Last Activity:
Jul 24, 2012
Jun 5, 2008
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Dec 10, 1991 (Age: 33)


Twilight Town Denizen, 33, from alone

jettie was last seen:
Jul 24, 2012
    1. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      ._. it started off like quite nice, I was on this really beautiful island place with some of my class we were doing like this weekend thing where we were investigating ghosts and stuff and my lecturer made me phone this Italian person who offered to teach me Italian so I was all happy and **** and then we all had to split into two groups to go investigate different places my group were going down these caves that had been modified to be a dungeon kind of place but something possessed one of the people at the entrance and they tried to attack my mom ._. and then the person wasn’t possessed anymore and we went down into the caves and my group were looking into this like old cell that was right at the back and then it got really really cold and this thing like crawled out all twisted and flickery and it wouldn’t leave me alone and kept sniffing me and my lecturer said it was because I have the same blood as my mom and that the ghosts must recognise my bloodline so we all went back near the entrance to the dungeon and the thing went away because it was outside the area it could reach
      then he gave us all a photograph to look at and in the corner there was this tiny white blob and I thought it was a flash only I looked again and it got a little bit bigger and my lecturer started talking about how there was a little girl who died down there and you can see her ghost in photographs and then she started getting closer and closer in the photo and the lecturer panicked because that’s not meant to happen and he made us leave because of how much negative energy was in the place so we left and met the other group ._. and everyone was all happy and smiley and stuff but I felt really really scared like something really bad was going to happen then it got to night time, and I could hear this little girl singing songs from down the cave only no-one else could and some people decided to go down them and wouldn’t listen to me when I told them not to they said I was just being over-dramatic and they went down and I didn’t but I could still see them like I was there
      so they went down into the caves and for some reason there was water now covering the floor, like it was up to their ankles and everything looked faintly blue, and then this thing was in the water and it was the girl from the ring >_> and she started killing them all >_> and I was outside and I knew what was happening and I was screaming and crying but everyone else just said I was imagining it and then everyone went home the next day, but my two lecturers stayed, and they were talking about how the whole thing is like a set up to make sure people can really enjoy the weekend, but then one of them had to go fetch some candles because the electricity had gone so they went into the store room only it looked like a cave and she was standing in water and everything looked kind of blue and my other lecturer went in and they both thought the other one had done it to scare the other one and then my lecturer looked down and he could see this person rising up out of the water and he was screaming at my other lecturer not to look down >> and then they both got attacked by all of these things like people that were dead but were they were all deformed and mutilated ._. and one of had like his mouth and eyes sewn shut and then they started kicking and stabbing the lecturers >_> and then they hung them up on this thing and started hitting them and then saying it was time to go show the world how real this joke was because people have forgotten how to be scared and I woke up and started texting my friend about it because I was really ****ing creeped out by the dream and he started laughing because he thinks I’m a wuss >_> and then my phone melted and I was hungry so I went downstairs but all the food we had was soaking wet and mouldy o_o and then it got really really cold, I looked down and there was a little girl holding my wrist but it really hurt >_> and she refused to look up, just kept staring at the floor and she said they have been looking for me for a really long time but they are close now and then I woke up for reals
    2. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I had a really bad dream last night ;_;
    3. volleyballgirl79
      yea he dies in the graveyard after the 3 task
    4. volleyballgirl79
      u need to read more look up edward cullen on photobucket u should recognize the guy who plays him cause if uve ever seen harry potter 4 hes cedric diggory
    5. volleyballgirl79
      yea and ther r 4 books but shes comin out with a fifth who do u love more edward or jacob
    6. volleyballgirl79
      im already fin. with the second book im completely in love with the book but not as much as i am with edward cullen u know they r making it a movie
    7. volleyballgirl79
      good i sorry ur not feelin good hey hav u ever heard of a book twilight
    8. volleyballgirl79
      hey wat up wat r u up 2
    9. GREE06
      I hate it. You gotta do the class work and the stuff you missed at the same time.
    10. GREE06
      I have alot of Algebra and Archetecture to get made up.
    11. GREE06
      I have my bowling leauge every saturday. I'm also on the school play board. We are like a group of play directors. I was sick a couple weeks back and I'm trying to catch up in my work.
    12. GREE06
      Yeah, I know. What have you been up to?
    13. GREE06
      I'm good. other than I have tons of homework.
    14. GREE06
      Hey there jettie, what up?
    15. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I am feeling mad, like really pissed off >_>
    16. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      ._. I am feeling very hmmm

      D: I am mad
    17. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      *runs* nuuuuuuuuuuuu not my arm D:

      *gives you Brazil to eat*
    18. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I know right D: it happened last night when I signed in o_O
    19. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I noticed that too o.O I have no idea why that happened D:
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I be seein ya tomorrow.Goodbye my good friend who gives advice to me.*hugs and runs and flies off*
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1991 (Age: 33)
    i'm human

    swimming, casterboarding and ukulele
