I just wanted her to get her weapons and fire and then for someone to ask who she was. XD
    6. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      :3 I've had better days.. but I'm good. ^^ And I'm not going to change my username for a LOOOONG time. It kinda grew on me. ;D
    7. Firekeyblade
      Firekeyblade, it shouldn't matter. Both sides benefit more if it goes for Vixtra. But you've got to give me a chance before Vixtra pwns it or something.
    8. kairigirl22
      hahaha well sometimes opposites attract <3

      Yeah he's going to be an important character in the story, they're going to be the two main characters she's just who I'm focusing on the most

      Um well mostly the king I guess and his Derma who is also the lead guy characters brother. Kind of confusing I know. I wish I had the first part of the story on this computer I have it on my other laptop otherwise I would send it to you it would make a whole lot more sense.
    9. kairigirl22
      HOLY S***! In two hours!?! omg hahaha jeez I hope she picks you *crosses fingers* good luck!

      Umm well she's really quiet and reserved, but powerful if you know what I mean

      Yeah sort of but like I said a lot of people don't have Derma's so it's kind of a privaledge to get one but at the same time he's a very "I work alone" kind of guy so it's hard for him to have someone with him all the time.

      Hahaha I love him!
    10. Firekeyblade
      Hmm.....and I had this plan to finally let her discover her power. Eh. It'll work both ways.
    11. kairigirl22
      Yeah i know hahaha oh well haha

      Umm I'm thinking somewhere between 17 and 20 or something idk

      And he is the King's best soldier and after the war ended between his land he went to the battle scene and found her there, he brings her back to the King who already has a derma so he gives her to him. Or something like that.

      And yeah I do haha that's funny how you could tell what I watch by my personality haha =D
    12. Firekeyblade
      Yeah. XD When he finally wakes up he screams, then she screams. But seriously, that girl absolutely pissed me off. So annoying. And who are you going to make the snake thing attack?
    13. Firekeyblade
      RPing. And this site in general. Well...maybe not general. And I've always been addicted to One Piece. Although I know a lot of people who don't like it.
    14. kairigirl22
      Yeah and also his best friend is a cheerleader (who by the way I'm wicked close to his best friend haha they just started to get close this year and it just so happens that his best friend and I have been close for a wicked long time) and he also joined because the new girl that he likes is a cheerleader haha but oh well

      Yeah he's just a normal human
    15. kairigirl22
      I know hahahaha and yeah did u know that actually guy cheerleaders get wicked scholarships?

      Yeah actually and his aim and we've even hung out after school once haha

      ummm not sure about the magic just yet I'm still debating and no there aren't a lot of people like her it's kind of a rare thing and since like they are pretty much servants once they sign a contract with someone most of them are chained to wealthy people who bought them as bodyguards sorta.
    16. Deathsight44
      Ya. But you still like a cheerleader.
      I honostly don't know what to say. I mean, a CHEERLEADER. Thats just awkward. I didn't know guys could be cheerleaders xD

      Have you AT LEAST gotten his number by now? xD

      Hmm. Alrite. Does magic exsist in this area?
      And are there a lot of people that are like her? or just a little?
    17. kairigirl22
      Hahahaha I KNOW!! Funniest thing ever!! haha oh well he's still a cool kid =P

      Well I was thinking kind of like medieval or a little later you know like kings and queens and not technology stuff pretty much
    18. kairigirl22
      Haha nah never will I be a cheerleader but oh my! Remember the guy that I liked (still like) well haha he's a CHEERLEADER!!BAHAHA! I think I offended him when I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee myself when he told me hahahah =D Cuz he's sooooooo not the cheerleading type if you know what I mean haha

      Ehh idk I guess I kind of picture it to be like... well have you ever seen soul eater? If you have then I kind of picture it to be like Maka's.
    19. kairigirl22
      Omg I'm soooo girly now!! 0.o
    20. kairigirl22
      Ehhh little pieces here and there but I'm still not sure what the how the whole story is going to go if you know what I mean

      haha well then <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 =D
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    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

