Always Dance
Last Activity:
Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Xatier
      hiya, you ok?
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You got married? Wow! Congratulations!

      That reminds me...I always was curious to ask you this:

      How old are you?
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hehehe...You're doing an AWESOME Job playing the role of Kagemaru! You're doing an even better job than I expected you to![IMG]

      I hope you get back online soon cause we could've finished this Duel alot sooner if you were on earlier...

      And I REALLY want to finish it too. Cause we're about to get to The Best Part![IMG]
    4. Xatier
      same ......
    5. Xatier
      hiya, how are you?
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Be sure to let me know if I make a mistake okay?
    7. Xatier
      good, fine thnx
    8. Xatier
      hiya, how are you?
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Okay, I've finished my move!
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey Um, When you Summon The Sacred Beasts can you put more feeling into it please?

      By that I mean when you summon them can you please do it saying something like:

      Now Come Forth!

      Uria Lord of Searing Flames!

      Now Come Forth!

      Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder!

      Now Come Forth!

      Raviel Lord of Phantasms!

      And I know that I'm being a little OCDish when I say this but when you post the facedown card images can you please post them like this?:

      But not like this:

      Or this:
      [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Okay?
    11. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      Oh I see and yea maybe and yea thats true and yep Rinoa Heartilly along with Seifher Almasy(the guy on your avatar) are both from Final Fantasy 8 just like Leon or Squall hes actually the main character in ff8 to be exact Rinoa's bf and Seifher's enemy :D
    12. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      lol really? *looks at Rinoa's outfit in the pic.* omg your right about that :D but there different to me Rinoa looks more like Tifa then Yuna I actually used to mistake her for Tifa
    13. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      Oh I see and xD its not Yuna Its actually both Noctis(the guy like everywhere on my page :D) and Rinoa Heartilly(the girl u called Yuna and shes also on that Profile pic. ^^)
    14. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      lol u sure? Cause u basically said your memory is bad :D
    15. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      lol I see and its fine xD
      Thats good to hear and lol thats funny :D
    16. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      lol u already met me :D I am good u?
    17. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Thanks. Say, Can you have another Exhibition Duel with me please? If you don't want me to retire I think that would really help...

      This Time the one I'd like to do is the Jaden Yuki VS Kagemaru Duel from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Episodes 48-49.

      Do you accept?

      And if so, Here's The Script:

      Turn 1 Jaden's Turn

      * Summons Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200/800) in Defense Position and sets a card

      Turn 2 Kagemaru's Turn

      * Sets 3 Trap cards and sends them to the Graveyard to summon Uria, Lord of Searing Flames (0/0) in Attack Position
      * Activates one of Uria's effects, allowing him to destroy 1 Set card Jaden controls, while preventing Jaden from countering. Uria destroys Jaden's set Mirror Gate.
      * Activates Uria's second effect: Its ATK and DEF are both equal to 1000 times the number of Traps in Kagemaru's Graveyard. With 3 currently present, Uria's ATK becomes 3000 (Note: This wouldn't happen in the real game, unless the Traps were Continuous Traps, and also, only Uria's ATK would increase, not its DEF)
      * Attacks with Uria and destroys Burstinatrix

      Turn 3 Jaden's Turn

      * Summons Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200) and activates his effect: since it's currently the only card Jaden controls on the field, he can draw 2 new cards. (NOTE: The real Bubbleman card only allows this if it is the only card the player controls while his hand is empty.)
      * Activates Polymerization, sending the Elemental Heroes Bubbleman on the field and Avian and Sparkman in his hand to the Graveyard and Fusion Summoning Elemental Hero Tempest in Attack Position (2800/2800)
      * Activates Skyscraper and attacks with Tempest. Since an Elemental Hero is battling during Jaden's Battle Phase and targeting a stronger monster Kagemaru controls, Skyscraper's effect activates, increasing Tempest's ATK by 1000 points (3800/2800)
      * Tempest destroys Uria (Kagemaru: 3200 LP) and Jaden sets a card.

      Turn 4 Kagemaru's Turn

      * With Uria in his Graveyard, Kagemaru activates his special effect, discarding a Trap from his hand. On that note, Uria is re-summoned to the field in Attack Position. Now, since 4 Traps are in Kagemaru's Graveyard, Uria's ATK becomes 4000 (Note: In the real game, Uria does not have this effect.)
      * Uria destroys Tempest (who seemed to have kept its ATK increase, since Jaden only lost 200 LP; in the real game Skyscraper would only increase the ATK of Elemental Heroes during your Battle Phase) (Jaden: 3800 LP)
      * Jaden activates his Tempest's effect: by sending 1 card he controls on the field to his Graveyard, he can keep a monster he controls from being destroyed in battle. Sending his set Transcendent Wings card to the Graveyard, his Tempest is re-summoned to the field in Attack Position. (IMPORTANT: In the real game, this would be an illegal move, because Tempest is a Nomi monster, and his effect would keep any monster from being destroyed in battle only while he was face-up on the field.)

      Turn 5 Jaden's Turn

      * Activates Pot of Greed and draws 2 cards from his Deck.
      * Activates H - Heated Heart, increasing his Tempest's ATK by 500, to 4300. Also, until the end of this turn, when Tempest attacks and destroys a monster with lower DEF than its ATK, the difference is dealt to Kagemaru as Battle Damage
      * Tempest attacks and destroys Uria once more (Kagemaru: 2900 LP)

      Turn 6 Kagemaru's Turn

      * With Uria in his Graveyard, Kagemaru activates its special effect, discarding a Trap from his hand. On that note, Uria is re-summoned to the field in Attack Position. Now, since 5 Traps are in Kagemaru's Graveyard, Uria's ATK becomes 5000
      * Activates Pot of Greed and draws 2 cards from his Deck.
      * Activates the Field Spell Lost Paradise, destroying Skyscraper. Now, since he controls Uria on the field, he can draw 2 extra cards during each of his turns while Lost Paradise is face-up on the field.
      * Sets 3 Spell Cards and send them to the Graveyard to Special Summon Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder (4000/4000) in Attack Position (NOTE: This would not work in the real game, unless the Spell Cards you sent to the Graveyard were all Continuous Spell Cards.)
      * Hamon attacks and destroys Tempest (Jaden: 2600 LP), activating its effect: Since Hamon destroyed a monster Jaden controlled in battle, Jaden loses an extra 1000 LP (Jaden: 1600 LP)
      * On this note, the Sacred Beasts absorb enough Duel Monster Spirit energy to restore Kagemaru to his youthful state.

      Turn 7 Jaden's Turn

      * Summons Wroughtweiler (800/1200) in Defense Position and sets a card

      Turn 8 Kagemaru's Turn

      * Due to the effect of Lost Paradise, Kagemaru draws 2 extra cards, in addition to conducting his normal draw, during his Draw Phase.
      * Hamon attacks and destroys Wroughtweiler. Even though Wroughtweiler was in Defense Position, Hamon's effect still activates: since it destroyed a monster Jaden controlled in battle, Jaden loses another 1000 LP (Jaden: 600 LP)
      * Jaden activates Wroughtweiler's effect: Since it was destroyed in battle, Jaden can add Polymerization and an Elemental Hero from his Graveyard to his hand; Polymerization and Bubbleman return to his hand.
      * Uria attacks Jaden directly, but Jaden activates The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh. Now he can choose 1 of 2 effects: add Kuriboh or Winged Kuriboh to his hand from his Deck, or summon Kuriboh or Winged Kuriboh from his Deck to the field. He chooses to summon Winged Kuriboh (300/200) from his Deck to the field in Defense Position, and it intercepts the attack while activating its effect: During the turn Winged Kuriboh is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Jaden takes no damage.
      * With Winged Kuriboh sent to his Graveyard, the effect of Philosopher's Stone - Sabatiel activates, adding itself from his deck to his hand.

