water mage
Last Activity:
Nov 29, 2010
Feb 4, 2008
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Home Page:
My own world free to do as I wish
Heart taker/Fighter? Ruled by a tyrant, known as X

water mage

Kingdom Keeper, from My own world free to do as I wish

water mage was last seen:
Nov 29, 2010
    1. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      Ignore what I said. Something happened and I took it out on you..
    2. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      I’d just like to make clear how downright irritating it is to have you assume that Larxene ‘hurt’ Demyx. I’m not going to make a scene over this, but if you can point out the exact moment when I described her grip as either ‘crushing’, ‘hard’, or something along those lines, then I’ll take this back and accept that my description was wrong. If you look up the word ‘firm’ in the dictionary, it describes it as ‘fixed securely and unlikely to give way’ and ‘showing certainty or determination’. Not causing harm or hurt.
    3. Dexnail
      cool thankiez water :3, i swear it seems like im the only one that roleplays as luxord on this site
    4. Dexnail
      sorry about that ill delet my unneeded post and i think i alread responded, so can i have an recap for the pride rp
    5. Magick
      :glomp: Okay 8D
    6. Magick
      I'm sorry, is there anything i can do to help?
    7. Magick
      Hm...that kinda ties my hands, and I don't much care for it XD

      I'm having issues myself, so no worries, it's going to suck for a bit.
    8. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      Family gathering today, it involves music, dancing, alcohol and a barbeque.
      Due to this I'm unsure whether I'll be online tonight. Heck, I'm not sure about yourself either. You're busy and such, so I guess I might see you soon, it all depends on the tiredness and intoxication the ensues.
    9. Legion
      hey there wmage
    10. Vladimir Makarov
    11. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      I replied to Pride.
      It was a bit longer than expected, but okay I suppose. We need to get it moving !
    12. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      See ya later dems. Enjoy yourselves!
    13. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      Awesome stuff,
      Insanely jealous of the one who plays Larxene. Give her a hug for being awesome. As for your Xemnas friend... eh, hug them if you want. Just don't apply as much effort.
      And yes, once I finish my English and Art things I'll check out your vids.
      I'm also replying to Pride now; thankyou for waiting, I didn't expect that.
    14. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      *head hits the desk*
      Why do you have to make **** so complicated!? -_- I could kill you most days, and pity you on others.
      ..Are your friends annoying? If so, hit them for me. If not, say hello. <3
    15. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      :b thank you

    16. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      so you're online
      but you aren't on msn.

      Yeah, because that makes sense.
    17. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      that'll be afternoon my time then.
      Enjoy yourself and all that.
    18. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Thanks :b though I don't know if you were being serious or not.
    19. Legion
      I'm sorry to hear that wmage.
    20. Legion
      well well
      what do we have here?
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  • About

    Home Page:
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Heart taker/Fighter? Ruled by a tyrant, known as X
    I'm very friendly and enjoy helping others out. I don't take hearts unless I have no choice. *LOL*

    I enjoy music, anything to do with the arts and going out of my way to help other people.


    Demyx the Melodious Nocturne
    Number IX of Organization XIII