Catch the Rain
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2007
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November 27
The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain

As the world falls down ♥, from The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. FinalF7
      That's messed up... like **** is such a bad word. But ****ens is quite boring. ahahahah. And now I'm doing a project on Oliver Twist. Our first play is coming up in about a week, the cast an't remember ANY of their lines and crew is already tired of eachother. It should be a great show. xD School is good. I've ALWAYS loved school. There's just something about it, I just love being there. I don't even mind the work, although a lot of other people do.

      Uh, that sucks how old is your nephew and sister? AHAAHAHAAHA. Your sister sounds a lot like ME! All I ever do is eat food and more food and morrrre foooood!! :D But I don't use the eletricty that much, b/c I'm too busy with EVERYTHING else.

      Probably not. American accents are boring, and southern accents are just annoying =_= "Y'all"? IS NOT A WORD! ahahha. My friends all constantly talk in Britsh accents. >.<
    2. Plums
      *lies down on profile*

      How are you? :3
      *explodes from your avvy's badass serpentine sunglasses*
    3. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      lol i'm not going to deny that.
    4. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      I just noticed that your profile is purple. *licks* Nice!

      This place has nothing to post at. Καταρα!
    5. Moodkip
      WTF I thought you quit the site? D;
      Miiiiiiisssed you. D;
    6. Vanitas
      My god, you are not replying to me cuz I refuse the power that you once... had! HAH! lalalaa! =p
    7. Spitfire
      Good call.
    8. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Ohh, I see it now. ^^;

      Cool. Did you make it?
    9. Vanitas
      Hi, you are not admin anymore, so you cannot ban me! ha! Can't touch this! lala! just kidding =D How are you?
    10. Styx
      I'm doing fine. My deepest flesh wounds are healing insanely fast; it amazed even my GP. I have KH 358/2 Days and a bunch of books and mags to prevent a bore-out so all's well.
      I get to a lot more convos on MSN than usual, people wondering how I am and all that. I tend to avoid the place when I'm in a not-so-talkative mood. Maybe that's why you haven't seen me around much. I'll probably be more active soon though.
    11. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      So you are Jesus huh. Proof it. Change my water into wine. Nao.
    12. Jayn
      No, my mom refuses to call the daycare owner. x x.
      Really? xD How was that?

      I'm alright, and yourself?
    13. Tahno
      I prefer to call this "Spying" Experimental Behaviour.
    14. keybladeofdarkness4
      I'll be on more often from now on, so prepare to see me more than before ^^

      You have a point, I'll let my uncle teach her, he taught Aiyame and she's one tough chick.
    15. Xaale
      Yaaaay :B

      *shares with you still* : D
    16. Fracture
      It was my birthday yesterday! :D
    17. Cia

      X3 omg ty. <333 :3 So are you.

      D: I dunno about my major yet.:huh: BUT! There are these workshops here that talk to you about helping you decide on what you want to do. c: And I signed up for one and it's in a few weeks. :/ So hopefully that'll help.

      :3 And I can't wait for you to become a famous archeologist. >x3 BONES.

      D: Complicated life? ): It could always be worse. You could be in africa, starving. Or in afghanistan being abdu-well you get it. D:

      <3 You'll get through it.
    18. Styx
      Been stirring trouble , have you? :p Nah, just kidding. I hope your issues with that member get resolved soon.
    19. RoxaSora2010
      Yeah I guess, I'm just bored and a bit tired, but the break really helped. XP And how about you?
    20. Enigmatic Boy
      Enigmatic Boy
      Hehehe, you don't seem to be that nerdy, but I'm sure you're smarter (and cooler) than most nerds. But then being smarter than a nerd...makes you...a nerd? o.O wtf talk about around in a circle lol.

      You hurt your neck? What, is it like, stiff and all? Try like a heat pack or something, it usually relaxes the musles, my parents do that when their necks are hurt too. But you prob know about the heat pack thing anyway. Ah what the hell anyway, by the time you read this your neck will prob be better anyway lol.

      Thanks for, well, worrying about my school anyway. :glomp:
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    November 27
    The Labyrinth
    Relentless fire

    Fairies and Unicorns



    But she wants to see colours and I showed her grey

    ~You Have No Power Over Me~