      Turn 9 Jaden's Turn

      * Summons Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200) and activates his effect: since it's currently the only card Jaden controls on the field, he can draw 2 new cards. (NOTE: Again, the real Bubbleman card only allows this if it is the only card the player controls while his hand is empty.)
      * Activates Metamorphosis, and selects Bubbleman for its effect: Now, Jaden can send it to the Graveyard to summon a Fusion Monster with the same Level as his Bubbleman. Bubbleman is sent to the Graveyard, and Neo Bubbleman (800/1200) is summoned in Bubbleman's place in Attack Position. (NOTE: In the real game, Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman is not a Fusion Monster, but an Effect Monster, and Metamorphosis cannot Special Summon it unless Elemental Hero Bubbleman is tributed while Metamorphosis is sent to the Graveyard from your hand.)
      * While Neo Bubbleman is on the field, it is treated as "Elemental Hero Bubbleman", and so, Jaden can equip it with Bubble Blaster, increasing his ATK by 800 (1600/1200)
      * Neo Bubbleman attacks Hamon, activating its effect: When Neo Bubbleman battles with an opposing monster, the monster that battles with it is automatically destroyed. Hamon is destroyed.
      * Normally, Neo Bubbleman would also be destroyed, and Jaden would lose the duel on this note, but Jaden can also activate his Bubble Blaster's effect: By sending it to the Graveyard, his Neo Bubbleman is safe, and all damage from this battle to Jaden is nullified.
      * Jaden sets a card

      Turn 10 Kagemaru's Turn

      * Due to the effect of Lost Paradise, Kagemaru draws 2 extra cards, in addition to conducting his normal draw, during his Draw Phase.
      * Uria attacks Neo Bubbleman, but Jaden activates Bubble Illusion. Since he controls Neo Bubbleman (who is treated as "Bubbleman") he can activate 1 Trap from his hand. He chooses Hero's Rule 1: Five Freedoms. Now, depending on the card he declares (Monster, Spell, or Trap), up to 5 of the declared card in both players' Graveyards will be removed from play; he declares Trap, and the 5 Trap Cards are removed from Kagemaru's Graveyard. Since Uria's ATK is based on the number of Traps in Kagemaru's Graveyard, its ATK drops to 0, and is destroyed by Neo Bubbleman (Kagemaru: 2100 LP)
      * Since Uria was destroyed in battle and sent to the Graveyard, Kagemaru activates Resurrection Tribute. Now he can destroy a monster Jaden controls and re-summon 1 monster from his Graveyard in Defense Position. Neo Bubbleman is destroyed and Hamon (4000/4000) is re-summoned to the field in Defense Position.
      * With Uria in his Graveyard, Kagemaru activates its special effect, discarding a Trap from his hand. On that note, Uria is re-summoned to the field in Defense Position, and its ATK and DEF return to 1000.
      * With Uria and Hamon under his control and at least 2 cards in his hand, Kagemaru activates Phantasmal Martyrs: Now he can discard 2 of his cards and summon 3 Phantasmal Martyr Tokens (0/0 each) (1 of the cards was the Trap Divine Wrath, so Uria's ATK and DEF increase to 2000)
      * To end his turn, Kagemaru tributes the tokens to summon Raviel, Lord of Phantasms (4000/4000) in Attack Position.

