Ah eff.
Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2014
Aug 10, 2009
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10:19 PM
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Plank Epoch.

Ah eff.

Traverse Town Homebody, Female, from Plank Epoch.

Ah eff. was last seen:
Aug 11, 2014
    1. Janime6

      Is that a good thing? c:

      *Is glomped* :'D

      Nah, I doubt it. :v

      That sounds fun. xD
    2. Aura
      I'm thinking on two people. And possibly two other people.
    3. Janime6
      I'm too nice. ;_;

      Yea, I have been for the past...4 years I think. That's why I have very few friends. :v

      Kid Buu is awesome. :3
    4. Aura
      Hm. We should try and get people from here, if possible. :/gasp:
    5. Janime6
      Heh, the only reason I let him borrow my iPod is because I couldn't say "No." ^^;

      I could if I wasn't as shy and quiet in school and stuff...


      DBZ is my favorite anime. :v

      I like Buu. >:
    6. Aura
      That plan = EPIC. >8DDDDDD
      I like it. We must now look for henchmen, yes?
    7. Janime6
      I-Is that a good thing? Because I'm not fierce at all. :3

      Yup. ::L: Thought of it in 8th grade, I'm in 10th now. My main name is Janime6, though.

      Eh...the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim ones. xDD

      DB/DBZ/DBGT (Not really CN)/Naruto (Yes...>.>)/Bleach/Death Note...mhm. :v
    8. Aura
      Care to explain then? We must come up with the greatest plan eva.

      *Goes off to see* XD
    9. Janime6
      Okay. Heh..:P

      I should get it back tomorrow..I BETTER. >:

      Jacob + Anime...xD

      I'm not even all into anime. :v
    10. Aura
      I like the rope and silly string. >> I'm not too sure about the sponge. :/gasp:

      8DD Alright. XDD *Waits...unless you posted it already* >>
    11. Janime6

      Okay. ::L:

      I let someone borrow mine. Someone snitched on him, apparently, and the teacher took it. ;_;

      Oh, okay. :3
    12. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      Hello Ah,eff.
      Thanks <33
      I Love yours to.
      So plain and smooth.
      I especially love your Background, right at the top corner, so many colors and things going on there.
      Also, your avy is just wicked.
    13. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Then you need to meet tougher people.

      Alrigh then, talk to you later!
    14. Janime6
      I'm sorry :c

      I'm fine, you?

      I thought it was Jayel. ::L:
    15. Spaze
      I sure would be frightened.

      So do I. :> It goes faster.

      Oh, that show is win. I haven't been watching the recent episodes though.
    16. Aura
      We must think of a plot and such to strike and defeat our enemy.

      You're pretty! DDD: I'm positive other people will think the same thing. :3 Do ittttt.
    17. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Good ^^

      Yeah, It's pretty fun.
      And the class hours are flexible
      In fact, I'm heading to my two classes in a few minutes
    18. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Ah please, Ah, eff, don't punish me!!!!

      it's only a 45 minute drive T.T
      but I don't have a working car and my mom doesn't like driving the interstate, so I'm pretty free from her for a few weeks at a time lol
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Punish me?
      I'm so scared.

      I'm a freshman in college.
    20. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Uh yes!
      Well, more like I haven't had a chance to misbehave xD

      Close. I'll be 18 in a little less than a month
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