Kaidron Blaze
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2018
Jun 22, 2009
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May 7, 1993 (Age: 31)
The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
DON'T HAVE ONE yet....

Kaidron Blaze

Kingdom Keeper, Male, 31, from The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...

Kaidron Blaze was last seen:
Apr 20, 2018
    1. 007
      i guess
    2. Xyam>
      you live sorta near me then and ur right it does look like a witch ridng a pig!
    3. rhaxama
      thanks your avvatar is awesome
    4. P
      Neon Genesis Evangelion OST 2 The Beast II
    5. Repliku
      Thanks. xD
    6. Ultima Queen of Hearts
      Ultima Queen of Hearts
      TY 4 the invite! ^^
    7. tSG1
    8. rhaxama
      for a while u
    9. AxelRedHot
      You mean my avatar or profile pic? Thanks though. :=D:
    10. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Tell me about it then, I am oh so bored at school. lol
    11. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      No I meant WHEN I see something amazing I believe in it.
      With the ghost thing, on my b-day I was pretty sure I saw one in the other room. I was just chillin with a friend (everybody else had left) and I looked at my door for a moment (my door has see-through glass in it) and I saw like a floating white, vague thing, I think it was a head or something, floating very slow from the left to the right, like it was walking past my door or something. I was freaked out and it was spooky. lol That only happened one time though.
    12. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Yup. Never believed in anything actually. Only in ghosts, well not ghosts, but more like spirits you know the kind. lol Although all the unknown fascinates me and witchcraft and all that, I never actually believed in it untill I actually see something amazing.
    13. Ultima Queen of Hearts
      Ultima Queen of Hearts
      lol it's ok I wont say it the best group ever!
    14. 007
      whatevz...my computer IS 4 years old
    15. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Yeah, I know what aura is lol. I don't really believe in it though. But the things happening to me sometimes (not that often though) I think are strange indeed, but are just coincidence.
    16. Fairyharp
      i found it on photobucket
    17. 007
      because Windows is giving me problems
    18. WolfieJoe
      ROAR!!! am loving the profile mate is well cool, Soz if i sound a bit weird lol am in a weird mood at the mo lols ^_^
    19. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Ehm.. Well, yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine on school, when I saw somebody pass by. I did not see my friend looking at him too, but then some words popped up in my mind (about that person, not really important what though lol) and I just said the words. At the exact same time my friend said the exact same words on the exact same time. It was quite funny.
      One time I sat at home, getting ready to go and get some fastfood. When I stepped on my bike, the image of some guy lying on the floor with a red shirt popped into my head. When I got there, the place was crowded with police, and I heared some guy had collapsed in the fastfood place I wanted to go. When the ambulance persons put him in the car, it was a guy with a red shirt. lol
    20. Xyam>
      i liveon sheffield and i have to go to my next lesson now bye.
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  • About

    May 7, 1993 (Age: 31)
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    DON'T HAVE ONE yet....
    Past Usernames:
    Docyx no15
    Hi ^.=.^
    My name is Kaidron Blaze long time kingdom hearts fan and real life Shaman. I am currently working of a portfolio to be an art student (mature student of course) in the near future and thus I have a flare for art work.
    I am also a furry which is the direction my art work normally heads, that and of course the awesomeness of Kingdom Hearts.
    I may also be starting my roleplay threads like I did in the past so look out for them.

