Falling Star
Last Activity:
Feb 2, 2019
Jul 21, 2007
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10:10 AM
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Mar 13, 1996 (Age: 28)
a place beyond your wildest imagination
sora fangirl!

Falling Star

Gummi Ship Junkie, 28, from a place beyond your wildest imagination

Falling Star was last seen:
Feb 2, 2019
    1. GREE06
      Videos that are of me and have lots of action and effects. Those can sometimes take a few weeks to perfect.
    2. Aura
      XDD I thought I already cleared this. I don't want to go because I don't like parties and I'm anti-social. And my friends that I'm always with aren't the party type either.
    3. Aura
      I have my reasons why I'm anti-social that I won't say.

      They won't go. I'm not going because they're not going but because I don't want to go. Either way, I'm most likely going because of my mom.
    4. Aura
      XD That's different. It's a lot more easier to talk to someone over the internet than irl. You're not face-to-face with that person and you're behind a computer screen monitor. And the friends I'm always with aren't going, at least I don't think they are. >->
    5. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      I'm fine FF your thing then lol
    6. GREE06
      Like the kh vid stuff and update vids dont take long but live action or really good vids take a while especially if I need to re-edit.
    7. In explicit Angst
      In explicit Angst
      I'm at middle school 8th grade, so I'm turning 14 tomorrow :0
    8. JapAnimeFanatic
      no, not really, or at least that's what I asume, I technically haven't started yet.

      my avvie?
    9. Aura
      Ftw = For the win.

      I don't like parties and I'm not a very sociable person. Plus, I don't even like dancing.
    10. Aura
      Anti-social ftw? I don't like parties. I don't even want to go to my prom but my mom's forcing me to go.
    11. Aura
      Nope. I don't plan on going either way.
    12. Aura
      I like it.
    13. Aura
      Thanks, I guess.

      I obviously didn't come up with the idea of skin. All I wanted was something darker and this one is just fine.
    14. In explicit Angst
      In explicit Angst
      O.o Really? What school are you in? Kindergarden?
      Just joking xD
    15. JapAnimeFanatic
      like, if you take an online school, you probably won't graduate so quickly, which that's what I'm taking

    16. GREE06
      A few took that long. Some took quite a while.
    17. Aura
      Yeah, well, you don't know me well enough. >->

      Identity Theft is the admin. RvR is what a few members call him. And yeah, it is.
    18. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      hello great name and the pics are soo cute
    19. GREE06
      It's depends. Sometimes a few weeks, but somtimes maybe just an hour.
    20. In explicit Angst
      In explicit Angst
      I live in Finland and we use cm/meters so I don't know how long that is >.<
      But trust me. I'm very, very short. 148cm actually.
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  • About

    Mar 13, 1996 (Age: 28)
    a place beyond your wildest imagination
    sora fangirl!
    funny, crazy

    I like playing KH and Final Fantasy- anything square enix

