Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
Collecting my money, now pay up!


NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Spaze
      I noticed you stopped posting as much as you used to...

      Annoyed with roleplaying here?
    2. Ravenyuki
      hey dude! what's up?
    3. Ravenyuki
      I apologize if I freaked you out or offended you by what I said. I was just being friendly. It's okay if you don't want to call me.
    4. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      I think the scene were Yoda fights Dooku is off the wall. I love it. And I range from disliking Padme to loving her guts.
    5. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      Imma more of a Anakin fan. And Han Solo, who is just bad ass.
      On a side note, no turning to the Dark Side to defeat your enemies. Even if they are ******bags.
    6. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      I love Obi-Wan, 'specially from the prequels. I mean, did you see his hair in episode one? Jabba the Hutt is mah pimp. Fersrs. And Luke is a pussy.
    7. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      Lies. The children are always watching. o_o
      Awww. Curbstomp dem *****es to the floor. Problem solved. I just realized your a Star Wars fan. Dude, Obi-Wan all the way, bby.
    8. *TwilightNight*

      What's this about? Something went on, I'm guessing.
    9. Jiηx
      I strive to confuse.
    10. Jiηx
      The grade store is there to make a new game harder/easier etc. and there's side missions etc to be done if you dont do it all in one go.
    11. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      I'm tempted to write back something completely innapropriate, but there are children on this sight. XD
      Life is good. Yourself?
    12. Styx
      Yep. That it does.
    13. Jiηx
      Lol for the time being no xD I love it soo much, I'd marry it.
    14. Ravenyuki
      Maybe the 8th or 9th.
    15. Ravenyuki
      I start in September too. wow.
    16. Ravenyuki
      oh. okay. Did school start where you live already?
    17. Ravenyuki
      Oops...heh, heh...Well, at least you're learning. I haven't done that yet.
    18. Ravenyuki
      Hi asterisk!!!!
    19. fire mage
      fire mage
      I see your point. Here is an idea.......I guess I will control them and then kill them off after they fight Axel. Kind of cheap, but I guess it is better than having them commit suicide. Axel will get hurt, I don't believe in having a character win an flawless fight. Then once the hearts gets taken they can be nobodies that way, if you do decide to come back sometime, you can have them with more powers. I am really sorry to hear that you are leaving this rpg.

      I talked to watermage and she said she didn't kick you out of Life to Lead. I don't know what the whole thing was about, but she said that you left on your own. She said the reason why confronted Nero was because her characters heard gun shots and wanted to know what the commotion would be. She will have to explain more to you tomorrow some time. She stresses with the OCC thing without posting in character especially because she feels that rule is being broken.

      Well I am heading off to bed. Talk to ya later. Night.
    20. fire mage
      fire mage
      I guess I can do that, but I have no idea where the Turks are at the moment. Nero I think you should still control and you can set him to fail if you are indeed out.
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  • About

    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

