aww people just cant take a joke is all, that thread was the product of a tired scots, cheerful black man and aggrivated hispanic boy, just goes to show you, greatness hides everywhere.
hmm, well I have to copy yours a bit but I like Lost!, Life In Technicolor II, Clocks, Don't Panic, Viva la Viva, Fix You and The Scientist.
O lawd i had such fun with that rissy is cupcake thread, most entertaining khv night in ages for me, and i should know, i've been to all the nights.
I should. :c I'm sorry but I didn't understand that sentence much. Dx You mind if I add you on MSN? c:
All I do all day is stay on the computer until it stops responding, manually turn it off, turn it back on, and continue day until bed. Oh and sometimes my friend comes over, or I go to my grandma's house. :v My summer is extravagant. xD I'm not usually tired, I just stay up to about 2:30 AM. :v
Your throne shall be higher than space! >3 Yikes, something happened at night? FUUU- Dammit. College level? Now the bad part of school begins ;~; Thanks. Hopefully you can get through yours without dyin- *Dead*