Last Activity:
Feb 6, 2012
Dec 7, 2008
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Dec 9, 1991 (Age: 33)
castle oblivion forgetting everything
none but hopefully a chef when i get older


Twilight Town Denizen, 33, from castle oblivion forgetting everything

Dexnail was last seen:
Feb 6, 2012
    1. Shadow_Rocks
      I dunno.....I got 2 dogs at my house .-.
    2. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      VM 2
      the music starts playing as the material in the air accumulates in his hands and forms a blade. "now why would i tell you that?" the battle starts.

      Erix is realitivly easy, dealing minor, slow strikes. but once his health is depleted to 6, the strange material appears in the air. black needles fire at Sora and Erix clones attack. once his health is depleted to 4, Erix vanishes and reappears randomly, dealing a flurry of quick and powerful strikes at Sora.

      i probably need two more VMs for Erix.
    3. Shadow_Rocks
      ^ ^ I like it ............
    4. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      i'll have to give you the Phenox and Erix battles in seperate vms.

      Boss name- Erix
      Health bars- 8
      Music- The Thirteenth Dilemma
      blonde, spiked hair and violet eyes.

      In the organization castle, Sora enters a large room. a man appears behind Sora. he turns around to see Erix. "hey! who are you?" Sora demanded.
      Erix stays quiet for a moment before putting his hood down. "my name is Erix" he says.
      Sora frowns. "well, Erix tell me where Kairi is!"
      Erix chuckles as a strange material floats in the air.
    5. Shadow_Rocks
      Okay nyah ^ ^
    6. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      i know the feeling. xD i tried to do a Phenox story once.
    7. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      or i could use my RPP. xD lol
      soooo... how's the story coming along?
    8. Shadow_Rocks
      nothin much .-. my lil brother is just watching The Cat in The Hat over and over again
    9. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      he constantly abuses me verbaly, calling me gay, ******ed, stupid, b!tch, worthless, nothing, etc.
      wow.... he outranks ass status. xD
    10. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      i am kinda dorky... according to my bro who is a total ass. xD
    11. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      xD i'm cool like that... nah. i'm not cool.
    12. Dexnail
      well this sucks i gave you one sad story now i got two back T^T well in not tired :P
    13. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      T^T i actually cried... or i'm tired and my eyes are watering. xD

      Phenox End Scene

      Phenox fell to his knees and dropped his blade. "hehehe... fast attack... didn't see that coming..." his body slowly faded as Phenox spoke his last words. "see you in hell..." his body faded away.

      Erix End Scene

      Erix stumbled backwards as Sora struck the final blow. "you think this is the end?" his body started fading. "if so... you are wrong... it's far from over..." his body faded completely.
    14. Haiena.Koinu
      Good question! lol or maybe he will fight himself over it ^^; heh
    15. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      hehe... cool. ^_^

      Phenox Lines

      beginning line-kay... let's start.
      -ow... that kinda hurt...
      ending line- it's.... not... over....

      Erix Lines

      beginning line- such an idiot...
      -HAHAHAHA!!! (insane laugh)
      -now you've done it...
      ending line- AH NO!!!
    16. Haiena.Koinu
      I guess so, well Zetsu has gotta eat you know! =P
    17. Haiena.Koinu
      Really? Okay, lol XD
    18. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      yup. ^_^ i think he'd be a hard boss. what do you think about Phenox or Erix being a boss? ^_^
    19. Haiena.Koinu
      Can't help but to notice you make the smiley face a lot heh... I posted already so yeah, I will watch though just encase more people post.
    20. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      that'd be interesting. xD
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  • About

    Dec 9, 1991 (Age: 33)
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    none but hopefully a chef when i get older
    im a great guy. im funny,im nice,and can be smart(when i want to :) ),and i can b a goof ball

    hanging out with friends,walking outside,and relaxing

