Rofl, Axel had your heart, eh? I don't think it was that bad, it just looks strange for some reason. Oh I had no idea when you could change it. I'm not sure if I should change mine... & if I did then what could I possibly change it to? ZOMG Kytes! Aw.<3
I thought there was only one of me. D: Damn, I knew I shouldn't have trusted those aliens. They only said they'd clone me.
Yeah if mine were to be KH related it would have been something like, Riku is uber yummy. I didn't do something like that because someone had told me forums don't prohibit punctuation and junk. Was your name always Kites?
Haha you shall now be R A I N B OW ;D Exactly. When I made the account I was sure that it was going to be all about the KH and that I wouldn't be on very much at all. Then everyone turned out to be so cool.
Lol find a good one. This is a special moment, homeskillet. I do? That makes me happy, but it's probably because the site is getting pretty addicting C: