Vladimir Makarov
Last Activity:
Nov 15, 2024
Mar 15, 2009
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Local Time:
8:15 PM
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November 1

Vladimir Makarov

Gummi Ship Junkie, Male

Vladimir Makarov was last seen:
Nov 15, 2024
    1. cstar
      Xazek: it's always the one who does the dirty work..
      Mixya: Hey! I'm not the one who poisoned that king that was great!
      Xazek: *sighs*
      Me: I need a recap for the children of Org. 13 Rp..
    2. cstar
      Ryxan: *pleading* PLEASE DON'T!! PLEASE!
      Mixya: *stays still for a second then slashes him and he fades off then her eyes turn back to normal and she goes back into her form in the COO13 rp.
      Xazek: *eating popcorn and gives a thumbs up*
      Mixya: thanks sis.
      Xazek: don't mention it!
    3. cstar
      Zxach: *stays quiet then instantly passes out*
      Mixya: *summons out a gun and shoots Ryxan*
      Ryxan: *instantly summons out keyblade and deflects it* nice try..
      Mixya: *stands up and flashes arms to her sides and is dressed up like an assassin and summons out a huge sword black, blue, gold, and green and holds it up to his neck* you know.. in that assassin Rp.. loving you was the only think that kept me from completing my mission
      Ryxan: *laughs nervously and runs off*
      Mixya: *instantly pops up in front of Ryxan holding his head with a sword up to his neck*
      Ryxan: *crying* PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!
      Mixya: *eyes turn black like in other RP* oh really now why would I do that?
    4. cstar
      Me: well.. I have been on this site longer then you.. and I started RPing in January after I finally got out of the video editing section so..
      Zxach: *thinks to herself* Oh god not another one..
      Mixya: *hugs him back*
      Ryxan: I still think Mixan is better!
      Me: SHUT THE **** UP!
    5. cstar
      Mixya: *walks out crying holding her throat*
      Xazek: and in the assassin Rp Mixya is my sister..
      Surox: Seriously?
      Zxach: *eyes widen* uh..
      Me: damn it shawn.. your going a little instantly with this..
      Ximyu: *starts singing* HOLD UP! WAIT A MINUTE! PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN IT!
      Mixya: *face palms*
      Me: How many Nobody Rp people do you have? cause I'm only using the ones I can remember off the top of my head..
    6. cstar
      Surox: *looks over at Xazek* what RP are you in?
      Xazek: the same Rp Yami is still in..
      Surox: ah.. your someone has twins that are fighting now..
      Xazek: yup!
      Mixya: *runs into the bathroom and painful sounds of throwing up some out of the room* OH GOD THAT WAS BLOOD!!
    7. cstar
      Surox: YOU BETTER HOPE NOT! although she never gave me connections to her mom..
      Xazek: DUDE!
      Surox: what? Axel had a good deal.. I wanted to ask her if she had and apprentices.
      Xazek: oh god..
    8. cstar
      Xazek: *raises eyebrow* they have lost it..
      Mixya: *wakes up and whispers softly* she's like her mom.. which is sad..
    9. cstar
      Xazek: *looks over at the 2* damn it! I just watched the top 30 countdown on MTV! you have been making out for 3 hours!
      Ximyu: *on the ground* 3 and a half... they started making out a half hour before you turned on the T.v..
      Xazek: *starts attempting to pull Zxach away*
      Zxach: *gorans high pitched*
      Xazek: *jumped up and backs away* that voice was HIGH!
    10. cstar
      Everyone except for Me, Zxach, and Xazek: *passes out at the exact same time*
      Xazek: *bored then turns on t.v*
      Me: *jumps on couch next to her*
    11. cstar
      Shixoh: *watching them make out*
      Xazek: this is rather entertaining.. I love life!
      Kymaxri: *sitting right next to the 2 making out* **** my life..
      Me: *walks in* I updated Mixya's story!
      Everyone who is awake except for Afexel and Zxach: YAY!
    12. cstar
      Surox: *walks in.. sees everyone. walks back out*
      Afexel: *yawns* I'm going to bed.. *goes upstairs*
      Ximyu: *passed out on the ground*
      Shixoh: *sitting still bored*
    13. cstar
      Zxach: *eyes lower in disbelief* fine..
      Mixya: *falls down onto the ground and falls asleep*
      Afexel: *disgusted* your supposed to spit it out first!
      Horexo: you never gave me the chance it was instant!
    14. cstar
      Mixya: *breathing heavily* I'm fine.
      Afexel: *breaks out of making out coughing and spits out gum* ew..
      Horexo: *grabs the gum* sorry that's mine..
    15. cstar
      Zxach: *instantly presses number then instantly coughs and drops the phone and it falls to the ground breaking* nuuuu! I don't remember her number that's why it was on speed dial!
      Mixya: *instantly throws up beer*
      Shixoh: *beer flies into her face* ew!!!!!
      Xazek: that is nasty!
    16. cstar
      Zxach: *pulls out cell phone* okay I'll tell that to scarlet she's on speed dial..
      Mixya: *turns blue and falls to the floor*
      Afexel: *still making out with Horexo*
      Genxo: *laughs* Mixya is choking!
      Shixoh: *eyes widen*
      Surox: it took a 3 year old to get you guys to realize.
    17. cstar
      Zxach: *looks over at Phenox* aren't you married Mansex version 2?
      Mixya: *starts choking on beer*
      Afexel: um.. guys..
      Ximyu: *jumping up and down* oh mom! that looks like a fun game!
      Afexel: um....
      Shixoh: Mixya.. are you tuning into a Mime?
      Horexo: Is something troubling you?
      Afexel: *stays still* uh..
      Horexo: your just freaking out don't worry it will end eventu..
      Afexel: *instantly starts making out with Horexo*
      Surox: um..
      Zxach: hey don't look at me that way! I'm not her parent in that Rp..
    18. GREE06
      I'm going to Universal for the second time.
    19. cstar
      Me: *walks away from everyone*
      Zxach: *stands up* alright.. I need a boyfriend..
      Shixoh: I thought you and Surox were married..
      Zxach: we've been divorced for 10 years!
      Shixoh: oh...
      Shaix: *walks in the door with a suitcase* I'm Back from vacation!
      Xazek: oh joy..
      Shixoh: how was it?
      Shaix: I don't know.. Russia isn't as interesting as I thought..
      Rentuox: *walks in with 3 year old on his shoulders*
      Genxo: weeeeee! *giggles*
      Mixya: yes.. but for a honeymoon?
      Surox: *walks up stairs* it's not as bad as me and Zxach's honey moon.
      Zxach: Joyville, Tennessee. It was depressing..
    20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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