Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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7:01 AM
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Awes... poor little Blancita...


      I still love you... even though you're albino...

      Its cool... see if you can write it out more...
    2. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      An English accent for spanish. Nothing wrong with that.
    3. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Well... practice makes perfect. Maybe you could try to type it out more...

      I speak a little spanish... maybe we could teach each other.
    4. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Well... I'm Mexican American... and I don't speak spanish.

      A guy problem?

      Do you want me to take him down?


      I am a Dark Knight you know...
    5. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      You don't speak spanish?

      I'm doing fantastic! I used to hate my job... now I love every minute of it... even though it still sucks. I finnaly just decided that I wasn't going to let the little things in life bother me...

      My life is still the same... but much more funner.
    6. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Good to know...

      Anything new? How's school been?
    7. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Erm...Happy late Halloween, yo! xD

      Oh, that would be funny. xD But the chances of that happening is still somehow slim...we'll see, you never know, you know? But here's hoping that you do get into your first choice of school. <3

      You shsould shop chewing on your nails then. Otherwise, it's going to be a pain to grow then later. I used to chew on them, and my nails were HORRIBLE, but I managed to stop somehow. lol. Coffe does make me sleepy. but without it, I just crash a little bit faster I I MUST have my dose in the morning, or you can find me snoozing in calss by 9. xD

      I don't think I gave you my email either. ^.^' heh...I'll PM it to you. LOL.

      I don't remember if I have your email.You're going to have to give it to me again haha I only log onto my email a few times a week but I eventually get on haha
    8. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia

      Don't forget about me!


      Bye Vvixian! Just dropping by!
    9. Asterisk
      Hey,sorry I can't post in Journey lately,I'm finishing up my Finals,I'll post asap.
    10. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      like what? I forget to do my hw and I get in trouble!
    11. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      you have got to be the very first person I know who doesnt forget things! I wish I never forgot things! Even after you sleep though, you still dont forget?
    12. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      how can you keep all of those ideas in your head without forgetting them?
    13. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      why, how long does it take you?
    14. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      wow!! why do you spend so much time on your stories?
    15. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      okay, I understand! :D Can I ask how long you think how long its going to be?
    16. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      yay! I cant wait to read it! can you give me a "small" sneak peek to it? lol...
    17. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Well, if you're heading to CSUN, I just might see you there. xD That is IF I'm accepted. Otherwise, it's San Diego State for me. o:

      There have been moments where I'd gotten so hungry that I actually ate paper. B| Yes...PAPER. xD And after eating, I usually get so flippin' hyper that it's crazy. I donno why, but lately, I get EXTREMELY sleepy after I have tea or coffee. xD You'd think that caffeine would make you wake up more, but the hot liquid actually makes me feel so relaxed, that I become even more drowsy. Unless of course, I take the pure caffeine those are different, and my gawd are they effective. >.< Not a good experience, when I had one shot too many...D:

      Oh, you have YIM!? Yes! That works. You can add MSN people to Yahoo. [Though I do have YIM myself, I actually go on it very rarely.] So I think if I gave you my MSN email, you can add me to Yahoo. :3 And then we can chat and shiz. Woot~
    18. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      aha! lol! How far are you into chapter 4?
    19. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      I really wish I was you! I cant get any sleep what-so-ever!
      And id have a awesome story telling mind! Oh, and id be able to listen to music, write stories, and watch tv all at the same time!!! :D
    20. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      let me guess... you didnt get caught? lol
      Where did you fall asleep at?
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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