Last Activity:
Jan 2, 2019
Jan 20, 2008
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Local Time:
9:40 PM
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May 6, 1991 (Age: 33)
Home Page:
New York


Chaser, Male, 33, from New York

Mike was last seen:
Jan 2, 2019
    1. Zsofi13
      hello Mike,
      I know you're a reporter but do u know the turn off Sora's crown code?

    2. Misty
      Hey Mike. :]

      I've gotten pretty far on that banner, I'm just not entirely happy with it yet. Still, I thought I'd show you the work-in-progress in case there are any suggestions you'd like to make.
    3. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      Oh I see and yea I like weekends better than weekdays as well ^^
    4. ~The Rising Falcon
      ~The Rising Falcon
      game informer BBS info.
      no scan. just letting you know!
    5. daxma
    6. Genshie
      Yo Mike, I got your new email about Even, Xaldin, and Erauqs. The audition email has been sent.
    7. Misty
      Sure thing. Anything specific you want or should I just wing it? ;D
    8. Genshie
      Genshie again, I am going to do what I normally do and notify you through everything of my questions and your answers. (Meaning pm, comment, and email you)
      Anyway, any idea how far are we from releasing the next fandubbed trailer?
    9. Genshie
      Yo Genshie here,
      Doc lines 1 and 2 with multiple attempts/tries has been sent to your email inbox
    10. Geezernorts_Apprentice
    11. Geezernorts_Apprentice
      Sent them yesterday. did you get them? Been having major computer troubles recently but all is sorted now
    12. The Joker
      The Joker
      Not really. I'm going into this blind, hoping to be shown the way by inspiration. I might have some people I could ask/some places I could advertise, but I'm hoping some fans of the series will also join in. It doesn't have to be popular, just enjoyable to those that view it. I may see if I can find some online voice acting lessons, if there is such a thing.
    13. The Joker
      The Joker
      In your opinion, should we use a narrator or add some script and such to convey the thoughts/locations? It might add some originality, but I want people to be able to see all of it. For what the person who wrote it intended it to be. The Dark Tower is known, I just feel it could be known more. If nothing else, I fill that this will be fun for the people doing it. This project has been on my mind for awhile.
    14. The Joker
      The Joker
      Some dreams are unrealistic and hard to achive, but that more worth doing. Right?
    15. The Joker
      The Joker
      Yes. It was coming out with a new part(s), so I wanted to breath some excitememnt and anticipation in it for those that have never heard of it. Make it kind of like a radio play, but downlodable.
    16. The Joker
      The Joker
      Could we dub an entire book series? I was wondering about this. I figured trailers and all would be okay, but would an entire book series? We would all make no profit, and give credit for the series where credit is due.
    17. The Joker
      The Joker
      Could I ask you if something is legal since I thought you might know so since you have some experience in it?
    18. Geezernorts_Apprentice
      Yeah no troubles, I'll be recording later, the red cable inside my vga cable for my computer has gone kaput so I'm off to the store to get a new one and will record my lines after that, doing this on wii browser xD
    19. Hexin
      Yo!! Can't wait to see this new dub!!! 8D
    20. Ultima Queen of Hearts
      Ultima Queen of Hearts
      Hi um just a question about the auditions...does Tinker Bell acctually speak 4 once?!!!! O.O
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  • About

    May 6, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Home Page:
    New York
    My name is Mike Masiello. Today I'm studying television and radio as I continue my studies. I produce and act in non-profit movies, spreading awareness to young adults about the dangers of bullying, drugs and alcoholism. My dream is to become an actor/voice actor in movies and television. At this point, I feel that I've become aware of my surroundings, looking for ways to help others in the on-going fight of erasing hate. There was a time where I didn't accept myself for who I was, but that has all changed. I find myself interested in hearing stories by interviewing people. If anything, I would like to see myself as a television show host and television/radio personality as I finish my studies.



    Resume Website
    : mikemasi.com
    YouTube | Twitter | IMDb | Instagram

    KHRecharged: khrecharged.com
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