      Turn 11 Jaden's Turn

      * Activates Dark Factory of Mass Production; Now, he can return 2 Normal Monsters from his Graveyard to his hand; he selects Burstinatrix and Avian
      * Activates Polymerization and returns them to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon his Flame Wingman (2100/1200) in Attack Position
      * Because Jaden summoned Flame Wingman, Raviel's effect activates, letting Kagemaru summon a Phantasm Token (1000/1000), which cannot declare an attack. (Note: In the real game, this effect will only activate if a monster is Normal Summoned, and a Fusion Summon is considered a Special Summon.)
      * Jaden activates Sabatiel's "Card Covet" effect: By paying half his Life Points, he can activate 1 Spell Card from his Deck. After Sabatiel is sent to the Graveyard, it will return to his hand. He chooses Fusion Recovery. (Jaden: 300 LP)
      * Fusion Recovery allows Jaden to return Polymerization and a Fusion Material Monster he used for a Fusion Summon from his Graveyard to his hand; he chooses Sparkman
      * Activates his recovered Polymerization, sending Elemental Heroes Sparkman in his hand and Flame Wingman on the field to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon his Shining Flare Wingman (2500/2100) in Attack Position
      * Shining Flare Wingman's first effect activates: it gains 300 additional ATK for every Elemental Hero in Jaden's Graveyard. There are currently 7, so Shining Flare Wingman gains 2100 extra ATK (4600/2100)
      * Raviel's effect activates, letting Kagemaru summon another Phantasm Token (1000/1000)
      * Shining Flare Wingman attacks and destroys Hamon.
      * Normally, Shining Flare Wingman's second effect would activate on this note, inflicting damage to Kagemaru equal to the ATK of the monster it destroyed in battle, but because Hamon was destroyed while in Defense Position, Kagemaru takes no damage
      * Sabatiel returns to Jaden's hand, and he activates the "Card Covet" effect again (Jaden: 150 LP), choosing an unknown Spell from his Deck and setting it.

      Turn 12 Kagemaru's Turn

      * Due to the effect of Lost Paradise, Kagemaru draws 2 extra cards, in addition to conducting his normal draw, during his Draw Phase.
      * Switches Uria to Attack Position
      * Activates Raviel's effect: By tributing any and all monsters Kagemaru controls, Raviel will gain ATK and DEF equal to the ATK of the tributed monsters. He tributes his Phantasm Tokens, and Raviel gains 2000 ATK and DEF (6000/6000) (NOTE: In the real game, Raviel can only tribute 1 monster per turn)
      * Raviel attacks Shining Flare Wingman, but Jaden activates De-Fusion, allowing him to return his Shining Flare Wingman to his Extra Deck and re-summon his Elemental Heroes Sparkman (1600/1400) and Flame Wingman (2100/1200) in Defense Position
      * Since Jaden summoned 2 monsters with De-Fusion, Raviel's effect activates, letting Kagemaru summon 2 more Phantasm Tokens (1000/1000)
      * Due to De-Fusion's effect, Kagemaru must replay his battle. Raviel targets and destroys Flame Wingman, while Uria targets and destroys Sparkman.

      Turn 13 Jaden's Turn

      * As Sabatiel returns to Jaden's hand, he summons Elemental Hero Clayman (800/2000) in Attack Position
      * Raviel's effect activates, letting Kagemaru summon yet another Phantasm Token (1000/1000)
      * Jaden activates Sabatiel's "Card Covet" effect for the third and final time (Jaden: 75 LP), choosing to activate Miracle Fusion from his Deck.
      * Miracle Fusion allows Jaden the Special Summon of an "Elemental Hero" Fusion Monster, for the small price of removing from play the appropriate Fusion Material Monsters on his side of the field or in the Graveyard. Clayman is removed from the field, while Heroes Bubbleman, Avian, and Burstinatrix are removed from his Graveyard, allowing Jaden to Fusion Summon Elemental Hero Electrum (2900/2600) in Attack Position.
      * Now that Sabatiel has used its "Card Covet" effect 3 times, it becomes an Equip Card, and Jaden equips it to his Electrum, multiplying its ATK by the number of monsters under Kagemaru's control. Kagemaru controls 5, so Electrum's ATK becomes 14500.
      * Electrum attacks and destroys Raviel (Kagemaru: 0 LP), and Jaden wins the Duel.
    19. Xatier
      hiya, you ok?
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey Um, I know that the normal Balance of Monster and Spell/Traps in a Deck is usually 21 Monsters, 10 Spells and 9 Traps...

      But you said that it varies with certain types of Decks...

      Can you tell me what the right balance of cards to use in a Beatdown Deck and Burn Deck are?
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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